Sept. 6-12, 2023

For my substitute: The sections below are my lessons for each class you will have today.  Play the videos and discuss at your discretion or to answer students' questions. If you  finish early OR if the internet/Smart Board doesn't work in a class, I have also left ten books that you may choose from to read aloud to students.  Some of the books are about 9-11 and some of them are not.  The first two classes will view the "Grades 4-6" section.  The afternoon class will view the "Grades K-3" section.

Introduction for all classes:

This week, we are going to learn about the importance of Patriot Day and how regular citizens became heros after the horrific events of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.  

Americans are asked to honor those who lost their lives in this tragic event by observing a moment of silence beginning at 8:46 a.m. (equivalent to 7:46 am Central Time), the time that the first airplane struck the World Trade Center.

Grades 4 - 6:

For Substitute:  Davis' 6th grade class (8:30 - 9:30) and Rancifer's 4th grade class (9:35 - 10:35):  Watch the videos below and have students discuss what they learned and any questions they may have about 9-11. 

I have also included the following books about 

9-11 that you can read to students:

14 Cows For America

I Survived the Attacks of September 11, 2001

Towers Falling

You may give the 6th grade class & the 4th grade class the Sept. 11th word search.  (It looks like the image to the right.)

Below are some additional resources that can be used to answer 6th & 4th grade students' questions.

A time-lapse video of the construction of the 9/11 Memorial Museum:

Grades K - 3:

For Substitute:  Strong's 1st grade class (1:40 - 2:40):  Watch the videos below and have students discuss what they learned and any questions they may have about 9-11. 

Ms. Strong's students may color the Patriot Day activity also.  It shows scissors to show where to cut it, but it does not need to be cut. (It looks like the image to the right.)

Please read it to/with the students so they will know what it is about.

Lesson Resources (for librarian), below: