Shavuot Flowers

Grade/Class: JK

Context: Students learn about the holiday Shavuot.

Learning: In both Judaic and General studies, JK students learned all about Shavuot in anticipation of the holiday. In Judaic studies, the students explored the Midrash about Har Sinai and the connection between flowers and Shavuot. In general studies, the students expanded their knowledge of Shavuot, delving into its customs and traditions. They learned that Hashem gave the Torah on Har Sinai, explored the significance of eating dairy on this holiday, and discovered the reasons behind Hashem's choice of Har Sinai. 

In the classroom students used a a sensory bin to examine and experiment with different flowers. They also had the opportunity to create giant watercolour-painted flowers, handprint flowers, and flowers using various toys and loose parts. Additionally, they used letter cards to spell out the words פרח and פרחים (flowers), strengthening their Hebrew vocabulary and literacy skills.

Through these enriching activities, the students embraced the spirit of Shavuot and prepared themselves for a meaningful celebration.