4. Ergonomics (Memphis)

Image is from Elephant Drums. https://www.elephantdrums.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Drumstick-Anatomy-Labels.jpg

As I'll be building a drum stick holder, it is important to get some measurements of the objects I'll be holding. After researching drumstick sizes from many different brands, I found that 34 cm is the average length, and 13 mm is average diameter. This is assuming that I'll be holding only the standard drumsticks used for drum set playing.


Image is from Mystic Moss Woods. https://img1.etsystatic.com/025/0/8907941/il_fullxfull.540394865_jyj9.jpg

While my holder will look different from this one, the spacing between sticks is fairly similar. I will need to fit my hand in between the pairs of sticks and attempt to grab one pair at a time, lifting them up and out. If the stick pairs are too close, I can't easily fit my hand in between. If individual sticks (of a given pair) are too far apart, I cannot easily grab them with one hand. It the top piece is too high, sticks fall out. If the top piece is too low, sticks will easily fall over.

Image is from Research Gate: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSdFi-WAjAHnUW1zGwDdQ1h16IVqvO0JbcrsZtm4EImDO5Pzo0Psw

Here I have an image of hand. The line that is nearly horizontal is an important one. That goes from the left to the right side of the palm. I'll call that palm width. I want one palm width in between each pair of sticks. I am also concerned about knuckle depth. If the sticks are closer than that depth, I can't get my hand in. Here's some data below that I took on palm widths.


hand data

Based on this data I'll be designing the space in between each pair of sticks to be about 65 mm (on the inner circumference part). It's possible that some people with have a palm width larger than this, but they can also just turn their hand to slip in between the pairs. In regards to knuckle depth, I don't wan the sticks so close to the wall that the user cannot slip fingers behind it. So I'll want to make the sticks be no closer to the wall than about 26 mm. That is the size of the largest knuckle depth that I measured of my classmates.