
To begin the period, students read for fifteen minutes.

Next, we worked on Sentence Structure. I asked them to open their S.S. Practice document, put a line under yesterday's work, and put today's date under the line. Students wrote TWO INDEPENDENT CLAUSES and TWO DEPENDENT CLAUSES. Next, I explained that in order to find the subject of a sentence, you must first locate the verb. The subject of the sentence is whoever or whatever is "doing" the verb. For example, look at the following independent clause, "Dana loves Charlie". The verb here is "loves", so the subject is "Dana" because "Dana" is the one who "loves". After this explanation, I asked students to look at their four clauses and underline their verbs and highlight their subjects. After this, I walked around the room and checked everyone's answers.

To end, I spoke briefly again about Gothic Literature, and then I started reading The Fall of the House of Usher to the class. Poe's vocabulary is pretty ridiculous, so I take frequent breaks throughout the reading to explain what is happening.