

We are thrilled to share with you the engaging and thought-provoking journey our historians are undertaking. Throughout this term, our students are delving into pivotal moments in history, exploring the significance of events that have shaped our world.

Our students have learnt about and reflected on such as the signing of the Magna Carta (Y7) to the sobering study of the Shoah (Holocaust, Y9) and the role of the British Empire in the transatlantic slave trade (Y8). Our scholars are immersing themselves in the intricacies of these events and reflecting on the historical lessons they teach us, fostering critical thinking and empathy.

I want to extend my heartfelt wishes to all our Year 11 historians as they continue on their revision journey. Your dedication and hard work are truly commendable, and I have no doubt that you will excel in your upcoming exams. Remember, you can access all the necessary revision resources conveniently at our history revision website: link. Your efforts are inspiring, and I am confident that you will make us all proud. Best of luck!

Year 7

Year 8

Work produced by Emily and Riley 

Y7 History.pdf

Work produced by Emily and Lily 

Y8 History.pdf

Year 9

Work produced by Elizabeth and Lucia 

Y9 History.pdf
Y9 History.pdf

Year 10

Work produced by Charlie and Kyla

History Y10.pdf


This term, our budding geographers have delved deep into the marvels of our physical world, embarking on an exploration of its richness and wonder. From uncovering the secrets of the world's lush rainforests (Year 7) to unraveling the mysteries of our changing coastal landscapes (Year 9), and tracing the meandering journey of mighty rivers (Year 8), they have embraced the magnificence of our planet's natural phenomena with curiosity and fervour.

To our Year 11 geographers, I want to wish you all the luck in your upcoming examinations, your continued effort and determination to achieve the best, will be rewarded. As you navigate through this critical period, remember that all your revision resources and support can be accessed conveniently through our Google Classroom platform: nklpe4g. Best of luck to each and every one of you on your academic journey.

Year 7

Year 8

Work produced by Rosie 

Y7 Geog.pdf

Work produced by Elis and Nmesoma

Y8 Geog.pdf

Year 9

Year 10

Work produced by Imogen and Charlie 


Work produced by Ella 

Y10 Geog.pdf


In this module, our passionate theologians have delved into deep reflections on commonly embraced religious perspectives. Our aim is to cultivate a thorough comprehension of religion while honing communication and critical thinking abilities. This endeavor has prompted students to address significant inquiries, such as: "Was Jesus truly as 'meek and mild' as portrayed in the Charles Wesley hymn, or was he a revolutionary challenging the societal norms of his era?" (Year 8), "What is the significance of religious buildings, and should they prioritise community service over wealth?" (Year 7), and "Does religion primarily exert influence as a force for power or peace in the world?" (Year 9). 

Year 7

Year 8

Work produced by Dlina and Emmanuella

Y7 Ethics.pdf

Work produced by Kasiliki  

Y8 Ethics.pdf

Year 9

Year 10

Work produced by Michelle

Y9 Ethics.pdf

Work produced by Amber 

Year 10.pdf