Sec 2 Leadership Camp

On 19th and 20th October, the Sec 2 cadets underwent a leadership camp to prepare them to become Cadet Leaders next year.

The challenges pushed the limits of the cadets as they must work together selflessly to overcome each challenge.

At the end of the first night, they faced their final challenge as they must search for puzzle pieces in school while being tied together.

They must then put the puzzle pieces together as quickly as they could before transporting it to the final location.

We hope that the lessons learned from this camp would help them navigate the challenges that they may face next year!

Year-End Enrichment

To celebrate our hard work for 2019, LVSS NPCC head to the trampoline park for our year-end enrichment!

From flipping to basketball and dodgeball on the trampoline, the cadets were able to visit different stations within the park and tried the various activities!

As it is the last official CCA day for the year, we also bid farewell to Vatsana who will be leaving Singapore for her studies. All the best!

While everyone was tired at the end of the day, It is indeed an eye-opening experience for all our cadets and they definitely had lots of fun!

Inter-Area .38 Revolver Shooting Competition

Held on 17th August, CI and Officers from LVSS NPCC participated in the Inter-Area .38 Revolver Shooting Competition finals.

Our CIs, CI (NPCC) Darren Chng and CI (NPCC) Muhd Azroy were part of the Area 8 Male CI team that came in 5th position!

In addition, our OC Unit, ASP (NPCC) Harry Wong scored an impressive score of 196/200 for the finals to claim the Individual Champion in the Officers' Men category!

Well done!

National Day Parade

2019 is Singapore's Bicentennial Year and this made this year's National Day Parade in school a very special one!

This year's Parade Commander was none other than our Chairperson, SSgt (NPCC) Sumayyah Bte Norazni! She was selected to be the Parade Commander out of the 8 Uniformed Group representatives who auditioned for the position.

The parade started with the marching in of the Uniformed Group contingent and the NPCC contingent is led by our Deputy Chairperson, SSgt (NPCC) Mohd Irfan Agil.

Our Deputy Chairperson, SSgt (NPCC) Valen Chee Wei Xuan was part of the flag party which escorted the National Flag for the parade next.

Mr Devan, decked out in his full army uniform, then delivered the National Day message before all the contingents marched out of the parade square!

Well done to all cadets who participated in the parade and Happy Birthday Singapore!

Area 8 Games Day

Loyang View NPCC was the host for this year's Area 8 Games Day and we would like to thank the following participating units for their support!

  • Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)

  • East Spring Secondary School

  • Loyang View GG

  • Loyang View NCC

  • Ngee Ann Secondary School

  • Pasir Ris Secondary School

  • Springfield Secondary School

  • St. Hilda's Secondary School

  • St. Joseph's Institution

The winning team for each game is.

  • Catch the Ball by Dunman: St. Joseph's Institution

  • Nerf Gun Shooting by Hai Sing: Loyang View NCC

  • Protect-the-King Dodgeball by Loyang View: Ngee Ann Sec

  • Netball Shooting by Pasir Ris Crest: Springfield Sec

  • Cans Knocker by East View: St. Joseph's Institution

Congratulations to them!

At the end of the Games Day, the best performing team across all 5 games would be crowned the Overall Champion! The honour this year goes to Dunman Secondary School!

Well done!

With the conclusion of the Area 8 Games Day, we would like to applaud the hard work of all Loyang View NPCC cadets as as this would not be possible without them!

Inter-Unit Drill Competition

On 20th July, LVSS NPCC participated in the Inter-Unit Drill Competition. To prepare for the competition, the cadets started training 4 months prior to the competition.

While the results was did not turn out well in the end, we applaud these cadets for their hard work and never-say-die attitude during all the training.

We hope to do better in the next version of the competition!

Area 8 ATC & STC

As this year's ATC & STC coincided with the Youth Day holiday, the camp was reduced to 2 days on 5th and 6th July. However, all our cadets were still excited for the camp!

Despite the shorter time, the cadets still managed to make friends and attempt the different activities such as the flying fox and the double dangle duo!

At the end of the camp, awards were given out to recognise campers who have performed well. Loyang View Secondary School NPCC Unit is proud to announce that Sgt (NPCC) Muhd Irfan was named the Best Male Camper for STC. Well done, Irfan!

With changes made to ASTC, this would be the last time these cadets will visit the campsite. However, we look forward to next year's camp with the Sec 2s!

