May 8, 2024

🗒️ Message from Andrew Terry, Principal

NCES Families,

I want to take this moment and thank our PTA and families for an incredible Teacher Appreciation Week that happened at the end of April. We are so fortunate to be at a school where we are so appreciated. 

Also, our school times will be changing for next school year to 9:40-4:20. YMCA CEP will remain an option before and after school. We expect it to fill quickly, just as it has in the past. Please refer to this link frequently so you can sign up if interested. We expect sign-ups to go live in mid-May. As a result of the time change, we will be making appropriate adjustments to school information and programming and will share that information as we get closer to the beginning of the next school year. The JCPS Board will be considering further changes for the 2025-2026 school year at a later date. Thank you for your patience in advance. 


Dr. Andrew Terry, Principal

💻 Kentucky Summative Assessment

3rd-5th grade students are working hard this week on KSA!! Way to go, students. We love seeing you show what you have learned this year. Families, please ensure your student arrives to school on time (school STARTS at 8:40am) well rested and ready to be focused! Students are not allowed access to smart watches and phones in a testing environment. Please have your student keep these items at home or in their backpacks. 

🥫2nd Grade Service Learning Project

Powell's Class.MOV

🍎 Parent Teacher Association PTA Website

Restaurant Knights

Join us on May 15th for an exciting evening of delicious food and community spirit at our School PTA Fundraiser, Restaurant Nights! Let's unite to support our school and savor a fantastic meal at Buffalo Wild Wings at 10206 Westport Rd, Louisville, KY 40241! Spread the word, mark your calendars, and prepare for a fun-filled night of tasty treats and fundraising for a great cause!


Field Day Volunteers

NCES PTA is so excited to be a part of our first full day Field Day! There will be a morning session and an afternoon session with lunch and rest in between. We will be providing Fitz's Freeze Frozen Treats for the kids and lunch for our parent volunteers. Click HERE to assist us with this event. 


PTA Calendar

Stay up to date on the latest NCES PTA news by following our calendar.


New NCES PTA Website Check it out right HERE.

🍎 PTA Calendar

📒Notes from the 

Cardinal Commons FRC

🎉 Celebrations 🎉

Our Girls of Greatness group enjoyed a final celebration today! All girls in grades 4 and 5 have attended monthly meetings with a mission to empower and inspire young girls to recognize their worth, embrace their unique talents, and achieve their fullest potential. The engaging meetings have aimed to cultivate confident, resilient, and compassionate leaders of tomorrow. Special thanks to our teacher leaders, Sally Lantz and Melissa Shuster plus our JCPS leaders as well! In addition, thanks to our sponsors: Sit Still, Keren Benabou and Olive Garden. 

See some pictures from this year's Girls of Greatness here

Recurring Information