Bouldering Course 2015

LYSS NPCC organises a bouldering course for our Secondary 1 cadets every year. As Loyang Secondary School has its own bouldering facilities, we were able to conduct it within our own premises for convenience.

While some cadets were shy and unwilling to try at first, they soon liked it a lot and could not be stopped! They certainly had a great time learning how to climb the walls together!

Loyang Secondary School National Day Parade 2015

9th August 2015 marks the 50th year of Singapore's Independence. On 6th August 2015, Loyang Secondary School held its own SG50 celebration in school. As a build on from the previous year, each uniformed group participated in the National Day Parade as NPCC was of course involved.

Sgt (NPCC) Cody Sujana Tjoe was amongst the 4 Uniformed Group members who had the honour to carry the National Flag for the historical moment. They escorted the flag with aplomb and was very dignified during the whole process.

The NPCC Marching contingent was led by Sgt (NPCC) Muhammad Hidayah and he led the team to a wonderful display of their drills and coordination, which included a March In, an addition from the previous year. This is despite the fact that many of the cadets were in fact Secondary One cadets who completed the parade successfully!

The cadets' effort contributed to the success of the National Day Parade and it is certainly befitting of a birthday present for Singapore's 50th birthday!

Area 11 Games Day

On 1st August 2015, Loyang Secondary School NPCC sent a team to participate in the Area 11 Games Day held at Chung Cheng High School (Main). The cadets had to participate in 5 different games organised by 5 different schools and try to win them all.

After a morning of hard work despite having only 4 members on our team, we are proud to announce that the team made up of Muhammad Azroy, Joshua Khoo, Sharan Venthan and Shavin Venthan managed to win 2 out of the 5 games! They came in 1st in Hit the Cup organised by Tanjong Katong Secondary School and 1st Runner Up in the Calculator organised by Chung Cheng High School (Main).

Well done boys! We hope to participate again and do even better next year!

Area 8 ATC/STC 2015

As part of the NPCC training curriculum, Secondary 2 and 3 NPCC cadets have to participate in the Adventure Training Camp (ATC)and Survival Training Camp (STC) respectively at Camp Resilience, Pulau Ubin each year. This year it was held from 24th to 26th July.

Other than the usual survival cooking and team building games, cadets were able to try their hands at the rope elements and kayaking. Sleeping in a tents is also a must for all cadets!

We believe that all our cadets had fun and made lots of friends! We look forward to our next Area 8 camp next year!

LYSS NPCC Protect-the-King Dodgeball Competition 2015

Organised by our Secondary 3 Cadet Leaders, the first ever LYSS NPCC Protect-the-King Dodgeball Competition was held at the Loyang Secondary School Hall on 4th July!

Unlike the usual dodgeball game, the Protect-the-King Dodgeball requires you to protect your king at all cost! Once your king is hit, the whole team is OUT!

We are glad to have invited 11 NPCC Units to participate in our competition. After 3 hours and numerous games, Junyuan Secondary School emerged the Champions! Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School and Chung Cheng High School (Main) completed the podium by being the 1st and 2nd Runner-Ups respectively.

We thank all the schools for giving us your support and we hope to see them as well as other schools to participate in our 2nd edition next year!

NPCC Day Observance Ceremony 2015

The National Police Cadet Corps celebrates its birthday every year on 7th May. As part of the celebration, LYSS NPCC had its own Observance Ceremony on 26th May 2015.

After the March In during the morning assembly, the cadets listened to the NPCC Day message before all the cadets pledged their commitment to the Corps by the recitation of the NPCC Pledge. It was also a proud moment for SI (NPCC) Goo Yi Hao and SI (NPCC) Siti Khadijah Bte Abd Kadir as they were presented with the Best Unit Cadet (BUC) Badge, Station Inspector (SI) ranks and the Singapore Police Force - National Police Cadet Corps (SPF-NPCC) badge again in front of the whole school!

We wish all cadets, Cadet Inspectors and Officers a happy NPCC day and we look forward for many more years to come!

Passing Out Parade 2015

The Passing Out Parade is an event carried out annually in Loyang Secondary School NPCC Unit to acknowledge the efforts and commitment of the graduating Secondary 4 and 5 cadets. Held on 21st April 2015 this year, the parade marks their completion of service to NPCC. We would like to thank them once again for the contribution to the Unit during their stint as a Cadet Leader.