Achievers' Night

Previously known as UG Achievers’ Night, the Achievers' Night this year has expanded to include other CCAs who has achieved outstanding achievements.

Students who performed well in external competitions were also recognised on the same night.

For contributing to the Unit's Gold award, the Sec Two and Three cadets received their personalised Gold Award from OC Unit, ASP (NPCC) Harry Wong and Dy OC Unit, Insp (NPCC) Naeem while the Sec Four Cadets received theirs from our Principal, Mr Lee and Vice-Principal, Ms Tan.

Joining us in receiving awards this year are:

  • Girl Guides for achieving Gold in the Puan Noor Aishah (PNA) Award

  • NCC for achieving Gold in Unit Recognition Competition

  • Dance for achieving Distinction in the SYF Arts Presentation

This has been NPCC's 4th consecutive Gold award and we hope to be back next year after achieving a 5th gold award!

NPCC Day Observance Ceremony

On 28th May 2019, LVSS NPCC Unit commemorated NPCC Day through the Observance Ceremony.

Under the command of our Chairperson Sgt (NPCC) Sumayyah Bte Norazni, the cadets marched into the parade square with pride.

During the ceremony, our Deputy Chairperson Sgt (NPCC) Mohd Irfan Agil and LCpl (NPCC) Kiren Kumar read the NPCC Day message to the school.

After which all NPCC members reaffirmed their dedication to the Corps through the recitation of the NPCC Pledge before marching out of the parade square.

We wish all NPCC members, of the past and present, a happy NPCC Day!

SPF-NPCC Badge Presentation Ceremony

The Singapore Police Force – National Police Cadet Corps Badge (SPF-NPCC Badge) is the pinnacle award for NPCC cadets for their outstanding performance and contribution to the Corps.

With only 152 students from all over Singapore receiving this badge, we are proud to announce that SI (NPCC) Ng Yi Jun, Eugene is one of the reciepients for the prestigious SPF-NPCC badge!

Eugene received his badge from Guest-of-Honour of the ceremony Florence Chua Siew Lian, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Investigations & Intelligence), concurrent Director Criminal Investigation Department, Singapore Police Force.

Eugene was also mentioned during the GOH’s speech for his sharing during the HQ interview on how NPCC has allowed him to use what he learned to help the community.

Congratulations to Eugene and we hope that Loyang View will continue to have outstanding cadets like him!

NPCC Annual Parade

Each year, the NPCC Annual Parade is held to commemorate its anniversary and this year is NPCC’s 60th year of inception since 1959!

This year’s parade included a CI-HO contingent and our own LVNP CIs, Azroy, Darren & Nadira were part of it!

Our cadets sacrificed many weekends to train and participate in the various parade contingents. They are:

  • L/Cpl (NPCC) Vongnakhone Vatsana (GOH contingent)

  • L/Cpl (NPCC) Muhammad Haashir Islam (Flag Party)

  • L/Cpl (NPCC) Danish Fitri Bin Abdullah (Supporting Contingent)

  • L/Cpl (NPCC) Muhammad Irsyad (Supporting Contingent)

  • L/Cpl (NPCC) Tan Wei Jun, Levon (Supporting Contingent)

8 of our LVNP cadets were part of the Precision Drill Squad and they put up a great performance! They are:

Sec 2: L/Cpl (NPCC) Branden Lee, L/Cpl (NPCC) Muhammad Farhan, L/Cpl (NPCC) Shaik Firdaus and L/Cpl (NPCC) Nur Ain Iman Syafa'ah

Sec 3: Sgt (NPCC) Atirah Mysara, Sgt (NPCC) Ellisza Nur Ain, Sgt (NPCC) Sumayyah Bte Norazni and Sgt (NPCC) Valen Chee.

The Reviewing Officer for the parade was Ms Indranee Rajah, and our Vice-Principal Ms Tan also received LVSS NPCC’s 4th consecutive award from her!

Well done everyone and happy 60th Anniversary to all NPCC members!

Sec 1 Swearing-In Ceremony

On 1st April 2019, Area 8 held its Secondary One Swearing-In Ceremony at Dunman Secondary School.

The Swearing-In Ceremony saw 27 LVSS NPCC Unit Secondary One cadets sworn in to NPCC as official cadets of NPCC. We wish them all the best in their 4 or 5 year of NPCC life!

Area 9 Games Day

LVSS NPCC participated in the Area 9 Games Day was held at Junyuan Secondary School on 29th March 2019.

