Attenborough College

Year 12 visit to University of Kent

Year 12 were lucky enough to visit the University of Kent on Thursday 7th March, for a much anticipated campus tour and insight into university life. 

They began by meeting the student ambassador team who spoke about their experience of applying to and attending university. Students were able to research courses, think about career paths and ask questions about the practicalities of life as a university student. After a detailed campus tour, Year 12 made use of the brilliant on site facilities before heading back to the lecture theatre for a discussion about the extra curricular side of uni living and a competition to create the most exciting student union group.

As a partner school to the University, we regularly have talks from the team who explain the entire UCAS process and encourage students to apply for their Succeed Programme.  We are really pleased that we have sent 7 students to take part this year, as we know places are so limited.  These students will be able to visit the University as well as take part in workshops and residential stays. We hope that visiting Kent has inspired our young people even more. 

Local Councillor visit

We were thrilled to welcome local councillors Ricky Jones and Alina Vaduva who came and spoke to our students about democracy and what it means for them. 

As Attenborough students begin to turn 18 and think about voting for the first time, they welcomed the chance to hear about what voting means to young people and how they can make their voices heard. Ricky and Alina gave some really useful insights into what local councillors, MPs and the Government do for communities and why it is so important that young people get to have their say. 

We really appreciate Ricky and Alina giving up their time to speak to us and hope to invite them back to the Academy to further our relationships with the local councillor team.

LGBTQ+ assembly

We are really lucky in Attenborough College to have students who feel so passionately about causes close to their hearts, that they are willing to talk about it to their peers. Eryn led a fantastic assembly on the history of LGBTQ+ culture and some of the inspirational figures from the community. 

International Women's Day assembly 

Ms Grant gave her very first assembly to mark International Women's Day on 8th March. It was so interesting to hear about the gender bias that still exists within society, especially within the health and safety industries. 

UCAS applications

Year on year we increase the number of students we help apply for university, and nothing makes us happier than seeing the excitement amongst year 13 as they begin to receive offers from their chosen institutions. 

This year we have sent off a whopping 67 applications, with some students already accepting offers.  We continue to support students in applying for student finance, thinking about accomodation and preparing them for university life. 

Employment and apprenticeship support

We understand that university is not for everyone, and ensure that students who are not choosing this pathway have equal opportunities to find an appropriate next step. 

We are lucky enough to have excellent links with several local and national companies who come and present to our students and give them a chance to apply for opportunities within their businesses. 

In several cases, the representatives are ex students, who take great joy in coming back to speak to students about what doors we can help open for them.

So far this year we have had talks from Hope Dance at Keston Reeves, Alex at Overbury Morgan Lovell and the team at the Ebbsfleet Development Group.

We have also been lucky enough to work alongside Marie Colgan from the Department of Work and Pensions, who has been providing careers advice and interview and CV writing skills.

Visit to the Childcare & Education Expo

T-Level Education and Early Years students spent the day at London Olympia's Childcare & Education Expo attending  interactive and inspiring workshops such as Super Sounds! A Fantastically Fun Pre-Phonics Journey! by Independent Early Learning Consultant, Trainer and Author, Emma Spiers, Hands That Speak: Unveiling the Power of British Sign Language by Jon Palmer, British Sign Language Teacher and many more. 

Students had the opportunity to visit and speak to all exhibitors, absorbing different ideas for their forthcoming Employer Set Project moderated assignment, and network with childcare businesses, practitioners, managers and suppliers.