Woodside Weekly

Kindness  Respect  Excellence  Collaboration

Friday 14th July 2023

Our whole school Attendance

this week is..


Our whole school target is 95%

“Transitions are a chance for reflection, and a time for looking forward” Roy Cooper 

Dear parents and carers

Another busy week here at Woodside. We have had sports days for the Nest children and year 3. It was great to see all the children taking part. Thank you again to Ms Pearce, Mr Ennis and Mr Escrader for all their hard work and to year 5 children for helping out. 

Well done to year 1 and 2 girls who took part in a dance competition on Wednesday night at Trinity School. They worked very hard on their routine and came in fourth place overall. Thank you to Ms Pearce and Ms Dawkins who accompanied them and to the parents who supported with rehearsals and attended the show. 

We were treated to some spectacular performances of the year 6 production of 'The Greatest Show'. Key stage 1 and reception watched the dress rehearsal on Wednesday. Parents and year 5 were treated to 2 fantastic performances on Thursday. We have some budding actors and actresses at Woodside and some amazing singers. The children showed how they have grown in confidence over the year and looked like they were really enjoying themselves. Everyone played their part whether it was performing, back stage or making props. Many thanks to the year 6 team who put on the show, especially to Ms Timms, Ms Bopeah and Ms Dawkins for their hard work on the props and supporting the actors during the show. Thank you to Mr Clark for designing and decorationg the set. A special thanks to Ms Archer for casting and directing the production and to Toby who was in charge of music and sound effects. He did an amazing job in making sure the songs and sound effects played at the right time. 

The children met their new teachers on Wednesday afternoon and spent some time in their classrooms. Teachers also spent time sharing information about the children with one another. Transition plans and activities are being put in place for those children who need a little extra. If you have any concerns about the transition for your child please talk to their current class teacher.

We are welcoming two new teachers to the school, Miss Islam, who will be teaching year 3, and Miss Clancy, who will be teaching year 2, in September. Mrs Hacche, who worked at Woodside for many years, is also returning and will be teaching year 1. We are looking forward to them joining the Woodside family from September. We are also welcoming Ms Ben back who has been spending time in Lithuania with her family. 

We are very sad to be saying goodbye to other members of the Woodside team. Ms Ladiende is leaving to explore other opportunities. Ms Dehaney is leaving us to study for a Masters in Special Educational Needs. Ms Francis is leaving to take up a position as a SENCO. Ms Caserides and Ms Henry have secured teaching positions in other schools. Ms Archer has secured a promotion to assistant head teacher at another school. Ms Lodge is also moving to another school as assistant head teacher. Ms Jones is leaving us to go travelling. We are looking forward to hearing about all her adventures when she returns. 

We would like to thank them for all the hard work and dedication they have shown to Woodside children and families over the time they have worked here. We wish them all the very best for their future endeavours. 

We hope you all have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday for the last week of the year!

The Woodside team


These are this week's attendance figures and leading class in each phase:

EYFS: Pear Class 91.5%

KS1: 2 Oak 94.9%

KS2: 4 Ash  94.7%

It is essential your child is in school everyday.


Newsletter 14/07

Holiday Activities Vouchers

As previously communicated, Croydon Council have this year funded Holiday Activities vouchers in time for the fast-approaching Summer holidays. 

I am pleased to share with you the Summer Holiday Activity and Food Programme Brochure.


The HAF programme this summer is being delivered by 49 organisations at 67 different locations across the borough for children who receive Benefits-Related Free School Meals.

Click the Link for more information:

HAF Programme Final.pdf

Holiday Activities vouchers (or HAF vouchers as they are referred to) entitles eligible pupils, (normally Free school meal eligible families), to take their children to a holiday activity club and receive a free meal during the summer holidays. 

You will have received an email or text message from with a link to view your voucher. These vouchers were sent on the 26th June via email - please check your spam if you cannot see communication from Additionally the below guide shows you what parents can expect when they are assigned these vouchers:

£3 Zoo Tickets! 

London Zoo is continuing their offer of £3 tickets for anyone currently in receipt of Universal Credit, Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, or Jobseekers Allowance.

The £3 tickets are available for the whole family and under 3’s go free.

Tickets must be purchased  online in advance and are available for up to 6 people per household.

You will be required to provide proof of your benefit letter (electronic or Paper). You may also be asked to provide photographic ID.

Offer is ongoing at this time.


A herd of unique giraffes will be roaming Croydon town centre until Friday 27th October, giving you 10 weeks to get involved.

Each of the 30 large giraffe sculptures have been decorated by an artist and sponsored by a local business.

Schools and community groups from across the borough have created 30 small giraffe sculptures which will be displayed in several indoor venues throughout the town.

At the end of the trail, the large giraffes will be auctioned to raise money for Crisis Skylight Croydon. The small giraffes will be returned to their schools and groups.

So, grab your family, friends or colleagues and go on a wild adventure! Will you spot them all?

Click on the link for more information: 


Universal Free School Meals

From September 2023 every primary pupil in the London Boroughs will be eligible for complementary school meals.

As a result, from September, Chartwells, our school caterer, will provide hot or cold school lunches for all our children free of charge!

In the event that you prefer providing your child with a packed lunch from home, please complete the online form here; this will allow us to plan for September and reduce food waste.

