
Students 9- 12 may take VirtualSC classes 

IF ILHS does not offer the course 

or we offer it, but cannot get you a seat in the class. 

Any appropriate high school level VSC class may be taken in the summer; however, we do not recommend taking initial math or English classes over the summer (especially if you plan to apply to college) because you need a math and an English on your transcript every year for colleges to consider you.

Please remember that new requirements for Personal Health and Personal Finance will be taken in your Sophomore year and may not be taken in the summer.

Summer courses will be included in the previous academic year on your transcript (so if you take a class in the summer between sophomore and junior year, the course will go under your sophomore year).

Please note that if you do not keep up daily/weekly in your course, you can be dropped by VirtualSC, and it will go on your transcript as a fail for attendance. You need to be sure to read the emails (and respond if appropriate) from your VSC teachers and keep up with your work. 

Classes '25, '26, & '27- if you took JROTC instead of PE, 

you need to take the .5 Personal Health course before you graduate.

To apply: go to

VirtualSC Course Catalog- this will tell you how many credits a course is worth, how long it lasts, and what you will do in the course

VirtualSC Spring 2024 Registration- this will show you which courses are being offered- be sure you are looking to see if it is high school level and if it is year long or semester or fast track or summer

VirtualSC Dates and Deadlines- this will tell you when you need to register, when the course begins, and the drop dates (please remember that at ILHS you only have 5 days from the start of the semester to drop a class)