Inter-UG Games Day

Continuing our initiative from 2017, LVSS NPCC organised the Inter-UG Games Day for our Secondary 1 UG members again!

Keeping to the same game of Protect-the-King Dodgeball, we mixed things up by making each team having members from all 4 UGs!

It was a good interaction amongst them as they get to make new friends and have lots of fun!

After the first few games, the competition became intense as everyone was now familiar to the game!

At the end of the day, the team which contains Vatsana and Afiq from NPCC emerged champions for the day!

We hoped that everyone had fun!

Year-End Enrichment

As the school year comes to an end, it is time for our Year-End Enrichment - the Sabre Tag!

Pretending to be Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker, the cadets engaged in "combat" using light sabres as they aim to who's the best!

Even our teacher, Ms Naeem, got in on the action as she quickly stole the energy crystals for the base!

It was a good way to celebrate our hard work for the year as everyone had lots of fun!

Sec 2 Leadership Camp

Continuing a tradition from Greenview NPCC, Sec 2 LVSS NPCC cadets underwent a 2 day 1 night leadership camp to prepare them for the Cadet Leader-ship in Sec 3.

On Saturday, they underwent a series of tough challenges where they had to work together and make numerous decisions. If they fail, a penalty will be imposed on the final activity.

On Sunday, the cadets woke up at 4 am as we embark a 6.5 km hike to Changi Beach to watch the sunrise. Due to the failed challenges on Saturday, they had to carry an additional 19 bottles of water along.

While it is a short camp, it has challenged the physical and mental resilience of the cadets. Hope that the training will strengthen their minds and body as they pick up the real challenge of leader the Unit next year.

Pasir Ris NPC Mass U-Lock Installation

On 25th August, Saturday, 14 cadets from LVSS NPCC volunteered themselves to assist the police officers from Pasir Ris NPC in their community project - Mass U-Lock Installation.

During the event, cyclist from the neighbourhood would bring their bicycles to Pasir Ris Sports & Recreation Centre, where U-locks would then be installed to their bicycles.

These U-locks serve to prevent thefts of bicycles as they are more secure.

After getting familiar with what to do, the cadets quickly became good helpers as they were able to install these U-locks independently. This helped the police officers greatly as more residents could be attended to!

Some of them even walked around the neighbourhood to promote the use of the U-locks so that more people can benefit form it!

As NPCC is part of the Singapore Police Force, such opportunities to work with police officers is indeed an eye-opener for our cadets!

We hope to work with them again soon!

National Day Parade @ LVSS

In our first ever National Day Parade at Loyang View Secondary School, the NPCC is of course part of the marching contingent and trained hard! However due to inclement weather, the ceremony carried on in the hall.

NPCC, led by SSgt (NPCC) Eugene Ng and the other Uniformed Group continued to put a good display of drills to commemorate the day!

SSgt (NPCC) Joey Lim was also part of the flag party which escorted the National Flag for the ceremony.

Well done cadets, especially the Sec 1 cadets who volunteered to participate in the parade!

Happy 52nd birthday Singapore!

Area 8 Games Day

This year, LVSS NPCC Unit is the host for the inaugural Area 8 Games Day! 5 Units from Area 8 hosted different games and invited other schools to participate!

The participants had so much fun during the games as they compete to be the best in all of them! We would like to thank the following Units for their support!

  • Chung Cheng High School (Main)

  • Ngee Ann Secondary School

  • Pasir Ris Secondary School

  • Springfield Secondary School

  • St. Hilda's Secondary School

The winning school for each game is.

  • Pyramid Pit by Dunman: East View Secondary School

  • Cans Knocker by East View: Pasir Ris Crest Sec

  • Nerf Gun Shooting by Hai Sing: Pasir Ris Sec

  • Protect-the-King Dodgeball by Loyang View: Bedok South Sec

  • Netball Shooting by Pasir Ris Crest: Ngee Ann Sec

Congratulations to them!

At the end of the Games Day, the best performing team across all 5 games would be crowned the Overall Champion! The honour this year goes to Pasir Ris Secondary School!

Well done!

Kudos to the Sec 3 CLs and Sec 2 cadets who worked together to ensure that the Area 8 Games Day is a success! Let's all keep up the good work!

We hope to see everyone again next year!

