
Refer to the Knots Manual for the uses of each knot.

You may find the Training Videos for knots uploaded here.

If you do not understand the content of the Knots Manual or the Training Videos, seek assistance from your Cadet Leaders or Instructors. 

Campcraft Badge Test

The following knots (marked with asterix *) are tested for Campcraft Badge. 


Knots for Campcraft Test

*1) Thumb Knot
[stopper knot]

*2) Figure-of-Eight Knot
[stopper knot]

*3) Double Overhand Knot
[stopper knot]

*4) Slip Knot
[stopper knot]

*5) Reef Knot

*6) Sheet Bend

*7) Clove Hitch

*8) Timber Hitch

*9) Round Turn and 2 Half Hitches

*10) Bowline

*11) Manharness

*12) Sheepshank
[shortening formations]

*13) Chain Knot
[shortening formations]

Advanced Knots

Fisherman's Knot

Fireman's Chair Knot

Tent Guy Loop

Rolling Hitch

Highwayman Hitch


Other Knots


Monkey Fist



Back Splicing

Eye Splicing

Short Splicing