9. Gantt and Flow Charts

The flow chart shows your processes and decisions that must be made when creating your product. Below is a flow chart that was created in Google Drawings. I recommend you do the same.

Here you can see the most important symbols for a flow chart. I recommend that your chart consist mainly of "processes" and "decisions." In other words, you should have a lot of rectangles and diamonds (and arrows, obviously) on your flow chart.

Here's an example of how I started my flow chart in Google Draw. However, Google Draw is a bit limiting in terms of size of art-board I think. You may want to use Illustrator.

Here is a link to my sample Gantt Chart.

  • First Lab Day is Tues or Wed, March 19 or 20. (if you're finished with the necessary parts).
  • Thurs / Friday, march 21 / 22 is for Gantt / Flow Charts.
  • Tuesday, April 9 is a holiday. Easter break is from Thurs, April 18 to Monday, April 22.
  • The final date for creation / building is Mon / Tues, May 6 / 7.
  • I recommend that you copy my Gantt Chart and modify it for yourself. Make the Gantt Chart after you make the flow chart.