Please follow the link to find out more information from our Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan; 

PE Updates

Sports Day

Dates and Times 

Year 5 - Tuesday 18th July - PM 1:45-3:00

Year 6 - Tuesday 18th July - AM 9:30-11:00

Please ensure that children attend the event with the following:

Please find below information below on Sports Attack. Within Woodside Primary school we offer the following after school clubs: -

Tuesdays 3:30-4:30 Years 1 + 2 Football 

Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 Years 3 + 4 Football

Thursday 3:30-4:30 Years 5 + 6 Football 

Friday 3:30-4:30 Years 1 to 6 Multi sports

Clubs are run by coach Dre, Nathan and Derek.

Classes can be found via the link below or contacting us on 07462419194


On Wednesday 12th July, a group of our children took part in an exciting schools dance competition at Trinity School Concert Hall, which has been running in Croydon since 2009. The energetic and invigorating display of talents showcased were acts based on the theme 'Imagine' and was run in true X-Factor excitement. It included performances from other Croydon schools, some guest performers, with celebrity judges providing their professional thoughts. We would like to say a big thank you to Ms Pearce for organising.

Well done Woodside for all your hard work!



This week in Nursery, children have been reading their core text ‘Zog and the Flying Doctors.’ They talked about the characters, the setting and the parts they have enjoyed. The focus on people who help us was on the police officers and how they helped.Role play was on missing toys and the police being called to come and help find the toys. The key focus was on the telephone number  to call in an emergency and what to say. Children were then able to create their own incident forms and role play more to show understanding of what happens at a police station. As the weather is getting warmer and sometimes hot, Nursery children are using their reading corner  in the outdoor provision efficiently. They have been sharing the big story books. 


In literacy, we have been orally rehearsing and writing sentences about our worries for the next academic year. Children have been using their phonetic knowledge to write sentences about their feelings on transitioning  to Year One. 

In maths, we have been focusing on solving addition and subtraction problems within 20, using manipulatives and the language -first/then/now to help understand the steps needed to add and subtract.

Reception enjoyed going to their new Year One classes to meet their new teacher and all the other children who will be in their new class. Children completed 'All About Me' profiles to give to their new teacher. 

It has been assessment week in phonics, so we have been reviewing previously taught words/sounds and children have been assessed on what they have learnt this term. Please practise the following tricky words with your child; do, there, says, little, what, out, today, here, one, and so.

Key Stage One

Year 1

This week in maths the children have looked at time. The children have explored seconds, minutes, and hours. They have looked at o’clock and half past. The children have also discussed why time is important. 

In English this week the children have been writing their own story based on the story ‘Tidy’ that we have been reading in class. The children have changed the character, setting and used descriptive language to make their story interesting. 

In science the children have looked at seasons and have been comparing the seasons in the UK to the seasons in Australia. The children enjoyed discussing the difference between the two countries. 

The children also had the chance to meet their Year 2 teacher in September. They also got to see their new classroom and learnt their new classroom rules. The children really enjoyed meeting their new teacher and are very excited!

Year 2

This week in year 2, we have been busy learning about division and using our knowledge of times tables to solve our calculations. We have been finalising our fantastic reports on the London Zoo in English.

We also had a fantastic time watching the year 6 performance, we all enjoyed your production so much!

Lower Key Stage Two

Year 3

This week has been an exciting week for year 3. The children had their sports day on Tuesday 11th, here are a few pictures:

On Wednesday 12th, the children had a transition day where they met their new teachers and new classrooms for September, how exciting! The children were all very keen and were given the opportunity to share and get to know their new adults. On Thursday 13th, the children visited West Thornton to watch the play ‘Oliver Twist’, to mark the end of our English unit this term.

Year 4

Alwy Fadhel, the Indonesian born refugee coffee artist has been the focus in Art for year 4 this term. The children gained extensive knowledge about how different resources such as food items can be used to deliver great art. This art piece linked well with our core text 'The Boy at the Back of the Class', who was also a refugee child from Syria. Year 4 indeed has some budding artists! 

Upper Key Stage Two

Year 5

This week, Year 5 have all been superstars, we thank each and every one of you for coping with the change each day of split classes. During the week, they had a chance to meet and spend time with their new Year 6 teachers, getting to know their new peers in class but also a chance to ask any questions or relay any worries or concerns they may have. Year 5 have also been making posters to share with their new teachers including things they like, don’t like, favourite subjects and how they feel best supported in their classrooms. Ms Pearce would like to say a HUGE thank you to all of the Year 5 children for continuously helping out with the other year groups sports day. This is a job they have done responsibly and are upholding all of our Woodside values.

Year 6

This week year 6 had their production 'The Greatest Show'. They performed 3 times to KS1, KS2 and even had an evening performance for the parents. They worked extremely hard to learn their lines, perform the songs and be on the stage at the right time. It was amazing to see them showcase their wide ranging talents! Well done Year 6!

Weekly Mental Maths Contest 

Our weekly competition winners are:

KS1 - 1 Ash

KS2 - 4 Willow

Well done for practising your mental maths skills! 

We wonder who the winners will be at the end of the final week?

Key Dates 

Monday 17th of July - Mr Atwal Visiting

Monday 17th July - Woodside's Got Talent Final!

Monday 17th July - Year 1 Morden Hall Park Trip

Tuesday 18th - 19th July - Year 4 Frylands Residential Visit

Friday 21st July - Last Day of Term, Summer Holidays!

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Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth