Bubble Soccer Enrichment 2017

24th October was our last training day for 2017 and LYSS NPCC went out for a Bubble Soccer enrichment!

Conducted at the Cage, the instructors led our cadets through 4 different games: Bubble Dodgeball, Bubble Invasion, Bubble Captain and Bubble Soccer!

While it was tiring, all the cadets had lots of fun knocking their friends over!

We look forward to our next year-end enrichment!

Inter-UG Games Day 2017

As part of our new initiative, NPCC organised the first-ever Inter-UG Games Day for all the Secondary One Uniformed Group students in Loyang Secondary School.

A Protect-the-King Dodgeball tournament was held and the various UGs formed teams to participate actively!

The competition was very intense as each UG fought for the bragging rights!

In the end, the NPCC team emerged Champions while 2 teams from the Girl Guides came in 2nd and 3rd respectively!

This is definitely a good bonding session for all UGs and we hope to see more of it next time!

Area 8 ATC/STC 2017

The Area 8 ATC/STC was held from 18th to 20th August 2017 this year.

During the camp, the cadets were supposed to participate in many activities planned for them. Unfortunately, the bad weather meant that the plans had to be cancelled. Nevertheless, they still made new friends and participated actively!

This will be the last time Loyang Secondary School and Greenview Secondary School will be in ATC/STC as separate schools. In 2018, both schools will merge into one unit known as Loyang View Secondary School.

NPCC Inter-Unit Drill Competition 2017

This year, NPCC HQ re-introduces the Inter-Unit Drill Competition.

LYSS NPCC took it very seriously and started training 4 months before the actual competition. The team trained hard throughout all sessions and their drills improved with great leaps and bounds.

As a rehearsal for the actual competition @ NPCC HQ, the drill team participated in the Area 8 Drill Competition. Being nervous, some mistakes were made, but the team emerged in a respectable 6th position in a field of 12 teams.

Having this experience, the team went to the Drill Competition @ NPCC HQ on 5th August with more confidence. They put up a virtuoso display and managed to clinch a respectable 24th position in a field of 133 teams.

Well done LYSS NPCC drill team and we hope to qualify for the finals next time!

National Day Parade 2017

In 2017, LYSS NPCC was involved in 2 National Day Observance Ceremonies that were held concurrently.

Led by Parade Commander SSgt (NPCC) Darren Chng, LYSS NPCC and Girl Guides 1st Coy conducted a National Day Observance Ceremony @ Punggol Cove Primary School.

It was an educational experience for the primary school students as they get to observe a full parade put up by Uniformed Groups.

The students were also in awe of LYSS NPCC and GG, gasping at the drill display put up during the ceremony.

At the same time, LYSS NPCC were also part of the school's National Day Observance Ceremony.

It was marvelous effort by all as the Cadet Leaders led them in the training independently.

While all these events required lots of time and effort, the cadets definitely had an enriching experience and showed pride during both ceremonies!

Promotion Ceremony 2017

After going through the grueling promotion tests, we are proud to announce that the LYSS NPCC cadets have promoted to the next ranks.

All the Secondary 1 cadets are promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal.

And the Secondary 2 cadets are promoted to the rank of Corporal.

11 of our Cadet Leaders are also promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant!

They are: Ahmad Asyraaf, Darren Chng, Emmilina Nurulhalizza, Ignatius Ho, Joshua Khoo, Mangabat Therese, Muhd Amshar, Muhd Azroy, Nurul Syafiqah, Sabrina Soh and Syazwina Raihanah.

Congratulations to all promotees!

LYSS NPCC @ ASEAN School Games 2017

In support of the 9th ASEAN School Games that was held Singapore, LYSS NPCC performed marshalling duties for the Table Tennis games.

Other than providing a service to the community, they also got to experience high level of sporting action!

LYSS NPCC Protect-the-King Dodgeball Competition 2017

LYSS NPCC held its Protect-the-King Dodgeball Competition on 8th July this year!

With teams getting familiar with how the game is played, the competition has gotten more intensive each year!

This year saw 10 NPCC Units participated in our competition! After 3 hours and numerous games, Bedok South Secondary School got their revenge from 2016 by defeating Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School and emerge as Champions! Chung Cheng High School (Main) completed the podium once again by coming in 3rd.

