Sec 2 Leadership Camp

As part of their training to become Cadet Leaders, the Sec 2 cadets participated in a 2 day 1 night Leadership Camp!

During the camp, they took on numerous challenges set out by the CLs, Instructors and TOs that needed them to work with each other.

Through these challenges, they learned to communicate and believe in each other to overcome seemingly impossible challenges.

We also had our Combined UG Campfire between NPCC & Girl Guides during the camp, the first ever since the COVID-19 pandemic.

The camp concluded with a hike to Changi Beach in the wee hours of the morning in a test of their resilience.

As they watched the sunrise, we hope that this memorable experience will help them become better leaders in 2023!

Trampoline Park

For our year-end enrichment, we were able to visit the Trampoline Park!

This is the first time for many cadets, and there were many activities to try! From dodgeball on trampoline...

... to climbing up platforms via the trampolines.

It was definitely a great way to end the year!


With the relaxation of COVID-19 pandemic measures, we were able to resume the many enrichment that we used to do each year!

Our Sec 1s tried their hands on bouldering in school...

while our Sec 2 and 3 cadets used an air gun as practice for their classification shoot.

Some of the cadets also went for 1-Star Kayaking certification...

while the Sec 2s and 3s also got certified for First Aid and AED!

We hope that these enrichment were interesting for everyone!

Teachers' Day Appreciation

For the first time ever, the cadets organised a Teachers' Day Appreciation for the teachers!

The cadets put together Kahoot games...

and also performances for the teachers...

2022-08-30 Teachers’ Day Appreciation_082.MP4

Lastly, a video dedicated to our teachers!

We wish all LVSS NPCC teachers a Happy Teachers' Day!

SPF-NPCC Badge Presentation Ceremony

The Singapore Police Force – National Police Cadet Corps Badge (SPF-NPCC Badge) is the pinnacle award for NPCC cadets for their outstanding performance and contribution to the Corps. The students go through 2 rounds of interview where they share about what they have learned during their time with NPCC and only the best of the best will then be awarded the badge.

We are proud to announce that SSgt (NPCC) Aldric Liew & SSgt (NPCC) Aini were amongst the 222 outstanding graduating cadets from the whole of Singapore to receive the most prestigious award in NPCC!

An E-Ceremony was held on 16th April 2022 where all recipients were present to celebrate their achievements and had a virtual phototaking with the Guest-of-Honour, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Operations), DCP Tan Hung Hooi.

Aldric & Aini then received their badges and certificates from our Principal, Mr Eugene Lin during a badge presentation ceremony in school.

2022 SPF-NPCC Badge Awardees Interview.mp4

Here what both of them have to say as they they reflect upon their time in NPCC!

Congratulations once again to Aldric & Aini once again!

NPCC Day Observance Ceremony

After a 3-year hiatus, we had a live parade! This is the 1st time the Sec 1, 2 and 3 NPCC students have marched in a parade.

The parade was held in commemoration of NPCC Day which falls on 7 May each year.

Under the command of Chairperson Sgt (NPCC) Jerilyn Teo, the cadets marched to the drum beats played by the band into the parade square.

During the parade, the NPCC Day message was read to the school. All NPCC members also reaffirmed their dedication to the Corps through the recitation of the NPCC Pledge.

Last but not least, all the cadets marched out of the parade square, proud of being the first group of students to carry out a parade after 3 years.

It is a wonderful experience for all the students to be part of a parade once again!

We wish all NPCC members, of the past and present, a happy NPCC Day!

Sec 3 Shooting

To better prepare Sec 3 Cadet Leaders for their 0.22 Revolver Classification Shoot, they go through an enrichment programme with air guns where they learn how to aim and shoot a weapon.

When the time finally arrived for the actual shoot, all the CLs were excited and thrilled by the experience!

Even though not everyone attained the Marksmanship badge, they have taken their first step to potentially becoming a police officer in the future!

Sec 1 & 2 Pasir Ris Neighbourhood Police Centre Visit

On 12 & 14 April, our Sec 1 and 2 cadets had the privilege to become the 1st visitors to the Pasir Ris Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) since the pandemic!

Firstly the police officers gave the cadets a walkthrough to introduce the operations of the NPC.

After which they took part in quizzes and walked away with prizes!

They were also shown the equipment used by the police.

And the most exciting part was when the cadets got to explore the different police vehicles!

All the cadets also received goodie bags at the end of the visit!

