Jan. 4-10, 2024

I Can statements/Learning Targets/Agenda: (not necessarily in this order)

As needed/As time allows:

Welcome back to school!!!!!  

Happy New Year!!!!!   :D 

While we were out for the holiday break, the year changed from 2023 to 2024.  December 31, 2023 is called New Year's Eve.  At midnight on January 1, the year changed to 2024 and the day is called New Year's Day.   Many families will celebrate at the midnight hour by blowing horns, having a party, or lighting sparklers.  On New Year's Day, people also make New Year's Resolutions and eat special foods.  Resolutions are promises to themselves of things they want to do to improve themselves or to help others.  The special foods that people eat are thought to bring good luck, health, and wealth in the new year.

Review school & library rules, procedures, expectations and STRIPES:

week 01 - Library rules and orientation, 2021-2022.ppt
2023-2024 Dress Code.docx

In this week's story, Squirrel wants to make a New Year's resolution, but has a difficult time thinking of one.  Listen to the story below by clicking on the link to see what his resolution is at the end of the story.  After you take your quiz, make YOUR New Year's Resolutions!  It is fun to set goals for yourself and work towards them to improve yourself!    :)   

K - 3

AR Quiz: 138947

BL 2.7


AR Quiz: 


BL: 4.4

Selfie Word Cloud - Goals for 2024

Lesson Resources (only visible to Ms. Wall):

Lesson Plan:

Jan. 4-10, 2024 lesson plan
HappyNewYear yearless and 2022GoalsandHighlightsFineMotorWritingActivity-1.pdf