Woodside Weekly

Kindness  Respect  Excellence  Collaboration

Friday 3rd November 2023

Our whole school Attendance

this week is..


Our whole school target is 96%

“Each of us must take responsibility for our own actions” – Unknown 

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back everyone to a new term. I hope everyone had a relaxing half term break. Our return to school this term has been met with lots of rain and wind. I want to take this opportunity to remind parents to send children into school with coats / jackets and warm clothing. 

As we start a new term, we introduced the children to our new value of the term: Responsibility. We explored this means holding yourself to account for your own behaviours, learning, looking after your belongings and more. We also introduced the “Woodside Learner” - these are the all the qualities that if we showcase and take responsibility for our behaviours, we become Woodside Learners. A Woodside Learner is someone who is resilient, focused, collaborative and reflective. We are actively looking out for children who showcase these qualities so we can celebrate positive learning behaviours. 

On Tuesday, we held our Autumn Celebration Pumpkin Competition. We had lots of entries which was amazing. Please read below to hear more about it and find out the winners. We also welcomed our Chair of Trustees on Thursday who toured the school, spoke to staff and children. We are pleased with the outcome of the visit with clear evidence of improvements across the school.

We are finalising our Winter Festive Celebrations and we will be communicating this with parents soon.

Iman Atwal



We expect pupils to maintain a high standard of attendance here at Woodside. We want all our pupils to be able to achieve their very best and in order to do this, they need to be in school as much as possible so they don't miss out on any learning. Everyday is a new learning opportunity!

These are this week's attendance figures and leading class in each phase:

EYFS: Apple 94%

KS1: Cedar 95.8%

KS2: Sycamore 97.7%

It is essential your child is in school everyday.


At school we use the Zones of Regulation to talk about how we are feeling. We talk about the different zones and how it feels to be in each zone. It is ok to be in any of the zones. We do our best learning when we are in the Green Zone. We teach the children the tools they can use to get in the green zone. We are going to be talking about these a lot this half term. Teachers will be doing regular check ins during the day with children to see what zone they are in. You can talk to your child at home about what zone they are in and the tools they can use to get to the green zone.

Autumn Celebration

On Tuesday, we hosted our Autumn Celebration Pumpkin Competition. It was absolutely amazing to see so many entries. The collaborative work between children and adults to create them is impressive. We’ve had everything from a Disney pumpkin, ghosts, cats, light-up pumpkins, mini-sized and more.

We really enjoy working with the community and building close relationships as we engage in a range of activities together. This first step has been brilliant and we were blown away! We're sure you will agree...

It was extremely tough to choose the winners for each phase group. A range of adults across the school voted for their favourite pumpkins and the ones with the most votes won. There were lots of disagreements due to the brilliant selection on offer. The lucky winners have won a £10 Amazon voucher each! If your child is a lucky winner, please contact the office to arrange collection of your prize (adults must collect the voucher).

And the Winners are........

EYFS - Noah Y in Nursery 

KS1 - Avraam in Cedar 

LKS2 - Nicole G in Oak 

UKS2 - Amelie K in Sycamore 

Well done to all entries! 

PE Updates

Please note that this year, we are asking children to change in school. They should bring in their PE bags and keep them in school for the term and take them home at the end of the term. Thank you for supporting us with this.

All children need elastic fronted plimsolls for indoor/outdoor PE which are best kept in a drawstring bag on their cloak peg. Children will need black/blue shorts and a white t-shirt in their PE bag to wear for PE lessons. 

Please find below information below on Sports Attack. Within Woodside Primary school we offer the following after school clubs: -

Tuesday 3:15 - 4:30 Years 1+2 Football

Wednesdays 3:15 - 4:30 Years 3+4 Football

Thursday 3:15 - 4:30 Years 5+6 Football 

Friday 3:15 - 4:30 Years 1-6 Multi sports

Clubs are run by coach Dre, Nathan and Derek.

Classes can be found via the link below or contacting us on 07462419194


If you or anyone you know, has a child that would like to join our caring nurturing Nest provision, we currently have three spaces available in the afternoon session for

2 years olds, 12.30 - 3.30pm.

For more information and to find out if you are entitled to 2 year old funding, please enquire at the office

or email


This  week is Halloween week, children have talked about dressing up, some said "I am going to dress up like a ghost, witch and little pumpkin". Children have been exploring with spider trays, using tweezers. They have been catching the spiders with tweezers, collecting them in a cup then counting the caught spiders. They have also enjoyed decorating pumpkins, acorns and leaves using different coloured lentils. We talked about the texture, colour and smell and what it looks like. Children have been looking in our Autumn tray, feeling and talking about what they find. 


