8. CAD Work and Model

1. This page should contain a rendered image of your 3D CAD design from 360 Fusion. Make sure you design your piece with the to the correct scale.

2. You should have an orthogonal drawing that shows top, front, and side views. Also put an isometric view in the upper right corner. There should be LOTS of dimensions on this to help with marking up wood. Insert this as jpeg.

3. Will you have an engraving, vinyl cut stencial, or printed laminant pattern? cut pattern? Add this item as a close up image of any 2D design that is going onto the stool. Create this in Illustrator and export as .png or .jpeg.

4. You should have a picture of your 3D printed model. This should fit within a 6 cm cube. Do NOT wait around for a 3D printer to be open. Move onto something else until a printer opens up.

This shows an example of how a CAD page should look.

Here is a an image of my orthog. From Fusion Drawing World, export the pdf. Open the pdf and screenshot it. Then upload the jpeg image of your orthog onto Google Sites. I think that's the easiest way.

Here is a rendered image example. It's a .png with transparent background.