2. Sketches (bridges)

We'll need two isometric sketches (black and white) that are each a size of a quarter sheet of paper. We'll need to finish these by the end of next class.

You need a close up photo of each sketch, and these should be placed into your "Sketches" page in your e-portfolio, under your "Bridges Unit" page.

You also need a final sketch, that is a half-sheet of paper in size. This can also be black and white.

Here is one idea sketch about a box-like truss bridge. I'll hope to mainly use cylindrical beams. The top part I think can just be flat paper, perhaps even all one sheet. The bottom roadway is likely my own version of corrugated cardboard.

I think trying to connect 3 or more trusses to one point will be difficult. Instead, I'll try to connect the cylindrical beams on the inside (perpendicular to each other), and then then triangular beams on the outside. Note that I'll still use homemade cardboard on the bottom.

Final Sketch:

I finally decided on building a bridge more in the style of a Warren Truss. This is because I could use less beams than my idea sketches. I was questioning whether I could really join / create all the beams that I drew originally. Even though I have less beams, I think I can increase their layers to improve strength of the bridge.