Loyang View NPCC would like to thank the police officers from Pasir Ris NPC for preparing and welcoming us for this visit! We hope to see them again next year!

Area 8 Virtual ATC

To promote interaction of cadets between schools, Area 8 came together online for the first-ever Virtual ATC! The camp kicked off with an opening address by AC Area 8, DSP (NPCC) Lim Kok Sein.

The cadets first got to know each other through some ice breaker games...

Before coming together to draw their own group flag!

They also got to learn more about fire starting...

and worked online together to build a pioneering structure!

Last but not least, a virtual campfire to end the day!

While this interaction has been short, we hoped that the cadets enjoyed the opportunity to talk to cadets from other schools!

Sec 2 CSSP Presentation

As part of their CSSP project, the Sec 2 cadets chose different topics about safety, security or crime prevention that they want to share to their classmates.

After months of preparation, they presented their message in class on 6th April 2022.

The cadets even play Kahoot! with their classmates to keep them engaged!

We hope that the Sec 2 cadets and their classmates have learned greatly from the CSSP presentation!

Sec 1 Swearing-In Ceremony

Each year, new Secondary 1 cadets take part in a Swearing-In Ceremony to officiate them as NPCC cadets. This year, the ceremony continued to be held online for the first time on 1st April 2022.

In 2022, 32 LVSS NPCC Unit Secondary One cadets joined our big family as they swore in with their dedication and commitment to the Corps.

We wish them all the best in their 4 or 5 years of NPCC life!

Area 11 E-Games Day

The Area 11 E-Games Day, jointly hosted by shools from Area 11, was held on 25th March 2022.

5 of our Sec 1 cadets, Aqil, Iniya, Thanisha, Thanusree and Yahvi represented LVSS NPCC to participate in the competition.

The cadets did well and came in 3rd for 2 games!

  • Jeopardy hosted by Broadrick Secondary School

  • Spyfall hosted by Tanjong Katong Secondary School

The cadets had lots of fun and we hope to join them physically next year!

Passing-Out Parade & Investiture

For the 1st time in 3 years, we were able to have our POP with everyone present! The CLs marched into the parade square with all the other cadets in attendance.

During POP, each CL received their plaques and certificates in appreciation of their contribution to the Corps.

They were then dismissed for the very last time as they marched out of the parade square.

The Investiture Ceremony was held next to appoint the Secondary 3 Cadet Leaders.

Sgt (NPCC) Jerilyn Teo was appointed the Chairperson, with Sgt (NPCC) Dania Ellysha and Sgt (NPCC) Muhd Sufi Rifki as the Deputy Chairpersons!

Each individual squads then had their farewell for the CLs as we all wish them all the best for their upcoming N/O Level examinations!

Sec 3 ATC & Leadership Camp

In preparation for their appointment as Cadet Leaders, the Sec 3 cadets had their ATC & Leadership Camp!

In the morning, they completed components in the ATC such as basha building,

build a shoe rack during pioneering and also orienteering with the use of a compass.

In the afternoon they participated in various challenges that required them to work together...

and think on the spot!

We hope that this would help get them ready for their CL-ship.

Sec 2 Day Camp

The Sec 2 cadets had a day camp where they spend the time bonding even more with each other!

They learned how to play new sports such as volleyball..

and also pickle ball...

They had a great time during the camp...

and worked hard together to complete the challenges from the CLs!

Sec 1 Day Camp

To welcome our Secondary 1 cadets, we had our Day Camp on 26th February!

During the camp, they got to know each other better through games,

learned how to cook with mess tin and solid fuels,

did physical training...

and played even more sports games!

We hoped that the Sec 1s had a great time together!

NPCC Inter-Unit eCSI Competition

Held on 19th February, Lingming, Puteri and Elna participated in the 1st ever Inter-Unit e-CSI Competition organised by NPCC HQ.

During the competition, they took on the role as detectives and looked through evidences of the different crime scenes.

While the competition was challenging, the students were very engaged as they solved the puzzles to finally nab the culprit!

It was lots of fun for them and we look forward to it again next year!

Sec 1 Recruitment

As part of our recruitment efforts, the Secondary 1 Cadet Leaders carried out the UG Experience for 3 weeks!

The Secondary 1 students get to experience the activities that a NPCC cadet will go through during weekly trainings. Other than games, they also had a first experience in campcraft as well as doing drills!

We hope that the Secondary 1 cadets had a good time with us and will choose to join NPCC!

*The final enrolment of Sec 1 students to LVSS NPCC in 2022 stands at 32 students.*