Rifle Drills

Refer to the Drill Manual for the complete list of Rifle Drills.

You may find the Training Videos for Rifle Drills uploaded here.

If you do not understand the content of the Drill Manual or the Training Videos, seek assistance from your Cadet Leaders or Instructors.

Rifle Drill.pdf


Front View

Side View



Stand at Ease

Senang diri

Right Dressing

Kekanan lurus

Eyes Front (from Right Dressing)

Pandang kehadapan pandang

Pledge Taking

Ta'at setia

Attention (from Pledge Taking)


Shoulder Arms (from Order Arms)

Rusok senjata

Order Arms (from Shoulder Arms)

Turun senjata

Present Arms

Hormat senjata

Shoulder Arms (from Present Arms)

Rusok senjata

Order Arms (from Present Arms)

Turun senjata