Police Day Parade

Held on 3rd June 2018, 4 of our cadets had the privilege to attend the Police Day Parade that was held @ HTA. It was indeed an eye-opener to them as they get to see the Singapore Police Force march out as well as the different vehicles used by them.

UG Achievers' Night 2018

UG Achievers’ Night is an annual event in Loyang View Secondary School when all Uniformed Groups which had attained Gold Award gather together to celebrate their achievements.

This year’s Achievers’ Night was an eventful celebration. NPCC has achieved another Gold Award for the third consecutive year. We are proud of the Cadet Leaders and cadets for their contribution to NPCC in 2017. Special thanks to our OC of NPCC, ASP (NPCC) Harry Wong, NPCC teachers, and Sec Four Cadet Leaders for helping LVSS NPCC receive Gold award for UOPA. All this would not have been possible without them.

On the day itself, the Sec Two and Three cadets received their personalised Gold Award from OC Unit, ASP (NPCC) Harry Wong and Dy OC Unit, Insp (NPCC) Naeem while the Sec Four and Five Cadets received theirs from our Vice-Principal, Ms Tan.

“I feel happy that NPCC received another Gold Award this year. Despite being tested and pushed to our limits, the Cadet Leaders were only doing it to help us do better and improve. I’m really proud to be part of the NPCC family and I hope that we will receive another Gold award.”

~ LCpl (NPCC) Valen Chee

“Achievers’ Night represents my journey in NPCC. I’m proud of being a part of NPCC. I’m proud that through my and our units’ contributions, be it small or big, we have achieved Gold. It is rewarding and at the same time, I got to build bonds with my peers and officers.”

~ SI (NPCC) Muhd Azroy

It was truly an unforgettable experience and we look forward to it again next year!

NPCC Day Observance Ceremony

On NPCC Day this year, LVSS NPCC Unit marched together as one for the first time under the command of our Chairperson Sgt (NPCC) Ng Yi Jun, Eugene.

During the ceremony, the NPCC Day message was read and all NPCC members reaffirmed their dedication to the Corps through the recitation of the NPCC Pledge.

The NPCC Pledge

We, the members of the National Police Cadet Corps, do here and now solemnly and sincerely pledge that:

We will always bear true faith and allegiance to the President and our Republic of Singapore.

We will always be loyal and true to our country, our people and the government.

We will always be prepared to serve our country and the community.

We will always preserve the peace and uphold the law.

We wish all NPCC members, of the past and present, a happy NPCC Day!

SPF-NPCC Badge Presentation Ceremony 2018

The Singapore Police Force – National Police Cadet Corps Badge (SPF-NPCC Badge) is the pinnacle award for NPCC cadets for their outstanding leadership and contribution to the Unit.

In 2018, only 147 NPCC cadets among all graduating Sec 4 & 5 students in Singapore received this badge.

We are proud to announce that 2 of the recipients are from Loyang View Secondary School NPCC!

They are:

  • SI (NPCC) Nadira Bte Ghazali

  • SI (NPCC) Muhammad Azroy B Sabtu

They received their badges from Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Teo Chun Ching during the ceremony held on 14th April 2018. Our Principal, Mr Lee, was present to witness the ceremony.

Congratulations to Nadira and Azroy and may Loyang View NPCC continue to have more recipients of the award in the future!

NPCC Annual Parade 2018

NPCC Annual Parade (NPAP) is an important event for all the cadets from all schools as it is the biggest NPCC parade for the year. Even though this year’s parade had to be held indoors due to the wet weather, it didn’t dampen our spirits.

We would like to commend our school’s cadets who took time during the March holidays to train for the parade. They are:

  • Sgt (NPCC) Ng Yi Jun, Eugene (GOH contingent)

  • L/Cpl (NPCC) Sumayyah Binte Norazni (GOH contingent)

  • Sgt (NPCC) Ryan Lai Zhen Hao (Flag Party)

  • Sgt (NPCC) Lim Li Ping Joey (Supporting Contingent)

  • L/Cpl (NPCC) Atirah Mysara (Supporting Contingent)

During the parade, Loyang View NPCC was also presented with the Gold Award for their efforts in 2017. Our OC Unit, ASP (NPCC) Harry Wong, received the Gold Award plaque from Mr Desmond Choo, Mayor of North East District. Our Vice-Principal, Ms Ng, was also present to witness the ceremony.