We wish them all the best in the upcoming GCE ‘O’ and 'N' Level Examinations and their future endeavours. Study hard and do yourselves proud!

At the same time, Cadets Leaders were appointed from the Secondary 3 cadets. We hope that everyone will continue to give them their support as they take over the running of LYSS NPCC Unit under the leadership of Unit Chairperson Sgt (NPCC) Cody Sujana Tjoe for the next year!

SPF-NPCC Badge Presentation Ceremony 2015

The SPF-NPCC Badge is the pinnacle badge of the National Police Cadet Corps awarded to deserving Cadet Leaders for their outstanding leadership and contribution to the Unit. With only a total of 170 receipients amongst all graduating NPCC cadets in Singapore, Loyang Secondary School NPCC Unit is proud to have 2 recipients this year! They are SI (NPCC) Goo Yi Hao and SI (NPCC) Siti Khadijah Bte Abd Kadir!

They received the badges from the hands of Mr. Hoong Wee Teck, Commissioner of Police, Singapore Police Force during the SPF-NPCC Badge Presentation Ceremony, held at Harmony Hall in Home Team Academy on 10th April 2015. Our HOD of PE & CCA Mr. Ivan Teo was also present to observe the proud moment for these cadets.

Congratulations to all the recipients and we hope that Loyang Secondary School NPCC Unit will continue to have recipients of the SPF-NPCC Badge every year!

Annual Camp 2015

LYSS NPCC Annual Camp is an annual event where all the cadets will come together and bond through the various activities!

Unlike previous year, all cadets from Secondary 1 to Secondary 3 participated in the camp together where they will stay in school for 2 days and 2 nights engaging in numerous activities. Throughout the camp, the cadets had a lot of fun, especially on the 2nd day when all the water games were held!

A campfire was held on the 2nd night where everyone performed and sang campfire songs together! Some of the seniors even came back to join us!

At the end of the camp, Ahmad Asyraaf and Nur Syahirah were named the Best Male and Female Campers respectively and the Best Group for the whole camp walked away with their prizes!

Let's all not forget that the camp would not be possible without the hard work of all the Cadet Leaders! We look forward to the next Annual Camp next year!

Secondary 1 Swearing-In Ceremony 2015

Held on 6th March 2015 at Dunman Secondary School, Area 8 held its Secondary One Swearing-In Ceremony.

The Swearing-In Ceremony is an official event where all newly recruited Sec 1 students become official cadets of NPCC. 21 LYSS NPCC Unit Secondary One cadets had sworn in to NPCC and we wish them all the best in their 4 or 5 year of NPCC life!

Air Pistol Course 2015

Every year, LYSS NPCC Unit would organise an Air Pistol Enrichment Course for our cadets to prepare them for their .22 Revolver Classification Shoot in Sec 3. However, this year we expanded the course to include our Sec 2 cadets so that they will be better prepared for their Sec 2 .22 Revolver Practice Shoot.

The cadets were guided on the safety and handling of the air pistol before they were given the chance to prove that they are indeed marksman!

Ms. Tan, together with the cadets had a great time at the range and we believe that LYSS NPCC cadets would look forward to the Air Pistol Course each year!

Children's Cancer Foundation VIA 2015

As part of the Unit's Values-In-Action (VIA) programme, LYSS NPCC collaborated with Children's Cancer Foundation (CCF) Singapore to carry out a fund raising Sales in school on 12, 13 and 16 February.

Throughout the 3 days, the cadets worked hard during the Fund Raising Sales and managed to raise more than $100 for CCF! It is a wonderful effort as this money will benefit the unfortunate students!

LYSS NPCC would like to thank students and teachers from Loyang Secondary School for their support to this VIA!

CCA Orientation 2015

Well done Cadet Leaders and cadets for putting in a great effort for our CCA Orientation display on 10th January! Despite the space constraints, Loyang NPCC Unit was able to attract large group of Secondary 1 students and parents to our booth, where they were introduced to the main aspects of NPCC: Drill, Shooting, Discipline and Leadership Development are some to mention.

In addition, police officers from Pasir Ris Neighbourhood Police Centre also came down to help us in our recruitment. Together, they brought down banners which helped promote Crime Prevention and also the exclusive CSI kit!

We believe that our Cadets Leaders and cadets have impressed the students and parents deeply, thus we will be hoping for a high number of enrolment this year!

*Correct as of 3rd February, LYSS NPCC has recruited 21 cadets this year.