We thank all the schools for giving us your support and we hope to see them as well as other schools to participate next year!

NPCC Inter-Unit 0.22 Revolver Shooting Competition Finals 2017

Taking part in the Inter-Unit 0.22 Revolver Shooting Competition, the team of Nurul Syafiqah, Emmilina Nurulhalizza, Gurubrahmi Durga, Mangabat Therese and Sabrina Soh navigated past the preliminary rounds and qualified for the finals that was held on 30th June 2017! This is an amazing feat as it is the first time that LYSS NPCC has qualified for the finals in any NPCC HQ competitions!

After putting in their best, the team came out 10th in the Girls Team category. While the girls did not walk away with any medals, it is still remarkable as they set the precedence for LYSS NPCC to continue to achieve greater successes!

NPCC Day Observance Ceremony 2017

The National Police Cadet Corps celebrate its birthday on 7th May each year, the eve of the founding of NPCC.

LYSS NPCC held our own Observance Ceremony on 23rd May 2017 during morning assembly. During the ceremony, the NPCC Day message was read before every member of the NPCC belted out the NPCC Pledge with pride and gusto! It reminds all members of NPCC the reason why they decided to join NPCC.

On the same day, we bade farewell to our Deputy OC, Insp (NPCC) Tan Hui Yu as she will be leaving the school in June. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours.

We hope that NPCC as a whole and especially LYSS NPCC will continue to grow and become stronger!

Uniformed Group Achievers' Night 2017

The 2nd Uniformed Groups Achievers’ Night was held on 16th May 2017 to recognise the students’ contribution towards their respective Unit Awards.

It marked a historic moment as all 4 of Loyang Secondary School's Uniformed Group achieved Gold Awards in their respective assessment for 2016!

They are:

The James Milner Fraser Award for Boys’ Brigade

The Puan Noor Aishah Award for Girl Guides

The Best Unit Competition for NCC; and

The Unit Overall Proficiency Award for NPCC

Every UG member received a trophy from the school as appreciation and recognition to their hard work in making this feat possible.

Members of the Uniformed Group also took photos with friends and family in celebration!

We hope that this amazing achievement would continue each year!


On 11th April, LYSS NPCC Unit carried both our Community Safety & Security Programme (CSSP) as well as the Police Youth Ambassador - Values-in-Action (PYA-VIA) activities.

As part of Singapore's SGSecure movement, the secondary 2 cadets put up a skit during morning assembly where they shared with the school on the key elements of SGSecure.

The students were also educated on how to "Run, Hide, Tell" in the event of a terrorist attack.

In the afternoon, our cadets visited the neighbourhood around the school. They diligently educated the public on the different types of scams and distributed crime prevention advisories in collaboration with the Pasir Ris NPC.

All these activities carried out by our NPCC cadets are definitely meaningful as it helps Singapore take another step towards being safe and secure!

Inter-Unit Competitions 2017

In term 2, our cadets took part in various competitions organised by other NPCC Units.

Held on 21st March, the team of Sabrina Soh, Ignatius Ho and Sathish Kumar participated in the Hai Sin Catholic School NPCC Pioneering Competition.

Despite not much preparation, they managed to come in 4th for the competitions!

On 1st April, our cadets participated in 2 different competitions. The first would be a CSI Competition held by Pasir Ris Secondary School NPCC. The team of Nur Shahirah, Ryan Lai, Putri Nur Amani and Valen Chee had to sieve through the large amount of clues as they attempt to solve the murder mystery!

At the same time, the team of Joshua Khoo, Muhammad Azroy and Muhammad Idris took part in the Victoria School NPCC Challenge Unlimited Games Day where they played 3-on-3 basketball matches.

Lastly, on 8th April, the team of Ellisza Nur Ain, Siti Nadiyah, Atirah Mysara, Muhammad Razin Khan and Valen Chee participated in the Area 11 Games Day! During the games day, they played 6 different games organised by the schools from Area 11.

These competitions are good experiences for our cadets as they get to see how other NPCC units are like! We hope to participate more in the future!

