SPF-NPCC Badge Presentation Ceremony

The Singapore Police Force – National Police Cadet Corps Badge (SPF-NPCC Badge) is the pinnacle award for NPCC cadets for their outstanding performance and contribution to the Corps. The students go through 2 rounds of interview where they share about what they have learned during their time with NPCC and only the best of the best will then be awarded the badge.

With only 151 students from all over Singapore receiving this badge, Loyang View NPCC is proud to announce that we have 2 recipients of this prestigious badge!

SI (NPCC) Sumayyah Binte Norazni was the Chairperson of NPCC and led the Unit to organize its training and events. She also constantly looks after her juniors and help nurture them to become better.

In addition, she actively represents the school in competitions and parades and was part of the Guard-of-Honour contingent for the NPCC Annual Parade in 2018.

In school, she was also the emcee for the UG Achievers’ Night and was the Parade Commander for last year’s National Day Parade in school.

SI (NPCC) Valen Chee Wei Xuan was the Deputy Chairperson of NPCC and she was in charge of carrying out the Operations portion of the Unit, such as logistics and publicity. As a Squad Leader, she is patient with her juniors and teaches them the skills they need.

Similarly, she participates in many competitions and events such as the campcraft competition and community events with the police.

In 2019, Valen was also amongst the 20 students chosen to put up a precision drill performance during NPCC’s Annual Parade.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the Badge Presentation Ceremony took placed in school where they received the awards from our Principal, Mr Lee Hak Boon during a school ceremony.

Well done Sumayyah and Valen and we are proud of you!

National Day Parade

2020 National Day Parade in school was held very differently due to COVID-19. To reduce intermingling across classes, LVSS NPCC cadets from 3A1 took on numerous roles for the pre-recorded ceremony.

The emcee for this year's parade was Sgt (NPCC) Nur Ain Iman Syafa'ah.

The parade was then led by our Chairperson, Sgt (NPCC) Levon Tan, who commanded the parade with gusto!

Levon & Syafa'ah, together with Sgt (NPCC) Branden Lee & Sgt (NPCC) Danish Fitri also doubled up as the flag party which escorted the National Flag.

Lastly, Syafa'ah and Branden then rose the flag with pride and honour as the school sang the National Anthem.

While the ceremony is recorded, the CLs put in great effort to ensure that the ceremony was a meaningful one for the school. Well Done!

Passing-Out Parade & Investiture

Held on 10th March 2020, the Passing-Out Parade saw the graduating Secondary 4 & 5 Cadet Leaders' marched out for the last time for their Passing-Out Parade.

In appreciation of their dedication and contribution to LVSS NPCC Unit, each Cadet Leader received plaques & certificates from ASP (NPCC) Harry Wong, OC Unit for LVSS NPCC.

While the whole Unit were not able to gather, each individual squads showed their appreciation to the Cadet Leaders during the Farewell party.

They presented their CLs with gifts of appreciation and took lots of photos for memories!

On the same day, the Secondary 3 cadets were appointed as Cadet Leaders during the Investiture. Sgt (NPCC) Levon Tan Jun Wei took over the reigns as Unit Chairperson while Sgt (NPCC) Muhammad Haashir Islam was appointed as the Deputy Chairperson.

We wish all the graduating Cadet Leaders all their best for their upcoming O and N Levels examinations and for any future endeavours.

We also believe that under the leadership of the new Cadet Leaders and everyone's support, LVSS NPCC will continue to scale greater heights!

UG Trials

Each year, as part of our recruitment efforts, NPCC hosts the Secondary One students to a day of UG trials!

During the trials, they first heard from our OC Unit, ASP (NPCC) Harry Wong on what to expect if they joined NPCC.

Some of them then got to experience some foot drill which is an integral part of NPCC.

The CLs then taught them songs and played games with them too!

We hope that all the Secondary One students had a great time with us!

*The final enrolment of Sec 1 students to LVSS NPCC in 2020 stands at 32 students.*