Jan. 22-26, 2024

Learning Targets/Agenda: (not necessarily in this order)

Students will read/preview books at their table or on MyON or  Epic.

Students will check out a book.

Students will listen learn about snowflakes and/or Snowflake Bentley.

Students will answer questions about the story.

Students will take an Accelerated Reader quiz for the story OR complete an activity on the story.

Brain Breaks (as needed): movement activities 

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a social activist and Baptist minister who was one of the most prominent leaders in the American Civil Rights Movement.  He was also the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Monday, January 15th is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  We will be out of school to celebrate Dr. King's birthday and to serve our community.  Dr. King's birthday is also on January 15th.  It is always celebrated on the third Monday of January.  

He was born January 15, 1929, and was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968 at the age of 39.  If he were still alive today, he would be turning 95 years old on January 15th.

Below are several books and resources to learn more about him.  Read a book or two and learn about this important man and this special holiday that honors his work for civil rights and equality!


BL: 4.9

3rd - 6th Grade students, click on the book cover to the left.  It will take you to YouTube where you can read the book.  Then, come back to this page and click on the quiz number above to take the AR quiz.

K - 2 Click on the book cover to the left.  It will take you to YouTube where you can read the book.  Then, come back to this page and click on the quiz number above to take the AR quiz.

3:40; BL 1.8

4:14; BL 1.9

3:28; BL 2.5

approx. 3:30; BL 3.0

3:46; no AR quiz

5:15; no AR quiz

5:10; no AR quiz

Below are some additional resources to watch and learn about snowflakes and Snowflake Bentley.  After you click the play button in the center of one of the video thumbnails below, be sure to hover over the bottom right corner and click on the square shape to make the video full screen.  :)  Enjoy!

slideshow of snowflake pictures with background music

longer slideshow of snowflake pictures with background music

Snow-themed Brain Breaks:

Lesson Plan:

Jan. 22-26, 2024 lesson plan
Snow coloring and handwriting