NPCC Inter-Unit X Challenge 2014

This year, the inaugural Inter-Unit X Challenge competition held its preliminary rounds over 2 Saturdays: 18th October and 25th October. The competition sees that the cadet participants take parts in various challenges which requires them to put their memory, knowledge about various aspects including NPCC and the Singapore Police Force, campcraft skills and physical endurance to the test.

5 cadets from Loyang Secondary School took part in the competition on 18th October and they are Sgt (NPCC) Jesper Ong Yi Jie, Cpl (NPCC) Amsyhar Azizi B Abdul Aziz, Cpl (NPCC) Jahabarali Mohammad Faayiz, Cpl (NPCC) Lucas Tan Jun En and Cpl (NPCC) Wang Teck Yong, Alfred. They navigated through the stations quickly and was able to come in 3rd in their detail! Even though they did not qualify for the finals, we would like to commend their wonderful effort given the short amount of time to prepare for the competition!

We hope to see our cadets continue to participate in the competition and do even better next year!

Unit PYA-VIA 2014

As part of the requirement for the Police Youth Ambassador badge, Loyang Secondary School NPCC Unit collaborated with Pasir Ris Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) to help spread crime prevention messages around the neighourhood. This is part of our service back to the neighbourhood around our school too.

On 15th September, our cadets proceeded to the neighbourhood around Loyang Secondary School to conduct this VIA. Other than distributing pamphlets with crime prevention messages, our cadets also explained to the residents what each message meant.

Kudos to the cadets for participating actively to make the VIA a great success!

Kayaking Course 2014

LYSS NPCC Unit organised a 1-star kayaking course in order for our cadets to achieve the Kayaking badge.

Held over 2 days, the cadets learned how to kayak as well as what to do should their kayaks capsize.

At the end of the course, 6 of our cadets completed the course and are now certified as 1-star kayakers!

National Day Celebration 2014

This year, the National Day celebration in school has seen the active involvement of our very own NPCC cadets. With the inclusion of a parade segment this year, the NPCC cadets participated first as the Flag Bearers and also the marching contingent.

Sgt (NPCC) Siti Khadijah bte Abd Kadir and Sgt (NPCC) Wong Jing Xi, Ashley were amongst the 5 Uniformed Group members who took up the tough job of being the Flag Bearers. Their coordination with the other members was great and they successfully escorted the flag for the ceremony.

The Marching contingent was led by Sgt (NPCC) Goo Yi Hao and Sgt (NPCC) Nuraishah bte Mohd Azaha and they led the team to a wonderful display of their drills and coordination.

The cadets have put in a lot of effort to make the event a success and we look forward to our involvement next year as it will be Singapore's 50th birthday!

Singapore Police Force National Day Observance Ceremony 2014

In conjunction with the National Day celebrations, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) held their National Day Observance Ceremony on 7th August 2014 at Harmony Hall, Home Team Academy. A total of 500 officers including SPF Leadership Group Members were present with Commissioner of Police Mr. Ng Joo Hee as the Guest-of-Honour of the ceremony.

Sgt (NPCC) Siti Khadijah bte Abd Kadir was amongst the 20 NPCC cadets in Singapore selected to attend the ceremony. Together with our OC Unit, A/ASP (NPCC) Yong Choon Hei, Kelvin, they participated in the ceremony and enjoyed the celebrations with the rest of the participants there.

We are proud to have our own Lysian NPCC cadet selected for such a prestigious event and we hope to see more of our cadets selected in the future!

Area 8 ATC/STC 2014

A view of the NPCC Campsite overseeing the Team Challenge Pyramid

Every year, Secondary 2 and 3 NPCC cadets have to participate in the Adventure Training Camp (ATC)and Survival Training Camp (STC) respectively at Camp Resilience, Pulau Ubin. This year it was held from 13th to 15th June during the holidays.

Cadets from the 8 different schools in Area 8 were gathered together to take part in different activities: team building games, rope elements and kayaking. Cadets also have to sleep in tents for the night for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. During the whole camp, new friendships were forged and teamwork was also strengthened between the campers.