This week in Nursery, children have been exploring and finding out more about pumpkins as it has been Halloween week. Children came in excited to talk about what they were going to dress up as to celebrate Halloween. A few were going to be dressed as witches, vampires and pumpkins. We then talked about pumpkins and children describing the outside. When we cut open the pumpkins, children described the inside. "It has lots of seeds, pulp and strings”, said the children, taking it in turns to scoop out the pulp and the seeds. In the outdoor area, children had an opportunity to share big books in the reading area. They talked about the cat wearing shoes, 'Pussy in Boots'. Children were also using blocks for construction and some created towers and one child sat down and created a town. So we have our own builders and storytellers.


We welcomed the children back to school this week with a new topic and lots of fun learning for them to enjoy.

In Literacy: The children enjoyed a new story called, ‘Here We Are’. They had to look at the book cover and predict what the story was about saying, ‘I predict … I think the story is about…’. We found out and wrote some interesting facts about space, the solar system, the planets and we know that ‘Space is big!’

Home Learning: Find out some facts about space, the solar system and the planets. 

Phonics: We progress through Phase 2 phonics and introduced the children to; ‘j and ll, ss, ff’ which are digraphs, ‘two letters that make one sound.’ We also continued to practice making, reading and writing cvc words, like ‘cat, dog, red’ on our rocket ship frames. Our tricky words were, ‘put, pull and full’.

Home Learning: Make a list of words which have the digraphs; ‘j and ll, ss, ff 

In Maths: We explored how to represent and make numbers 1, 2 and 3. We recognised the numerals, matched with amounts, subitised with dots and talked about how we know each number is what it is, for example, ‘It’s one because it is on its own.’

Home Learning: Play card games with the numbers 1,2,3 and dominoes with 1, 2 and 3 dots.

Reminder: Please return any reading books your child has taken home. Our libraries are looking very empty. 

WE NEED YOU!! Can you come in to read with the children or support them on a school trip? Do you have time to come in and talk to the children about your occupation and the job you do? Please let our team know if you are available to support and help us in class.

Well done children for a great return back to school!

The Reception Team

Key Stage One

Year 1

In maths this week the children have been using the part-whole model and tens frame to represent numbers up to 10. They have then used this information to generate addition sentences and wrote these in different ways.

Eg. 2  + 3 = 5         3 + 2 = 5          5 = 2 + 3

In English, the children were very excited to hear that a character from a fairy tale visited our school and they used clues in the playground to infer which character it was. We then introduced our core text for the term, 'Little Red Riding Hood' and the children generated vocabulary to describe Red Riding Hood’s appearance and personality. They used their vocabulary and the conjunction “and” to write sentences about her.

Year 2

This week year 2 have had lots of fun exploring their number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 using a range of resources to help them with their learning. They used numicon and tens frames to help them picture their number sentences visually. In English this week, we have explored the various types of communication we can have, discussing what is the importance of being able to communicate. Year 2 had a go at learning the alphabet in British sign language, as another form of communication. Communication is the theme of our first core text, 'Drawn Together' where a little boy struggles to communicate with his grandpa and in the end they communicate through pictures. The children have explored why they thought the author decided not to have writing in the book until the characters drew together and the effect it has on them as the reader. We then sequenced the pictures using adjectives, verbs and time adverbials in our sentences.

Lower Key Stage Two

Year 3

In English this week, we started our new core text ‘Wendel and the Robots’. This is the story of a mouse inventor who creates something that goes out of control! 

The children have been learning about the importance of giving clear and precise language when writing instructions. The children had to follow the guidance of their partner and draw what they were describing to them. They really enjoyed the activity.

All week we have been focusing on imperative verbs and on Wednesday we looked at time adverbials and how they are useful. Both imperatives and time adverbials are features the children will need to include in their writing next week.

On Friday the children were able to show their understanding by highlighting the features of instruction writing in a recipe.

Year 4

Our Year 4s have come back from half term refreshed and have settled in well with their learning. They have shown an eagerness to get back to their learning and are excited about all that the new term has to offer.

This week, our Year 4 pupils have been using Post-it notes to investigate finding area in maths. This hands-on activity has helped them to understand the concept of the area in a fun and engaging way.

The pupils began by covering a variety of shapes with Post-it notes. They then counted the number of Post-it notes that it took to cover each shape. This helped them to understand that the area of a shape is the amount of space that it takes up.

