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What is an Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP)?

SECTION 59-59-140 of South Carolina Education and Economic Development Act of 2006 states that an Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) is a student specific educational plan detailing the courses necessary for the student to prepare for graduation and to successfully transition into the workforce or post-secondary education.

An individual graduation plan must:

Early graduation

As per the SC Department of Education: Graduates who complete requirements at the end of the fall, winter, or summer term will not be included in the class count for class rank calculations for SC scholarship purposes.

*Students can remain an active senior through the end of the senior year by enrolling in courses provided by the high school, LCC, or dual enrollment. The student will receive a diploma at the end of the senior year (spring) and will be ranked with the senior class for scholarship eligibility determination purposes. 

*Students who graduate in 3 years are in the class rank and eligible for SC scholarships

ILHS AP Presentation Students and Families Feb 2021.pdf