Spotlighting NR21 Success Stories

Featured Educator: Kim Bishop @ Del Webb MS

Kim Bishop's image

Digital Coach

bishoka@nv.ccsd.netPHONE # (702) 799-1305

Kim brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the hallways of Del Webb Middle school having been a part of the field of education for over twenty years. Her certifications in both K-8 elementary and secondary computer science enable her to implement effective instructional strategies and demonstrate the technical capabilities of today's classrooms. In addition, her background in network administration allows her to play a key role in supporting the technical aspects of her school site.

Having been a successful college graduate of an online program herself, Kim can speak from experience as she guides educators to implement components of effective online instruction.

Kim Bishop brings technology to life for the students of Del Webb Middle School. Each month, students clamour into the library to take part in her technology rich lessons. From Breakout Rooms to spheros, students and teachers alike are learning from the outstanding lessons she models. Kim wants to ensure her students are presented with 21st century learning opportunities.

“Technology will not replace great teachers…. but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.”

- George Couros

Del Webb school logo
STEM word with background image. S for science, T for technology, E for engineering, and M for mathematics

How has the Nevada Ready Program impacted your campus?

"The Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program has contributed significantly to the success of Del Webb’s new innovative STEM Center. Our goal was to create a space for students to connect course content to real world experiences. By providing unique STEM challenge activities, students trigger higher level thinking skills through hands-on collaborative learning experiences. Teachers are pairing the 1:1 chromebooks with our new STEM Center to take learning to the next level by enhancing their lessons with activities that incorporate 21st Century skills and help our students become more successful and career ready. "

Who inspires you?

Kim's inspiration…….21st century learners

Our classrooms have evolved tremendously over the years. Whether it be teachers or students, giving individuals the tools that they need to succeed nurtures greatness. As 21st century learners, we are able to better individualize learning and expand our knowledge, communication, and creativity. We are fortunate to have the limitless access to online resources and unique digital tools. As a technology coach, I strive to support the professional growth of teachers and students by building awareness and enthusiasm for technology resources. By providing technology support through planning, modeling, co-teaching, and training, individuals enhance their learning experiences and become more proficient with 21st Century skills.

Students working together to program Spheros in the library.

Del Webb students learn how to program Spheros during Kim's tech integration lessons.

Teaching students how to code is a feature of Kim's 21st century lessons.

Students learning how to code on their Chromebooks.