The pupils found that the Post-it notes were a great way to visualise the concept of area. They were also able to use the Post-it notes to explore different ways of calculating area.

Upper Key Stage Two

Year 5

During English lessons children explored the concept of ‘empathy’. 

After reading a few paragraphs of our new core text ‘Boy in the Tower’ we reflected on the main character’s feelings and emotions. We made links between the events that have taken place and how they might have affected the character’s mental health.  Finally, we immersed ourselves in writing a character’s description.

Our maths lessons were dedicated to identifying prime, square and cube numbers, spotting patterns and then applying our knowledge to solve problems. 

During  Science lessons, we had the opportunity to discuss and explore our prior knowledge and vocabulary related to the properties of materials. We then applied this knowledge to sort a variety of everyday materials into groups and once we had completed sorting them, we used a range of reasoning stems to help explain to the rest of the class the rationale behind our choices.

Year 6

The year 6 children came back from the holiday ready to learn and have worked very hard during our maths lesson this week. They were able to simplify fractions, identify equivalent fractions and convert proper fractions to mixed fractions. 

In English, our core text 'Stella by Starlight' provided children with a historical insight of the civil and human right movement. This knowledge was embedded across the curriculum. In our history lessons, children were able to explore the significant figures that caused changes during this period and the changes they made in the global communities.

Key Dates 

Wednesday 8th November 2023 - Y6 Design Museum Trip

Thursday 9th November - Remembrance Day Assembly

Monday 13th - 17th November - Y5 & Y6 Bike Ability Training

Tuesday 21st November 2023 - Y5 Gurdwara in Croydon Trip

Thursday 23rd November - Guru Nanak Ji Birthday Assembly

Friday 24th November - INSET Day

Wednesday 29th - Thursday 30th November - Parents Evenings

Friday 1st December - Theatre Whole School

Thursday 7th December - Hanukkah Assembly

Thursday 14th December - Christmas Assembly

Thursday 21st December - Last Day of Term

Primary Admissions

Is your child 4 years old before 31st August 2024?

We warmly invite you to join our school community. Mr Atwal would be delighted to show any prospective parents around the school; please make sure you sign up to join us for a school tour and to meet the team. 

Existing Nursery children will also need to apply for a Reception place.

There are a number of dates on which you can visit - use this form

or call the office to let us know when you will visit.

If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 you are now able to apply for them to join Woodside for a Reception place in September 2024. Applications for Reception next year should be made via the Local Authority. Information about the application process can be found HERE


You can now find any letters sent home by email on our school website.

Recent letters:

Follow this link for more information 

Consent for local trips

You will have spotted that you can now give your consent for your child to attend trips in the locality on Arbor. You will always be told if they are attending a trip locally.

If you have not yet given your consent, please do so by logging into Arbor and checking the Notices section. Here you will see an arrow that allows you to consent.

Chartwells are delighted to offer a new Autumn/Winter menu.

Please follow this link for more information 

Belongings and equipment

Please remember that children should not bring pencil cases, toys or other items to school - we cannot be held responsible if these items go missing or are damaged. Pencil cases are a distraction - we provide all necessary equipment for our students to use during lessons.

In line with our school policies, we ask that children do not wear smartwatches during school hours. This ensures a fair and uniform approach to the use of technology within the classroom setting. 

To avoid confusion and loss of personal items, please ensure your child's name is clearly written on all of their clothing. This includes uniforms, PE kit, jackets or coats, and any other items they may bring to school. This simple step greatly aids in the quick and accurate return of lost belongings. Please regularly check that your child is returning home with their own property.

Thank you for your support on these matters.

Spare Clothes Donations

We are in desperate need of clothing donations. If you have any good condition, spare clean underwear eg; socks, pants, knickers, you would like to donate, they would be gratefully received. Thank you in advance.

School photographs:

If you would still like to order photographs, please follow the instructions in the pack to place your orders directly with Braiswick online.

Many thanks

Birthday Celebrations

Happy Birthday this week to:

Sara  -  Blue

Ameerah  -  Orange

Xolani-Maat  -  Elm

Kimberly  -  Oak

Danel  -  Sycamore

Happy Birthday next week to:

Stevina  -  Juniper

Ava Rose  -  Pine

Nyah  -  Yew

Aron  -  Maple

Mehmet  -  Green

Usama  -  Willow

Boran  -  Maple

Abid  -  Pine

Aishani  -  Fir

Kairo  -  Sparrows

Carly  -  Sycamore

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Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth