March 27, 2024

🗒️ Message from Nicole Feld, Academic Instructional Coach

NCES Families,

Our 5th Grade Defenses are occurring this week! Here are some FAQs that you may be wondering about.

What is the JCPS Backpack of Success Skills?

What is our “School Signature Item” at NCES?

Service Learning fits well with our NCES Mission and Vision (posted weekly at the bottom of this newsletter for easy reference). Our 5th graders completed their School Signature Item with individual service learning projects in the fall. Our K-4 students are using Deeper Learning Lab time with Mrs. Fields to complete grade level projects. Each grade level will follow these steps of service learning: 

1. Identify a problem that needs solving

2. Research 

3. Make a Plan

4. Implement the Plan

5. Showcase Work

What is a 5th Grade Defense of Learning?

Your students are gaining not only important academic content, but they are honing real-world skills that will serve them their entire lives. We thank you for allowing us to have a part in your child’s education, and we appreciate your support of our mission and vision!

Nicole Feld, AIC

🍎 Parent Teacher Association

Knights on Parade

Knights on Parade has officially begun! Let the fundraising commence. To compete for individual and class prizes, please register first. Remember, if 75% of school is registered by Friday, Mr. Terry will be making his debut in an inflatable horse costume, and you will receive your NCES water bottle.  Register HERE.



A huge shoutout and heartfelt thanks to Louisville Orthodontics for their generous support of the NCES PTA, treating all of our teachers to a delightful breakfast last week. Your kindness is deeply appreciated!


smART Showcase Prep with Ms. Sarah

Our dedicated art teacher, Ms. Sarah, is actively engaging our students in creating artwork for our upcoming smART Showcase in May. She is seeking volunteers every Friday until the event to assist in preparing student art pieces for display. You can choose to sign up for a single shift on any given Friday, multiple shifts on one day, or commit to a regular shift each week. Volunteers will report directly to Ms. Sarah.

Click HERE to volunteer to be a part of this event.


PTA Calendar

Stay up to date on the latest NCES PTA news by following our calendar below.


New NCES PTA Website

We have launched a new NCES PTA website.  Check it out right HERE.

📔Family Resource Center

🏑 Field Hockey Clinic

🎉 Celebrations 🎉

Our STLP Team competes at the state level in Lexington today! They have entered several categories and we wish them the best! Thanks to our leaders, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Fields, and thanks to our parent chaperones and supporters!

BETA Club brought home 12 awards at the state level last week! We were top 5 in many individual and team categories. Thanks to Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Handel, and Mrs. McCollum for leading the team, and to our many parent volunteers who led and supported our teams. 

🍎 PTA Calendar

Recurring Information

💻 KSA Dates

The Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) will take place the last 14 days of the school year for 3rd-5th graders. The current testing window is May 6 - May 24. 3rd-5th grade families, please avoid scheduling appointments and/or trips during this time period.