2. Hand Sketches

Above is are the two design idea sketches that I drew. The first one had the most promise as it was quite simplistic in shape and I was confidant I could recreate that in 360 Fusion. The second drawing would have been much harder, but I did like the way the mouth was done. These should each be at least a a quarter sheet of paper and can be in all black and white.

Above is the final sketch for the Disco Diamonds. Notice that I've added silver sequins to the final sketch, to enhance the disco-ness. The eyes will be ping pong balls, cut in half. This should be a half or full sheet of paper and should be in color. It needs a title, and annotations that display the different materials that are to be used. It should be an isometric view and be fully rendered with colored pencils. Shading should be added to show that it is 3D. It should be well annotated to note the different materials and accessories that you hope to include.