Mascot Challenge

The miniature unit to start Semester 2 will be known as the Mascot Fabrication Challenge. It will be a short two-week unit in which your task is to create a unique looking mascot for an ISM elementary class, based on their mascot's name. For example, if a class is called the Ninja Penguins, you should try and design a 3D version of a Ninja-like Penguin.

Once you see the ES class mascots available, we'll have a lottery to see which mascot you'll try to make. You'll make some hand sketches first and then draw the mascot with 360 Fusion. The mascot will be made out of cardboard and should fit within a cube that is 25 cm on a side.

After your mascot is created, here is a link that allows you to enter the info about your mascot. This info will generate a printed label that is displayed with your mascot in the ES Library.

Here's a list of mascots for ES. This is also the spreadsheet that says who is making what mascot.

Here's a link to a folder where you can view drawings of the mascots made by students for class T-shirts.

Link here to technical details of working with Slicer and Illustrator.

Sample letter that you'll send to an ES teacher.

Video on how to setup Material Size to match our laser cutter. In a modification to the linked video, I now recommend a 10 mm margin on all sides.

Video on how to do the slicing. In Slicer (obviously).

Vid on how to modify .eps files within Illustrator for laser cutting.

Here is a rubric for how your physical mascot will be assessed. The final mascot unit mark comes from a combo of sketches, physical mascot, and E-portfolio.