
Year 7 - Physical Theatre

In this module students have been learning about physical theatre. In our first lesson students worked in teams to create letters and messages using their bodies, they then continued to create objects adding sound and applying movement. We are now focussing on Frantic assembly - a physical theatre company - students are working in pairs to create a chair duet with the theme of 'friendship' for our end of term assessment.

Year 8 - Blood Brothers

In this module students have been introduced to the play 'Blood Brother's by Willy Russell. Our first lesson focused on the themes of the story - social class & inequality, nature vs nurture and economic injustice, and students took part in a debate relating to the themes. The students were then given the plot and created their own opening scene including stage directions and script. We are now working on the end of module assessment - focussing on Act 2 scene 2 - where students are working in small groups with performers and a director role.

Year 9 - The Good Person of Szechwan

In this module students have been writing and creating their own version of 'The Good person of Szechwan' in the style of the practitioner Brecht. Brecht uses over-exaggerated physical movement and voice tone as well as a number of new techniques which the students hadn't  explored before. Some students are taking on the role of sound, lighting and director - for their end of module assessment.

Year 10 - Component 1

In this module, students have been working on their first component 'Exploring the Performing Arts'  for their BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts. In this component students develop their understanding of the performing arts by examining the work of performing arts professionals and the processes used to create performance.  The students incorporate the skills learnt in their performance of 'Things I know to be true' by Frantic assembly as well as completing a written log.

Year 11 - Component 3

In this module, students have been working on their final component - Responding to a brief - for their BTEC Tech Award in Performing arts. In this component learners are given the opportunity to work as a group to contribute a workshop performance in response to this years brief - Treasured Memories. The students create an original script and use all skills learnt, to develop ideas and techniques for their final performance. 

Year 13 - Unit 3

In this module, students have been working on their final unit - Group performance workshop - for their  BTEC level 3 National extended certificate in Performing arts. In this unit students explore and integrate creative, physical and vocal skills and techniques, working collaboratively to create a performance in response to a given stimulus - 'I am nervous, like an Olympian, a long-distance runner, the starting gun has fired, dust plumes beneath my feet, the end is a long way away. I pace myself, I focus and I concentrate...' The students create an original script and use all skills learnt to develop ideas and techniques for their final performance.