11. Evaluation of Seat-It

This page will have 3 main items in it.

  1. Meeting of Design Specifications: In the design Specifications page, we have some Specific goals for our project that your stool may or may not meet . During this eval, you should give evidence of how it does or does not meet the specification. For example, include photos (one or two) to show if it is near your desired size dimensions. Photos can also be used to show the stool being used for its intended purpose (foot rest, step stool, drink holder, etc). Perhaps insert a quote from someone if the theme is important. Another photo should show off the specific materials, perhaps with a close-up of particular parts. Thus you should have at least 3 photos, if not more, in this section. Your survey should be sent out to people along with a picture of your stool. Summarize the results of your survey in this section.
  2. Reflective Writing: Explain what you learned during the project and how you think it went. Be sure to discuss new skills that you learned both with hand tools and software. Your use of the Design Cycle is also relevant. Parts that were frustrating and parts that were easy or enjoyable are also relevant.
  3. Written Suggestions for Improvement: If you were to make a second stool, what would you do differently, and why? Give specifics about what aspects you would change. Did you see other students who did particular aspects of their stool in a way that impressed you?