Jan. 23, 2024

Learning Targets/Agenda: (not necessarily in this order)

Students will listen learn about snowflakes and/or Snowflake Bentley.

Students will answer questions about the story.

Students will read/preview books at their table.

Brain Breaks (as needed): movement activities 

Ms. Scott's 5th grade class, 8:30 - 9:30

Note to Sub: Collect any books that students bring in and place them in the red milk crate.  I will check them in when I return.  After students are seated, show the following videos/resources in the order they are listed below; steps 1 - 6.  Please be sure to enlarge them to make them full screen.  Push the "Esc" button on the top left corner of the keyboard to exit out of full screen mode at the end of each video so that you may see the next video in the list to show students.

1. The science behind snowflakes for older students:

3. Read Aloud: Snowflake Bentley

4. After the read aloud, students may select a book to read at their table.  When they are done with the book, they should place it back in the center of the table and select another book to read.

5. While students are reading, you may play this video which shows some of Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley's snowflake photographs.  You may turn the volume down low or mute it at your discretion.

6. At about 9:25, begin having students stack the books at their table into 2 or 3 stacks.  When they have done this, have them push their chairs under the table and you may call them one table at a time to line up on the black dots.  They can not leave until their teacher is at the door and you dismiss them.

Mrs. Shavers' 3rd grade class, 9:35 - 10:35 (but they may get picked up early since they have a test in their classroom beginning at 10:30)

Note to Sub: Collect any books that students bring in and place them in the red milk crate.  I will check them in when I return.  After students are seated, show the following videos in the order they are listed; steps 1 - 6.  Please be sure to enlarge them to make them full screen.  Push the "Esc" button on the top left corner of the keyboard to exit out of full screen mode at the end of each video so that you may see the next video in the list to show students.

1. The science behind snowflakes for younger students:

2. Snow Day read alouds:

(Select from these four read aloud videos below OR show them all.  I am including a few short stories since this class may or may not be in the library for the full hour.) There is also a brain break below that you may choose to show after 1 or 2 videos if students are getting restless.

(3.) OPTIONAL: Snow-themed Brain Break:

Note to Sub: IF students need a break from sitting,  you may show the brain break video to the right.  If you do this, have students stand, push their chair up, AND STAND BY THEIR CHAIR to do the directed movements.  Afterwards, they sit back down.   You may skip this video if you want .

4. After the read aloud(s) (and brain break if you choose to do it), students may select a book to read at their table.  When they are done with the book, they should place it back in the center of the table and select another book to read.

5. While students are reading, you may play this video which shows closeup images of snowflakes.  You may turn the volume down low or mute it at your discretion.

6. At about 10:20 (or earlier if Mrs. Shavers is planning to pick them up early), begin having students stack the books at their table into 2 or 3 stacks.  When they have done this, have them push their chairs under the table and you may call them one table at a time to line up on the black dots.  They can not leave until their teacher is at the door and you dismiss them.

You are done covering my classes!  Please be sure to turn the display board off using the power button in the bottom right hand corner of the frame (shown in the diamond shape in the image below).  You can leave the computer on (shown with the arrow pointing to it in the image below).

Thank you so much!  😃

Snow coloring and handwriting

Lesson Plan:

Jan. 22-26, 2024 lesson plan