1. Investigate / Research (Origami)

~The investigate / research page contains 2 or 3 useful images that convey the function and shape of the project.

~Each photo has writing explaining the names of shapes and relevant angles measurements.

-Student makes is crystal clear what they hope their project to look like and potentially function as.

This is a 12 sided geometric solid known as a dodecahedron. I love the idea of making an origami solid that can show the month, and the days of the month. Much like this example, I'll make each month a different color. I also plan to print each set of days in different fonts. I could look at next year's ISM calendar and highlight the dates that are break. I also found a Fusion tutorial here on how to make a dodecahedron.

This next video is an even better example of how to do the same thing. Note that the "patch" environment is now accessed as the "surface" environment.

Here's part one of my version of making a dodecahedron. Here's part two.

Who doesn't love a nice pyramid? I would like to make a slightly taller pyramid than the one shown, but I do feel good about the idea of stars being projected outwards by a single small bulb on the inside. I would need to get a small socket that I could mount on the bottom panel, and leave access to it for changing. Paper would be fine for a prototype, but the real lamp would need to be more rigid and made with cardboard or wood. Here's a vid I made on how to make pyramids and tetrahedrons.

This is compound tetrahedron. Basically it is two tetrahedrons put on top of each other. I'm not sure if this is possibly with folded panels, but I think it could be a super interesting project. I imagine the number of panels would be extreme. I'd like to see this function as a hanging art piece where each tetra has it's one color (so just 2 colors on this). Since it would hang, cardboard is probably fine for construction.