Stars of Education Finalist

McKenzie Hodge

My earliest memory of knowing that I wanted to be a teacher, comes from unwrapping my very first easel, whiteboard on one side with a chalkboard on the other. You may know exactly what I am describing and the memories are flooding your mind too! With Expo markers in hand, filled with excitement, lesson ideas began to flood my mind. Ask any of the stuffed animals at my first lectures. They will tell you the passion for teaching and love for learning has always been a driving force in my life. With this desire to educate the whole student, I attended the University of Central Oklahoma in the College of Education. From my first class I was hooked. I would find myself reading my textbooks just for fun. I graduated in 2016 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Education. I was fortunate to learn and grow as an educator from some of the most passionate professor’s that further ignited in me a love for this profession. From the beginning of my career I have worked in Oklahoma City Public Schools and have absolutely found my home here. My first two years were at Linwood Elementary as a first grade teacher. Oh, how I loved teaching the littles and seeing their love for learning grow! In 2018 I became a Wheeler Tiger and taught 1st grade there for a year. Through Pathway to Greatness changes, my school became a Middle School. Because I had fallen in love with the Wheeler community, students and their families, I stayed on to teach 5th grade and have found my niche and calling in teaching 5th grade Science.

I have been so blessed that God has instilled a passion in me for this profession. From every student that has impacted me, to colleagues that become my dearest friends and serving this city that I get to call home, I cannot put into words how thankful I am to play such a small part in this process. The teaching profession is challenging, yet so rewarding, and I am very blessed to teach with the family that I do at Wheeler. My teammates, past and present, are the real deal, every student that enters their room is blessed beyond belief for the passion they bring into the classroom daily. I wouldn’t be the educator I am today without learning from and growing alongside such passionate people who love what they do. It has been such a gift, learning from and loving each student that has walked through my door. My students, are who keep me going each and every day. They know the days that all we need is some chocolate and a good dance party, and rejoice on the days that we are celebrating all of their successes with a class “family” lunch and more dance parties. They are the reason we do what we do. I love seeing their eyes light up with excitement and understanding as they knowledge and deepen their love for learning. I have learned so much from them as they are the true teachers. I am beyond honored to get to be part of future doctors, scientists, artists, musicians, and their educational journey, hoping that what they learned within our four walls, they bring with them into the world. With every student I have taught, I am convinced their hearts and minds are ready to make this world a better place, and they will do it! OKCPS isn’t just buildings where educators come to teach, or where students come to learn. It’s a special place where teachers get to pursue their passion, and students are supported as they find out more about the person they want to become, and have a group of encouragers cheering them on to success. I am so thankful for this opportunity and find such joy that I get to be a part of this adventure of teaching, daily.