Loyang Secondary School NPCC Unit is also proud to announce that Sgt (NPCC) Siti Khadijah bte Abd Kadir was also named the Best Female Camper for STC. Well done, Khadijah!

We look forward to our next Area 8 camp next year and hope that our cadets will continue to have outstanding performances!

NPCC Day Commemoration & Passing Out Parade 2014

NPCC celebrates its annual anniversary on 7th May. However due to the examinations, LYSS NPCC held its NPCC Day Commemoration on 30th May.

After the March In during the morning assembly, the cadets listened to the NPCC Day message before all the cadets pledged their commitment to the Corps by the recitation of the NPCC Pledge.

It was also a proud moment for some of the cadets as the recipients of Best Unit Cadet Badge, Station Inspector ranks and SPF-NPCC Badge was presented to the outstanding Cadet Leaders again in front of the whole school.

In the afternoon, the Passing Out Parade for the Cadet Leaders was also carried out. It saw the Unit coming together to thank them for their efforts and celebrate their dedication to the Corps for the past 4 or 5 years. We wish them all the best in the upcoming GCE ‘O’ Level Examinations and their future endeavours. Study hard and do yourselves proud!

At the same time, the next batch of Cadet Leaders which will be led by Sgt (NPCC) Goo Yi Hao assumed office on the same day. We hope that everyone will continue to give their support to them as they take over the running of the Unit.

Air Pistol Course 2014

As part of our training to get the Secondary 3 cadets ready for the .22 Classificiation Shoot, LYSS NPCC Unit organised an Air Pistol Enrichment Course for our cadets!

The cadets underwent a short basic introductory course before they were given the opportunity to aim for the bulls-eye themselves!

The cadets had a great time at the range and we hope to have the course again next year!

SPF-NPCC Badge Presentation Ceremony 2014

The SPF-NPCC Badge is the pinnacle badge of the National Police Cadet Corps awarded to deserving Cadet Leaders for their outstanding leadership and contribution to the Unit.

With only a total of 170 receipients amongst all graduating NPCC cadets in Singapore, Loyang Secondary School NPCC Unit is proud to have 3 recipients this year! They are SI (NPCC) Phua Si Ming Celine, SI (NPCC) Tan Hong Yi and S/Sgt (NPCC) Shahira Banu d/o Khaja M!

They received the badges from the hands of Mr. Ng Joo Hee, Commissioner of Police, Singapore Police Force during the SPF-NPCC Badge Presentation Ceremony, held at Harmony Hall in Home Team Academy on 4th April 2014. Our own Principal Mr. David Lau and HOD of PE & CCA Mr. Ivan Teo were also present to observe the proud moment for these cadets.

Congratulations to all the recipients and we hope that Loyang Secondary School NPCC Unit will continue to have recipients of the SPF-NPCC Badge every year!

Area 8 Games Day 2014

Held on 29th March 2014, some of our cadets participated in the Area 8 Games Day organised by Dunman Secondary School.

Many different games were played as our cadets completed them strongly. We are proud to announce that the team led by Hanis Erdina bte Ridzwan came in Overall 2nd! The trophy was then presented to us by our very own Area 8 AC DSP (NPCC) Lim Kok Sein.

Well done Lysians! We hope to return to this competition and continue to excel!

Annual Camp & Cadet Leaders' Training Camp 2014

Cadets waiting for their turn at the activities

Every year, our Secondary 4 and 5 Cadet Leaders would plan and carry out the NPCC Annual Camp which lasts 3 days 2 nights. During this camp, the whole unit would come together to engage in different activities.


The highlight of the camp is definitely the campfire as everyone in the camp had lots of fun and laughter singing the different NPCC songs and executing the 'special' dance moves!

Our Secondary 3 cadets training hard

At the same time, our Secondary 3 cadets would go through the Cadet Leaders' Training Camp carried out by our Cadet Inspectors which aims to nurture them into future leaders. Through the series of challenges, the Secondary 3 cadets would put the physical and mental strength to test as they get ready to become the leaders of the Unit.

Unit Photo at the end of the camp

Everyone had lots of fun and laughter during the camp and we hope to have enjoy ourselves more in next year's Annual Camp!