Feb. 15, 2024

*All Substitute notes will be in this color.* 

For my Thursday, February 15th substitute, please look down the entire length of this webpage to get a feel for what's here BEFORE classes come.  

In each section, please play each video/show each resource in the order shown below.   You may ask students questions or discuss what they saw as you see fit.  The resources near the top of the page will be used for both Mr. Grant's 8:30-9:30 5th grade class & Mrs. Yu's 9:35-10:35 4th grade class.  The resources near the bottom of the page will be used with Mrs. Diggins' 1st grade class. 

Students should enter the library quietly and go to their assigned seat. (Please check the seating charts and put a checkmark by each student that is present.)  IF a student brings in a library book with them, have them place it in the red milk crate.  I will check them in when I return.  After you have verified that students are in their seats, you may begin.

Learning Targets/Agenda: (not necessarily in this order)

Students will listen to a book/lesson.

Students will answer questions about the book/lesson.

Students will take an Accelerated Reader quiz for the story OR complete an activity related to the story.

Students will read books at their table, on Epic!, or on MyOn.

Morning classes resources     

(Grant @ 8:30-9:30    &    Yu @ 9:35-10:35)

(Afternoon class resources are near the bottom of the page.)

REMINDER TO STUDENTS: You should NOT be on your Chromebook during the lesson! You will use them for the quiz AFTER the story and then during your independent activity.... just like we always do.  Thank you!  😉

This week we will learn about Jackie Robinson, the first African American baseball player in Major League Baseball who broke other color barriers as well.

Born: January 31, 1919

Died: October 24, 1972   (53 years old, heart attack from effects of heart disease & diabetes)

Awards: six-time All-Star, National League MVP, Rookie of the Year, inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame

Introduction:  Images & Video     

(Please show the images (some have captions) and then play the video on full screen mode, then press Esc to return to this page.)

Robinson & King being awarded honorary doctorates of law at Howard University's commencement ceremony in June 1957. 

Can you guess what event Jackie Robinson is attending?

Hint:  Look at the background.

Jackie Robinson The First African American to Play in the MLB.mp4

4:15 - Please show students this video as an introduction to Jackie Robinson.

3:37 - Play this one only if the video to the left won't open.

Students: Read these questions.  You will  need to listen for the answers to these questions during the story that you will watch next:   (Please allow students to see these questions before they watch the story. They will not know the answers yet, but it will help them to know what to listen for.)

1. How did Jack's mother react to the Robinsons' white neighbors' petition?

2. Why did Jack leave college without graduating and look to get a job?

3. In the army, why did Jack try to join the Fort Riley baseball team?

4. When Jack took the stand to defend himself, what 3 things did he describe?

5. How did Jackie break the color line and make history on April 15, 1947

Next, students will listen to the story below, The United States v. Jackie Robinson, which tells about some of his experiences leading up to his time on the Brooklyn Dodgers.

(Please play the video in full screen mode.  Press Esc (escape) to return to this page when the story is over.)

Students should be able to verbally answer these questions after listening to the story:   (Show each question below & let students raise their hand to give their answer.  I have left the answers for you in the sub folder.)

After listening to the story above, and reviewing the AR quiz questions, students should take the AR quiz on their Chromebooks.

Students: open your Chromebook, and log on to Renaissance through Clever or the Scholars page.

Then, click on Accelerated Reader (the little orange book):


The Accelerated Reader quiz number is: 

BL: 4.9 


Students' Independent Activity 

AFTER you take the Accelerated Reader quiz, you may:

Read books at your table (and take AR quizzes on them if you finish them)

Read books on Epic! (Classroom code is wiv5913; some have AR quizzes on Renaissance)

Read books on MyON (and take AR quizzes on them if you finish them)

Work on LexiaCore

Work on Prodigy  

Work on NitroType

You MAY NOT talk, walk, or play!

Thank you!  :) 

Substitute: About 3-5 minutes before their class time is up, please have students stack the books at their table into 2 or 3 stacks. Then scroll down to show the dismissal image below as you call tables of students to line up at the exit door (double doors).  Each student should be standing on a black dot (for personal space). NO student should have a library book in their hands.  After they leave, scroll back to the top of this page to repeat all for Mrs. Yu's class (9:35-10:35).

Afternoon class resources     

(Diggins - 1st grade @ 1:40-2:40)

(Morning class resources are near the top of the page.)

This week we will learn about Jackie Robinson, the first African American baseball player in Major League Baseball who broke other color barriers as well.

Born: January 31, 1919

Died: October 24, 1972   (53 years old, heart attack from effects of heart disease & diabetes)

Awards: six-time All-Star, National League MVP, Rookie of the Year, inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame

Introduction:  Images & Video     

(Please show the images (some have captions) and then play the video on full screen mode, then press Esc to return to this page.)

Next, students will listen to a story below.  (either/or OR both videos, your choice)

(Please play the video in full screen mode.  Press Esc (escape) to return to this page when the story is over.)

OPTIONAL: IF students need a break to stand & move, you may play this video.  Students should push their chair up to the table, STAND BY THEIR CHAIR, and do the movements as directed in the video.

2 minute, 12 second video if students would like to see some of Jackie Robinson's game footage.

You can play this while students are working on the activity below.

Jackie Robinson mini poster

Students can each get a Jackie Robinson mini-poster (shown above) to color while they are in library.  There are enough crayon baskets to have one for each table.  (You may move students as needed.  It really works best when only 2 students at a table are sharing a basket.)   

Also, please remind them that they should only have one crayon in their hand at a time, and when they're done with it, it goes back in the basket... not laid on the table.  (They roll off and get on the floor.)

By 2:40-2:45ish, the intercom will start coming on.  You probably don't want to be playing any video by this point, because you & the students will need to listen for any of their names being called for early checkout.  Since coloring is a quiet activity, students should continue to work on their mini-poster until they finish OR until they leave.  Please let them take their paper with them.  If a student finishes early, they may read books at their table.   

*****Please do not let them read AND color at the same time, though. ***** 

Thank you!

About 3-5 minutes before their class time is up, please have students stack the books at their table into 2 or 3 stacks, make sure all crayons are back in their basket, stand up, push their chairs up, and wait as you call tables of students to line up at the exit door (double doors).   Students should line up on the black dots while they wait for their teacher.  NO student should have a library book in their hands.

Thank you so much for covering for me!   😃

Please turn the power off on the interactive whiteboard at the end of the day.  

The computer is fine; it will time itself out.