SPF-NPCC Badge Presentation Ceremony 2017

The Singapore Police Force – National Police Cadet Corps (SPF-NPCC) Badge is the pinnacle badge of the NPCC awarded to deserving Cadet Leaders for their outstanding leadership and contribution to the Unit. In 2017, each cadet has to be first nominated by the OC Unit and then go through 2 rounds of interview: the 1st at Area Level and the 2nd at NPCC HQ.

With only a total of 152 recipients amongst all graduating Sec 4 & 5 cadets in Singapore, we are proud to announce that SI (NPCC) Radhi Priya Janakiraman of 4E1 is one of the recipients! She continues our achievement of having at least 1 Cadet Leader receiving the award each year since 2010!

She received the badge from the hands of Mr. Lau Peet Meng, Acting Commissioner of Police, Singapore Police Force during the SPF-NPCC Badge Presentation Ceremony, held at Harmony Hall in Home Team Academy on 28th March 2017. Our Vice-Principal, Ms. Ng Bee Ling was also present to observe the proud moment for these cadets.

Congratulations to all the recipients and we hope that Loyang Secondary School NPCC Unit will continue to have recipients of the SPF-NPCC Badge every year!

NPCC Annual Parade 2017

Each year, NPCC commemorates its anniversary with the Annual Parade that was held on 25th March 2017. It involves cadets from all NPCC Units with cadets from Units which have attained Gold in the Unit Overall Proficiency Award (UOPA) in 2016 donning the No. 1 Uniform to form the Guard-of-Honour contingent.

This year the representatives from Loyang Secondary School are:

Sgt (NPCC) Sathish Kumar S/O Kannan of 3A1,

Sgt (NPCC) Ho Kai Sheng, Ignatius of 3E1,

LCpl (NPCC) Muhammad Idris Bin Md Amin of 2A2, and

LCpl (NPCC) Ruzdy Effendy Bin Rohizad of 2A2.

The Reviewing Officer for this year's parade is Mr Melvin Yong, Member of Parliament for Tanjong Pagar GRC. During the parade, our OC Unit, ASP (NPCC) Wong Wei Hon, Harry, received our 2nd consecutive Gold Award on behalf of the school!

We hope to continue to do well and receive more Gold Awards in the future!

K-9 Unit Visit 2017

This year, LYSS NPCC has the privilege again to visit the Police K-9 Unit on 15th March 2017!

The dogs demonstrated their important roles as assistants to the Police Officers in their jobs of searching for prohibited items and taking down suspects.

After the demonstrations, it was the time that our cadets were looking forward to as they had a enjoyable time interacting with the cute dogs!

Sec 3 Willing Hearts VIA

As part of their Values-in-Action Programme, the Secondary 3 cadets rendered their services at the Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen on 2nd & 9th March.

During their time there, they helped to prepare food that will be used in the meals for the needy. With their experience in Sec 2, they have definitely worked faster and more efficiently this year.

We hoped that they have picked up valuable lessons on serving others and will use this experience to serve the Unit better!

Passing-Out-Parade & Investiture 2017

The Passing-Out Parade on 7th March 2017 witnesses the graduating Sec 4 & 5 Cadet Leaders as they take part in their last parade. During the parade, they received plaques & certificates of appreciation for OC Unit, ASP (NPCC) Harry Wong, to thank them for their dedication and contribution to LYSS NPCC Unit.

We wish them all the best and may they do well in their upcoming 'N' and 'O' Level Examinations as well as their future endeavours!

At the same time, the Secondary 3 cadets were appointed as Cadet Leaders during the Investiture Ceremony later. Under the leadership of Unit Chairperson Sgt (NPCC) Darren Chng Xue Jun, as well as his 3 Deputy Chairpersons, Sgt (NPCC) Muhammad Azroy Bin Sabtu, Sgt (NPCC) Soh Wan Xin, Sabrina & Sgt (NPCC) Syazwina Raihanah Binte Sahron, we believe that the Unit will continue to scale greater heights in the future!

Annual Camp 2017

It's time of the year for our Annual Camp and this year we revert back to 3D2N so that everyone has more time to bond together!

The Sec 4/5 Cadet Leaders planned and executed a series of old and new activities which includes an amazing race to Pasir Ris Park! These activities have definitely gotten everyone closer together over the 3 days!

Despite the inclement weather, we still managed to put up a campfire within 30 mins and have our usual fun and laughter through the 2nd night!

