Seacole College

Modules 3 and 4 have once again seen many Seacole students excel both academically and in events beyond the classroom. From my perspective, it has been wonderful to see so many positive academic reports across all year groups through the last 2 modules, and a real pleasure meeting many parents and carers again in the Year 11 and Year 9 Parent - Teacher days.  

Year 9 have completed their GCSE option choices, and we are now in the process of building the timetable for the next academic year, trying to give as many students as possible their first choice subjects. Information on the subjects given to students will be with you in Module 6. Year 11 edge ever closer to the summer exams and their dedication, work ethic, maturity and determination has been visible for all to see - good luck to all of them and I'm very proud of each and every Year 11 student who has really pushed themselves to achieve the best grades possible in the forthcoming examination series.

I would also like to take this opportunity to highlight 2 Seacole students who have achieved outstanding feats in their areas of interest outside of the academy - George in Year 7 and Dara in Year 9.

George found an interest in fishing two years ago and that has quickly developed into a passion. George has progressed so quickly he has now secured a sponsor who send him all of his bait for free - quite a big money saving for George! His aim this year is to  his personal best for the size of fish caught. This currently stands at 15lbs1oz but George is targeting a 25lb catch this year - good luck George!

Dara is a superstar athlete in the making! Dara announced herself as a talented sprinter last summer by winning every school competition she entered - Academy Sports day, LAT Sports day and District Sports! Her talent didn't go unnoticed by Dartford Harriers and Dara is now training and competing for them, as well as representing us with such distinction. In the Dartford Harriers club championships, Dara won both the 100m and 200m. The goal this summer is to break 13 seconds for the 100m and 27 seconds in the 200m. Go on Dara - help us bring the Sports Day trophy back to Seacole this summer too!

Have a restful Easter break everyone!

Mr Brewer