Our cadets competed in the Football, Captain's Ball and Badminton competitions.

We are proud to announce that the team participating in the Captain’s Ball Girls managed to come in 2nd!

The members of the team are: Atirah Mysara, Ellisza Nur Ain, Siti Nadiyah and Irfea Jasleena. Well done girls!

Passing-Out Parade & Investiture

Held on 12th March 2019, the Passing-Out Parade signifies the graduating Secondary 4 & 5 Cadet Leaders' completion of their NPCC journey.

In appreciation of their dedication and contribution to LVSS NPCC Unit, each Cadet Leader received plaques & certificates from ASP (NPCC) Harry Wong, OC Unit for LVSS NPCC.

The cadets also showed their appreciation to the Cadet Leaders during the Farewell party.

They presented their CLs with gifts of appreciation and took lots of photos for memories!

On the same day, the Secondary 3 cadets were appointed as Cadet Leaders during the Investiture. Sgt (NPCC) Sumayyah Bte Norazni took over the reigns as Unit Chairperson while Sgt (NPCC) Mohammad Irfan Agil Bin Mohammad Faez and Sgt (NPCC) Valen Chee Wei Xuan were appointed as the Deputy Chairpersons.

We wish all the graduating Cadet Leaders all their best for their upcoming O and N Levels examinations and for any future endeavours.

We also believe that under the leadership of the new Cadet Leaders and everyone's support, LVSS NPCC will continue to scale greater heights!

Area 11 Games Day

5 of our Secondary 1 Cadets participated in the Area 11 Games Day held on 9th March 2019 at Chung Cheng High School (Main)

They had to go through a series of 6 games, doing their best in each one of them.

The team consisting of Raheem, Hafiz, John, Aini and Qushairie, did us proud by emerging Champions in three out of six games!

Their wonderful performance also allowed Loyang View NPCC to clinch the Overall Champion for the Games Day!

Well done cadets and we look forward to next year's Area 11 Games Day!

Annual Camp

Each year, Annual Camp is an annual event that all cadets from LVSS NPCC look forward to!

The Cadet Leaders put in the time and effort to plan and execute the camp so that the Unit will know each other better and bond together!

After getting to know each other on Day 1, the various activities on day started to become more exciting!

There were many team building activities which required the cadets to work together!

Through the activities, the campers know each other better and they made new friends!

The campfire was the climax of the camp where all the cadets came together for a time of songs and many laughter!

At the end of the camp, outstanding campers of each level were presented with the Best Camper award. Well done!

Sec 1 Best Campers

Goh Yuren, Jin (1A1)

Wong Jing Fei (1T1)

Sec 2 Best Campers

Quek Zheng Ming Edmund (2A3)

Nur Ain Iman Syafa'ah (2A2)

Sec 3 Best Campers

Muhammad Irfan (3T1)

Sumayyah Bte Norazni (3E2)

Everyone enjoyed themselves and we look forward to our next camp this year - ASTC!

Gryphon Youth Outreach Programme - Best Video Competition

2018 Loyang View - Best CP Video Award Competition.mp4

In 2018, 7 of our Secondary 4 Cadet Leaders participated in the Gryphon Youth Outreach Programme Best Video Competition jointly organised by the Bedok Police Division.

In this competition, our students had to film a short video to create awareness on crime prevention. Our students chose the crime of “Wilful Trespass”, one of the 2 most prevalent crimes committed by Secondary School students.

You may view the video above.

We are proud to announce that they have come in 3rd position in the competition and received their awards during the Awards Ceremony on 22nd January held at Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School.

The outstanding students are:

SSgt (NPCC) Aiman Hakim, SSgt (NPCC) Joey Lim, SSgt (NPCC) Eugene Ng,

SSgt (NPCC) Puteri Hadeel Amani, SSgt (NPCC) Putri Nur Amani,

SSgt (NPCC) Ryan Lai and Sgt (NPCC) Sharifah Inshirah


UG Trials

Each year, as part of our recruitment efforts, NPCC hosts the Secondary One students to a day of UG trials!

The trials hope to allow all students to experience what a NPCC cadet goes through. They got to experience usual training such as drills and also the games we play in our Unit!

The boys even got the chance to interact with the police officers from Pasir Ris Neighbourhood Police Centre and try some of their equipment!

We hope that all the Secondary One students had a great time with us!

*The final enrolment of Sec 1 students to LVSS NPCC in 2019 stands at 27 students.*