Congratulations to Loyang View NPCC! May we continue to do well in the future!

LVSS Outstanding Contribution Award

Every year, Loyang View Secondary School recognises the contribution and dedication of students towards their CCA by presenting them with the Outstanding Contribution Award for CCA.

The recipients for NPCC this year are:

  • SI (NPCC) Darren Chng Xue Jun

  • SI (NPCC) Lidiya Syakirah Bte Abdul R

  • SI (NPCC) Nadira Bte Ghazali

  • SI (NPCC) Muhammad Azroy B Sabtu

  • SSgt (NPCC) Mangabat Therese Estephine A

  • SSgt (NPCC) Muhammad Lutfi B Hasri

  • SSgt (NPCC) Syazwina Raihanah Bte Sahron

  • SSgt (NPCC) Soh Wan Xin, Sabrina

Congratulations to them!

Konfrontasi Memorial Service

On 10th March 2018, LVSS NPCC Unit had the privilege to attend the Konfrontasi Memorial Service.

The deadly attack on March 10, 1965, was one of more than 40 acts of sabotage committed by Indonesian agents during the Konfrontasi (Confrontation) period from 1963 to 1966, in opposition to the newly-formed Federation of Malaysia, which included Singapore. The bombing left three people dead and 33 injured.

The service, held at the Konfrontasi Memorial site near MacDonald House, was to remember those who had lost their lives, as well as honour the volunteers and soldiers who had fought and fallen during those troubled times.

It was organised by the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Veterans’ League, and attendees included survivors and families of those who lost their lives in the bombing, and veterans from the First and Second Battalions, Singapore Infantry Regiment who were deployed during Konfrontasi.

The experience was a reminder to our NPCC cadets that the peace that they are enjoying came at a price. It also reminded them that their roles in spreading crime prevention and SG Secure messages are definitely important for our society to continue maintain this peace.

Passing-Out Parade & Investiture

The Passing-Out Parade on 6th March 2018 witnessed the graduating Secondary 4 & 5 Cadet Leaders as they take part in their last parade.

During the parade, they received plaques & certificates of appreciation from OC Unit, ASP (NPCC) Harry Wong, to thank them for their dedication and contribution to GVSS, LYSS and LVSS NPCC Unit.

It was a touching moment for all as both the CLs as well as the cadets showed their appreciation for each other through cards, gifts and photos.

We wish them all the best and may they do well in their upcoming ‘N’ and ‘O’ Level Examinations as well as their future endeavours!

During the Investiture Ceremony later, the Secondary 3 cadets were appointed as Cadet Leaders. Under the leadership of Unit Chairperson Sgt (NPCC) Ng Yi Jun, Eugene, as well as his Deputy Chairpersons, Sgt (NPCC) Puteri Hadeel Amani Haji R and Sgt (NPCC) Ryan Lai Zhen Hao, we believe that LVSS NPCC Unit will continue to scale greater heights in the future!

Promotion Ceremony & Unit Lo Hei

On 27th February 2018, a promotion ceremony was held for the secondary 3 cadets and secondary 4 Cadet Leaders.

The following Sec 3 cadets have been promoted to the rank of Sergeant:

1. Cpl (NPCC) Aiman Hakim B Md Roslan

2. Cpl (NPCC) Almu'tasim Billal B Alaina BB

3. Cpl (NPCC) Emilya Bte Aerwan

4. Cpl (NPCC) Kuo Zih-You

5. Cpl (NPCC) Lim Li Ping Joey

6. Cpl (NPCC) Low Jia Xuan

7. Cpl (NPCC) Lutfil Hadi B Edy Widodo

8. Cpl (NPCC) Mohamad Noor Hadi

9. Cpl (NPCC) Muhammad Aniq

10. Cpl (NPCC) Muhammad Asyrul B Rosli

11. Cpl (NPCC) Muhammad Hakim

12. Cpl (NPCC) Muhammad Idris

13. Cpl (NPCC) Muhammad Iskandar

14. Cpl (NPCC) Ng Yi Jun, Eugene

15. Cpl (NPCC) Puteri Hadeel Amani Haji R

16. Cpl (NPCC) Putri Nur Amani Bte Effendy

17. Cpl (NPCC) Ruzdy Effendy B Rohizad

18. Cpl (NPCC) Ryan Lai Zhen Hao

19. Cpl (NPCC) Sharifah Inshirah Al-Faqeh

20. Cpl (NPCC) Tan Yi Ching

Top in Sergeant Promotion Test

Cpl (NPCC) Ng Yi Jun, Eugene

The following Cadet Leaders have been promoted to the rank of Station Inspector:

