Hand Sketches (digi-fab) and Design Brief

You should have 3 jpegs here. 2 of your design idea sketches and one of your final sketch.

Design Opportunity and Design Brief (Combined)

I have the opportunity to design a 3D printed object or toy that will fit inside a vending machine toy bubble of 40 mm diameter. The toy must be printed out of ABS plastic and will be designed within Autodesk 360 Fusion.

I have decided to create a rolling toy that puts words into clay (or play-dough). I will create this as a cylinder that is 40 mm in diameter and 32 mm long. The inner part of the cylinder will have an internal diameter of 10 mm so that it can fit around a pencil. The lettering on the outside will have the ABCs in two rows.

I expect that between the ages of 4 and 8 years old will enjoy this most. Even if they don’t have play-dough, it should spin nicely on a pencil for their enjoyment.

Here is a Design Idea Sketch in black and white of what I call Vampire Ghost. It is inspired by the original PacMan ghosts, but I added in a fang mouth.