11. Evaluation of Memphis Project

This page has 4 main items in it.

  1. Meeting of Design Specifications: This addresses the 5 or 6 Design Specs that you wrote about earlier in the e-portfolio. In each case, you should give evidence of how it does or does not meet the specification. Evidence will often be a photo, and everybody should include data from their survey. I think Marco did a good job of this on the Seat it Project. Check out his Eval page. :)
  2. Reflective Writing: Explain what you learned during the project and how you think it went. Be sure to discuss new skills that you learned both with hand tools and software. Your use of the Design Cycle is also relevant. Much more was done with paint in this unit, so that should certainly be discussed. Discuss how your product did or did not meet the theme requirement.
  3. Suggestions for Improvement: If you were to make a second product similar to this one, what would you do differently, and why?
  4. Advertisement Poster: Insert an advertisement poster that you have created to show off your product. It should include a photo, title of product, your name, function, and point out key features that allow it to meet the theme.

The finished photo of your project taken with the white box background should be placed into this folder. Make sure your name is placed in the file name of the jpeg. Within this folder, you can also see examples of other flyers.

Here is a quick example of an advertisement poster. Yours should be a better made poster than this one. I made it quickly and easily with Google Drawings.