3. CAD and Planning (bridges)

Here is a cad model of my Warren Truss Bridge. I made use 4 rails to secure the beams. I used 3 different sized beams, as shown by the 3 different colors (red, yellow, and green). All beams are cylindrical beams with box sleeves, and they will glue to the rails. The bottom of bridge (the roadway) is made of triangular corrugation inbetween two thin laminates

Here are my beam sizes that I've planned.

Cross beam = 10 cm x 3

Long diagonal = 17 cm. x 2

Main diagonal = 14 cm. x 12

Top rails = 3 x 3 x 40 cm (two of them)

Bottom rails = 3 x 3 x 48 cm (two of them)

Roadway = 12 cm x 48 cm

Here you can see the Illustrator files that I created for making beams and rails on my bridge. I find that this sped up my mass production of beams and rails, since it saved me from having to measure and draw as much. This may or may not be helpful for everyone, but I would consider it, especially if you have several identical parts.