December 6, 2023

REMINDER: School begins at 8:40 am. We encourage students to be settled in their classrooms by 8:35. Please aim to have them arrive a bit earlier if coming by car or walking. Also, please do not park in the Handicapped spots. Thank you! 😊 

Transportation Change Form

🗒️Message from the Principal Terry

NCES Families,

 What an incredible time of year! The picture to the left can represent either something sad or a celebration. I was blessed to visit my daughter, who lives thousands of miles away (a celebration). While it is very difficult to live so far from her (sad), I know she is living her dream (a celebration), and we get to see her again in a few weeks (another celebration).

 As we roll into December, I want to ensure that we take time to be thankful for all we have. Simultaneously, I recognize that many people struggle during this time of the year for various reasons. Here at NCES, we want you to know that no matter where you or your student is in life, whether celebrating this time of year or finding it challenging, our staff is committed to meeting every student where they are and making this place special for each one of our students.

Every child that walks into this building I try and picture one of my biological children and how I want them to be treated as a student. This visual reminds me every day, that child is someone's "baby". Thank you for entrusting your "baby" to us!

 Please know that we are here for you and your student.

💻❄️NCES Short-Term NTI Information 

In the case we have inclement weather, we plan to hold Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) as much as possible. With advance notice, we plan to send students home with a device and the next steps on work. Teachers and staff will hold live lessons and be available to support students via the digital platform or email. 

Please click here for additional information. Thank you for your support!

Academic Information  📝

Equal Opportunity Policy

Please find the link to the EOP here which provides detailed information to our school community on this district wide policy. 

🍎 Parent Teacher Association

🍲 FRC Information

🎉 Celebration 🎉

Congratulations to our Act of Valor winners for November! These students are role models for showing gratitude. 

🗓️ Important Dates

Recurring Information

Transportation Change Form and Transportation Reminders: 

 FRC Recurring Information

Just a reminder:

Any questions about this information or if I can help your family in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at 502-357-6265 or