Oct. 2, 2023

I Can statements/Learning Targets/Agenda: (not necessarily in this order)

I can read/preview books at my table or on Epic.

I can listen to a book/lesson.

I can answer questions about the book/lesson.

I can take an Accelerated Reader quiz on the story OR complete an activity on the lesson.

Brain Breaks (as needed): I can move as directed. 

1. I.S.1 Interact with content presented by others. (share knowledge & ideas with others through discussion & listening; recognize that people have different opinions)

1. I.G.1 Continually seek knowledge. (read regularly for personal enjoyment & growth; actively participate in reading and learning communities)

2. IN.T.2 Adopt a discerning stance toward points of view and opinions expressed in information resources and learning products. (fact vs. opinion, author's opinion/perspective)

5. E.T.1 Read widely and deeply in multiple formats and write and create for a variety of purposes. (routinely select picture, fiction & information books; explore new genres; recognize that different genres require different reading, listening, or viewing strategies; make connections between literature & personal experiences; select books at the appropriate reading level, to be read aloud, or challenging books for browsing & enjoyment; read, listen to, and view a range of resources for a variety of purposes)

Zoom In activity - Making Inferences 

(Fundamental Expectations & Collaborative Communication & Comprehension & Interventions for Comprehension)

What do you see or notice?

What is your hypothesis or prediction of what this might be about based on what you see?


What new things do you see?

How does this change your hypothesis about what is going on in the picture?


How does this change your hypothesis about what is going on in the picture?


What new things are you wondering about?


Building Background Knowledge  

(Fundamental Expectations & Comprehension)

Bass Reeves,  July 1838  -  January 12, 1910

Bass would be 185 if he were still alive.  

He died of Bright's disease when he was 71 years old.

Birth - before becoming a Deputy U.S. Marshall in 1875 (about 37 years old):  Bass was born into slavery in Arkansas (Crawford County), but grew up in Texas.  He was named after his grandfather, Bass Washington.  Reeves and his family were owned by Arkansas state legislator William Steele Reeves, but was sent to Williams' son, George Reeves when Bass was 8 years old.  When the Civil War began and George joined the Confederate Army, he forced Bass to go with him.  During the Civil War, Bass escaped and gained his freedom.  

Bass Reeves, a Deputy U.S. Marshal in Judge Isaac Parker’s court in Fort Smith (Sebastian County) and one of the most respected lawmen in Indian Territory. 

Image Source: https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/media/bass-reeves-6065/

Bass Reeves & his first wife, Jennie Haynes Reeves, circa 1865 

(the same year the Civil War ended & the year the 13th Amendment abolished slavery - June 19, 1865, the last enslaved Americans in Galveston, TX received word that they were free.)

Bass Reeves Legacy Monument at Ross Pendergraft Park at Fort Smith (Sebastian County).

On May 26, 2012, a bronze statue depicting Reeves on a horse riding west was dedicated in Fort Smith’s Pendergraft Park. The statue, which was designed by sculptor Harold T. Holden and cost more than $300,000, was paid for by donations to the Bass Reeves Legacy Initiative. 

Image Source: https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/media/bass-reeves-statue-9433/

Vocabulary - Standard Meanings, Syllables, Nuanced Meanings

(Fundamental Expectations & Vocabulary & & Morphology & Interventions for Word Recognition & Comprehension & Interventions for Comprehension)

Nuanced meanings:

shooting irons =  firearms              didn't cotton to = didn't like

square shooter = a fair and honest person


Look at the word   unflappable.

What parts of the word do you recognize?

What is the base word?

One of the meanings of the base word, when used as an informal noun, is "a state of agitation; a panic" 

Now, think about the parts of the word:

un     +    flap   +    able

What does each part mean?  

   un         +           flap             +     able

   not       +          panic          +     capable of or causing 

When you put all of the meanings together, you will understand the meaning of the word.  This is how you use morphology to understand what new words mean.

unflappable = having or showing calmness in a crisis 

Have students stand and jump or clap each syllable of the following words:


lawless                     showdown                      outlaw                              

crackshot                marksman

unflappable = having or showing calmness in a crisis 

Bad News for Outlaws: The Remarkable Life of Bass Reeves, Deputy U.S. Marshall   

(Interventions for Word Recognition)

What was the author's purpose for writing this story?

Students will discuss comprehension questions with their group and record their answers. 

Students will take the Accelerated Reader quiz on this book.  

AR Quiz # 131426

 BL: 5.2

Provide Access to Grade Appropriate Text: 

(Interventions for Word Recognition)

Students who have returned their parental permission slip and their previously checked out books will select a book from the library media collection to check out.  

Lesson Resources:

Bad News for Outlaws Bass Reeves.pdf

Lesson Plan:

Bass Reeves comprehension & vocabulary lesson plansson Plan Template