  • SSgt (NPCC) Darren Chng Xue Jun

  • SSgt (NPCC) Lidiya Syakirah Bte Adbul R

  • SSgt (NPCC) Muhammad Azroy B Sabtu

  • SSgt (NPCC) Nadira Bte Ghazali

Due to the merger, Loyang View NPCC had 4 recipients instead of the usual 2.

The ceremony also saw the Best Unit Cadets receiving their plaques of achievements from OC Unit, ASP (NPCC) Harry Wong.

Due to the merger, Loyang View NPCC had 2 male and female recipients respectively.

The recipients are:

  • SI (NPCC) Darren Chng Xue Jun (BUC Male)

  • SSgt (NPCC) Muhammad Lutfi B Hasri (BUC Male)

  • SI (NPCC) Nadira Bte Ghazali (BUC Female)

  • SSgt (NPCC) Soh Wan Xin, Sabrina (BUC Female)

As it was still the Chinese New Year period, a Unit Lo Hei is a must!

At the same time, a birthday celebration for the February babies was held too!

NPCC Enrichment

Each year, LVSS NPCC arranged enrichment activities to widen our cadets' experience!

Secondary 1 cadets went through the bouldering enrichment which was conducted by the school's own Rock Climbing coach.

The Secondary 2 & 3 cadets went through a Marksmanship programme which saw them fire off air pistol. This would help the secondary 3 cadets prepare for their 0.22 Revolver Classification Shoot in the upcoming month.

Children's Cancer Foundation Fund Raising

Every year, the Secondary One NPCC cadets will carry out a Fund Raising for the Children's Cancer Foundation during the Chinese New Year period.

In 2018, it was held on 20th & 21st February and Cdt (NPCC) Haiqal Aqil & Cdt (NPCC) Muhammad Haashir was on stage to share with the rest of the school during morning assembly.

Through the 2 days, the cadets carried out the fund raising enthusiastically as they sought to raise as much funds for the unfortunate children.

After 2 days, a total of $367 was raised for the Children's Cancer Foundation. We thank everyone for their generosity towards the less fortunate.

Cadet Leaders' Training Camp 2018

The Secondary 3 cadets stayed back for 1 more night after Annual Camp as they went through their Cadet Leaders' Training Camp to better prepare them to take over as Cadet Leaders.

On the first night, the squad was split into 2 teams which saw them compete in an impromptu drill competition. Given only an hour to train, they were expected to train and command their respective squads.

The losing team had to prepare the breakfast for the next morning!

Day 2 of the Cadet Leaders' Training Camp saw them having to complete several challenges.

The first was a challenge that requires their teamwork as a group of 4 cadets had to support each other using on their bodies and legs for 5 seconds.

The cadets struggled at the start but soon found the technique which helped everyone complete the challenge!

The 2nd challenge saw the whole squad being blindfolded and spread across the hall. Without being able to communicate via speech, the cadets had to find every single member of the squad and make their way to the first floor.

While the challenges are tough, the Sec 3 cadets managed to complete them which allowed them to go home earlier!

We hope that this helped get the Secondary 3 cadets ready for the upcoming challenges they will face when they take over the Unit.

Annual Camp 2018

Held on 9th & 10th February, this year's Annual Camp is the first ever for Loyang View NPCC.

The objective of the camp was for everyone to know each other better and bond as a Unit.

The Cadet Leaders' planned numerous activities for the camp which also saw them attempt a trust fall on Day 1!

After warming up the Day 2 with a series of Physical Training, the activities carried on!

The campers definitely enjoyed the activities and also the time spent together with each other!

When the evening came, it was time for our campfire as we sang the campfire songs and enjoyed the performances of each group!

At the end of the camp, outstanding campers of each level were presented with the Best Camper award. Well done!