The Unit also helped those who were born in January and February celebrate their birthdays!

We also do not forget to award our best with Puteri Hadeel and Razin Khan were awarded the Best Campers for the camp as they showed care and concern for their fellow campers.

Ahmad Asyraaf and Syazwina Raihanah were also selected as the Best Group Leaders for the Camp.

As we head towards a merger with Greenview, we hope that our NPCC family will continue to grow bigger, stronger and united!

Secondary 1 Swearing-In Ceremony 2017

Held on 17th February 2017 at Dunman Secondary School, Area 8 held its Secondary One Swearing-In Ceremony.

The Swearing-In Ceremony saw 25 LYSS NPCC Unit Secondary One cadets sworn in to NPCC as official cadets of NPCC. We wish them all the best in their 4 or 5 year of NPCC life!

Enrichment Course 2017

As per previous years, LYSS NPCC organises enrichment courses for our NPCC Cadets!

On 2nd February, the Sec 2 & 3 cadets underwent the Air Pistol Course to prepare for the .22 Revolver Classification Shoot! They certainly have gained much experience and will certainly do better during the actual day!

On 9th February, the Sec 1 cadets got to use the bouldering & rock climbing facilities in school as they tried them out! It was a enriching experience for them and some even overcame their fear of heights!

Thank you Ms Beatrix Chong & LYSS Rock Climbing for facilitating the course for us!

Chinese New Year Celebration 2017

As part of LYSS NPCC welfare efforts, the Unit celebrated Chinese New Year with a Lo Hei session for all cadets & teachers!

LYSS NPCC Unit wishes all a happy Chinese New Year!

Children Cancer Foundation Fund Raising 2017

As part of the Unit's contribution back to the community, Sec 1 NPCC cadets planned and executed the Children's Cancer Foundation Fund Raising from 1st to 3rd February as their Values-In-Action (VIA) programme!

Two Sec 1 cadets, Cdt (NPCC) M Sana & Cdt (NPCC) Valen Chee mustered their courage to promote the fund raising during the morning assembly on 25th January.

When the day arrived, the Secondary 1 cadets carried out their mission responsibly and enthusiastically, resulting in a total of $412 raised through the selling of merchandise and receipt of donations. They have indeed done a great job and would have gained lots of experience through this initiative!

2017 Pasir Ris NPC Community Appreciation Night

As part of our efforts to contribute back to the community, LYSS NPCC accepted Pasir Ris Neighbourhood Police Centre's (NPC) invitation to perform at their Community Appreciation Night.

During the event, cadets from NPCC put up a skit to demonstrate how SGSecure is necessary in Singapore. They also showed how everyone can play a part in keeping Singapore safe by staying alert, staying united and staying strong!

The cadets that participated in the skit are: Cpl (NPCC) Ahmad Asyraaf, Cpl (NPCC) Darren Chng, Cpl (NPCC) Ignatius Ho, Cpl (NPCC) Muhammad Azroy, Cpl (NPCC) Sathish Kumar, Cpl (NPCC) Sharan Venthan, Cpl (NPCC) Sabrina Soh and Cpl (NPCC) Syazwina Raihanah. They started training since the December holidays in 2016 and their efforts paid off as the skit ended to a rousing applause from the audience!

LYSS NPCC would like to thank Pasir Ris NPC for giving us this opportunity and we hope that we can contribute more to the community in the future!

CCA Trial 2017

Similar to each year, LYSS NPCC invited all Secondary 1 students to join us for an hour of trials as a bid for them to join us!

After a short briefing from our OC Unit, ASP (NPCC) Harry Wong, the Sec 1 students first visited a booth by our neighbourhood friendly Police Officers! Not only did they learned more about SGSecure to keep Singapore safe, they also get to know the job scopes of our Police Officers!

After which the students joined for a game of handball which they had great fun and made friends with our NPCC cadets.

Regardless whether the students will join us in the end, we vow to give them a good time while they are here with us.

From the looks on their faces, we know that we have delivered that and the Sec 1s left with happy faces!

We will like to thank all Sec 1s for trialing with NPCC actively, and hope that you will join us!

*The final enrolment of Sec 1 students to LYSS NPCC in 2017 stands at 25 students.*