PYA 2021

Beneficiary Reflection

1) I’ve learnt that we must always be prepared and not fall for scams to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

2) I learn from the cadet’s sharing that we shouldn’t give out our personal information and beware of loan scams and, if you receive a loan scam, you should ignore.

3) Scammers will use attractive taglines to attract victims

4) To be cautious when dealing with suspicious activity online and anything that sounds too good to be true is probably a scam

5) That there are many different types of scams out there and that we need to be vigilant

6) How to prevent & stop scams before it happens

Beneficiary Feedback Score

I can fully understand what the cadet(s) told me about the crime prevention message(s).

Score: 4.6 / 5

The crime prevention message(s) shared is very relevant.

Score: 4.5 / 5

The crime prevention message(s) shared is very useful.

Score: 4.6 / 5

I am very willing to share the crime prevention message(s) with my friends and family.

Score: 4.6 / 5

Overall Score: 18.3 / 20

Cadet Reflection

1) What are the most important things we learned?

I’ve learn that scams can be harmful to you and your love ones. I’ve also learnt how to prevent us and the people around us get scammed.

We learnt how to differentiate types of scams such as scams that pretend to be somebody their not and ask for money. Scams that give you a too good to be true offer to tempt you.

2) What were some challenges we faced?

The challenges I faced were how to make the post more appealing and relevant to the public eye to demonstrate how easy people can fall for such scams, we overcame the challenges by discussing with my buddy about it.

I think one of the challenges was thinking of what scam to create for our poster as most of us haven’t been expose to scams before so we don’t even know what types of scam are out there. Through looking up different types of scam, I think we are able to educate ourselves on other scams out there and also learn more about how scams work.

3) What NPCC value(s) have we demonstrated during this project?

I’ve learnt values such as teamwork and care for my family and friends by giving them advice upon buying something that’s too good to be true, or stop them from giving away their information to someone without knowing what their information is used for.

Responsibility. There was a deadline to finish this project and I’m not proud to say this but I only finished the project a few hours before it was due. I will take this as a lesson to submit work on time and to be more responsible for my work.

CSSP 2021

Cyber Bullying Presentation (Sec 2 NPCC CSSP).pptx

Video 1

Video 2

Cadet Interaction

Beneficiary Reflection

1) Cyberbullying is wrong. We should stop cyberbullying.

2) Cyberbullying can occur from social media apps and cyberbullying should be taken seriously.

3) Stand up for the ones getting bullied and help by telling a trusted adult. Encourage and support those who are getting bullied.

4) I have learnt that people can get depression from cyber bullying and that people cyber bully due to the anonymity of being online.

5) It is not normal to be cyber bullied. Tell a trusted adult if you are bullied

6) Cyberbullying is dangerous and infectious.

Beneficiary Feedback Score

How useful is this presentation in helping you understand more about cyberbullying?

Score: 4.0 / 5

How relevant do you find the crime prevention message (cyber bullying) shared?

Score: 3.8 / 5

How willing are you to share what you have learnt with your friends and family?

Score: 3.2 / 5

Overall Score: 11 / 15

Cadet Reflection

1) What are the most important things we learned?

We have learnt more about what cyberbullying is, its effects (especially on the victim) and how we can prevent it. We are able to share this knowledge with our classmates to ensure that they do not fall victim to cyberbullying and for them to spread the awareness about cyberbullying with their friends and family.

Through this process, also learned about the importance of teamwork. It is important to ensure that everyone does their part well in order for the project to run smoothly. Communication is key and we used various platforms such as our Whatsapp group chat to update each other.

Lastly, we also learnt the importance of being prepared and confident in our presentation. We worked on our voice projection (as we are wearing masks) and eye contact to ensure our audience remain engaged during the sharing.

2) What were some challenges we faced?

At the start, some of us had difficulty in memorising the script. However, we tried our best to remember our lines during the rehearsal and we used que cards to help us in case we forget them.

Some of us also faced difficulty projecting our voice during the presentation as we are wearing masks and the classroom is big. Some of us were also quite shy to look at our classmates.

3) What NPCC value(s) have we demonstrated during this project?

Resilience: Despite facing challenges, we tried our best to work on our weaknesses and improve our presentation during the rehearsals. We remained disciplined and focussed in achieving our goals.