Sec 1 Best Campers

  • Rifiq Matin Bin Rizal (1T1)

  • Vongnakhone Vatsana (1A2)

Sec 2 Best Campers

  • Mohammad Irfan Agil (2A2)

  • Sumayyah Binte Norazni (2E2)

Sec 3 Best Campers

  • Muhammad Aniq (3E2)

  • Emilya Bte Aerwan (3E3)

The Camp would not have been fun without everyone's participation, so let's look forward to our Annual Camp again in 2019!

Gryphon Youth Outreach Programme - Best Banner Competition

In August 2017, 5 NPCC cadets and 3 Girl Guides art students formed a team to participate in the Gryphon Youth Outreach Programme (GYOP) Best Banner Competition 2017 which was organised by Bedok Police Division.

The competition aims to raise awareness on the most common types of crimes committed by youths and provides a suitable platform for them to express their ideas and creativity.

2017's theme is on Theft and the banner hand-painted by the team achieved a Top 10 position amongst all schools who participated!

They received their certificates from our Vice-Principal, Ms Ng during the school's morning assembly on 2nd February 2018.

Sgt (NPCC) Lim Xiang Ting also represented the team to present the Award of Achievement to Ms Ng.

The outstanding students are:

From NPCC,

Sgt (NPCC) Chew Yu Zhe,

Sgt (NPCC) Isqandar Badry,

Sgt (NPCC) Gurubrahmi Durga,

Sgt (NPCC) Lim Xiang Ting

Sgt (NPCC) Lynnette Cheng

From Girl Guides,

Anisa Bte Johari, Sherica Chua, Pang Pei En


Inter-Unit Campcraft Competition 2018

Held bi-annually, the NPCC Inter-Unit Campcraft Competition is the first time that LVSS NPCC is being represented. Cadets started training well before the merger in October 2017 in a bid to improve our results and aim to qualify for the finals.

The intensive training paid off as both the Boys and Girls team achieved tremendous improvement in the results! The Boys' team led by SSgt (NPCC) Muhammad Azroy came in 26th while the Girls' team led by SSgt (NPCC) Sabrina Soh came in at a remarkable position of 18th. This is a great improvement from both teams whom were placed 91st and 59th respectively in 2016.

We hope to continue these wonderful results and aim to qualify for the finals in 2020!

Boys' Team

SSgt (NPCC) Muhammad Azroy B Sabtu (Captain)

Cpl (NPCC) Ng Yi Jun, Eugene (Vice-Captain)

SSgt (NPCC) Darren Chng Xue Jun

SSgt (NPCC) Ho Kai Sheng, Ignatius

SSgt (NPCC) Muhammad Lutfi B Hasri

Cpl (NPCC) Aiman Hakim B Md Roslan

Cpl (NPCC) Muhammad Idris B Md Amin

Cpl (NPCC) Muhammad Asyrul Bin Rosli

Cpl (NPCC) Ryan Lai Zhen Hao

Lcp (NPCC) Muhammad Razin Khan Bin Mohammad Rushidi

Lcp (NPCC) Muhammad Subhi Amri Bin Muhammad Hudzaiman

Lcp (NPCC) Mohammad Irfan Agil Bin Mohammad Faez

Girls' Team

SSgt (NPCC) Soh Wan Xin, Sabrina (Captain)

Cpl (NPCC) Puteri Hadeel Amani Haji R (Vice-Captain)

SSgt (NPCC) Lidiya Syakira Bte Abdul R

SSgt (NPCC) Nadira Bte Ghazali

SSgt (NPCC) Syazwina Raihanah Bte Sahron

Cpl (NPCC) Emilya Bte Aerwan

Cpl (NPCC) Lim Li Ping, Joey

Cpl (NPCC) Nurul 'Izzah Bte Mohamed S

Lcp (NPCC) Ellisza Nur Ain Binte Mohamad Ali

Lcp (NPCC) Siti Nadiyah Binte Roslee

Lcp (NPCC) Sumayyah Binte Norazni

Lcp (NPCC) Valen Chee Wei Xuan

Loyang View Secondary School NPCC

With effect from 2018, Loyang Secondary School and Greenview Secondary School will merge to be Loyang View Secondary School.

Both NPCC units will merge as one and continue to strive for success!