Woodside Weekly
Kindness Respect Excellence Collaboration
Friday 29th September 2023
Our whole school Attendance
this week is..
Our whole school target is 95%
“Respect yourself and others will respect you” - Unknown
Dear Parents / Carers
I had a slightly different welcome planned for this week but following the sad news that impacted our Croydon community on Wednesday morning, I believe it’s imperative to address the situation. Whilst we do not yet know the full details of the incident, we can still feel the impact of a fatal and serious situation, whether we knew the teenager or not. First and foremost, we send our condolences and well wishes to the family and friends affected. It is a shocking situation and one which no parent, child, school or community should go through. It really highlights the issues that surround us at the moment but also serves as a reminder to keep our loved ones close and near.
I am aware that some members of our school community were caught in the commotion whether they have been stuck due to road closures, seeing additional police and ambulance crews or travelling near the incident itself. We want to support our community as best as possible so if there is anything you wish to discuss, then please do contact us.
In terms of Woodside, we have sent a letter indicating that our school photos will be taking place on Thursday 5th October 2023. This is also Census day - this is where we undertake a government headcount of children who have attended school on that day specifically where the number of children in school impacts the amount of funding we receive. This is why it is extremely important that all children attend school on Thursday 5th October - not only to help the school in providing more resources and better service with additional funding, but also to take some great individual photos! Chartwells are also putting on a special menu to celebrate Census day.
I hope everyone takes care this weekend, spends time with loved ones and looks after one another.
Iman Atwal
We expect pupils to maintain a high standard of attendance here at Woodside. We want all our pupils to be able to achieve their very best and in order to do this, they need to be in school as much as possible so they don't miss out on any learning. Everyday is a new learning opportunity!
These are this week's attendance figures and leading class in each phase:
EYFS: Apple 95%
KS1: Hawthorn 96.6%
KS2: Rowan 97.5%
It is essential your child is in school everyday.
Transfer to Secondary School September 2024
If your child’s date of birth is between 1st September 2012 - 31st August 2013, they will be due to start
Secondary School in September 2024.
The deadline for applications is 31st October 2023.
Late applications will be processed after those received on time, which could severely reduce your child’s chances of being offered a place at your preferred school.
Applications are made online through eAdmissions which can be accessed through Croydon Councils website;
Apply for a secondary school place: step by step | Croydon Council.
You will also find information on local Secondary Schools and step-by-step guidance to help you through
the application process.
For any parents and carers who need help understanding the school admissions process or need support making an application, we will be holding a Coffee morning on Friday 6th October 2023, 9am - 9.45am
in our Community Room.
If you are unable to attend on this date, please make an appointment to see Mrs Georgiades (Family Support Officer) who will be happy to help you complete the application. You will need your council tax reference number to make an application.
Woodside Surplus Food Store
Please continue to help us in the fight against food waste and visit our Woodside Surplus Food Store.
Our Surplus Food Store is available in our Community room;
Every Wednesday between 8.45am – 9.15am and 3.10pm - 3.30pm
and every Thursday 8.45am – 9.15am
Many of our parents/carers that access the food store, have been talking to me about the food they
make with the produce that they receive.
We would love to see photos of the finished dishes that you make and/or recipes that we can put in our newsletter and share with our school community.
Please send your photos/recipes to
Banana and White Chocolate cake made by one of our lovely parents using bananas from the Surplus Food Store.
PE Updates
Please note that this year, we are asking children to change in school. They should bring in their PE bags and keep them in school for the term and take them home at the end of the term. Thank you for supporting us with this.
All children need elastic fronted plimsolls for indoor/outdoor PE which are best kept in a drawstring bag on their cloak peg. Children will need black/blue shorts and a white T-shirt in their PE bag to wear for PE lessons.
Please find below information below on Sports Attack. Within Woodside Primary school we offer the following after school clubs: -
Tuesday 3:15 - 4:30 Years 1+2 Football
Wednesdays 3:15 - 4:30 Years 3+4 Football
Thursday 3:15 - 4:30 Years 5+6 Football
Friday 3:15 - 4:30 Years 1-6 Multi sports
Clubs are run by coach Dre, Nathan and Derek.
Classes can be found via the link below or contacting us on 07462419194
This week in the Nest we have been looking at the book, “It's Okay to be Different”. The adults have been modelling language, using key vocabulary, naming what we can see in the book. All children looked at the pictures with interest and were able to repeat after the adult. We also looked in mirrors and named our features. The adults model talking about different colour hair and eyes. Some of the children said “My eye is brown”, “I got brown hair". We have been visiting the nursery garden and the children are confidently accessing different areas. They have really enjoyed building large towers in the nursery using foam bricks. They waited patiently and took turns with their peers to stack the bricks.
As we are settling into Woodside Nursery, we have started learning about our facial features using our core text ‘Happy to be me'. There have been lots of games and songs that teach us about our bodies. In Nursery, we played the game ‘Simon says…’ and are singing ‘Head, shouldres, knees and toes. We used hand held mirrors to have a closer look at our facial features such as our nose, mouth, eyes, cheeks and forehead.. We used full sentences to describe our facial features and we were excited to place the features in the right places on the body. As part of learning our numbers, we were fishing in our water tray and counting how many fish we had caught.
It has been an exciting week learning new words.
Children have enjoyed engaging with some exciting learning this week, in the indoor and outdoor area. They are talking about their feelings using ‘The Zones of Regulation’ and thinking about how to manage their emotions, whilst making new friends.
In Literacy: We started a new traditional story this week, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Many of the children know this story and talked animatedly about it. We used actions and movement as we read and recall events in the story.
Home Learning: Please continue to enjoy sharing stories with your child. Can your child remember and tell you any of the stories they have heard in class?
Phonics: We have been learning the graphemes (letter name) and phonemes (letter sound); g, o, c, k Home Learning: Play I-spy games at home and as you come to school. How many things can you see that start with the sounds, g,o,c,k?
In Maths: The children have been matching and measuring this week. We have been matching amounts to numicon pieces 1 - 5 and measuring beanstalk pictures using non-standard measurements.
Home Learning: Measure things around your home. How tall are they?
A Repeated Reminder…
If your child has accidentally taken another child’s things please return them promptly.
We will be making and creating next week. Thank you to families who have brought in some old newspaper…we need more please!!
Well done Reception for a great week of learning!
Enjoy your weekend and we’ll see you on Monday.
Attendance has been very good. Well done!
Key Stage One
Year 1
This week we have all been learning superstars!
In English, we read ‘The Lonely Beast’. We identified the verbs (actions) of the beast and role played. We also wrote sentences about what the beast enjoys doing.
In maths, we have learnt about the inequality symbols. We compared objects using the vocabulary of ‘greater than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’.
Year 2
Maths: This week Year 2 have continued exploring the variety of representations they can use to show how many tens and ones there are in a 1 and 2 digit number. They have understood that a zero can be used as a place holder and the importance of this when writing “10, 20, 30” etc. They have also enjoyed playing their own place value maths games they created for their previous homework.
English: This week, we have been writing their narratives based on our core text “The Three Billy Goats' stuff!”. They have explored and applied a range of adjectives, verbs and conjunctions to their writing to make it more engaging for the reader. They have begun learning how to edit and up level their work using a purple pen.
Lower Key Stage Two
Year 3
In Science this week, the Year 3 classes have been learning how different materials reflect different amounts of light. In darkened classrooms they used torches to reflect light on a variety of different materials to find out which ones were the most reflective. The children were very good at ‘reflecting’ on their learning!
Please remember that we have our trip to the Horniman Museum on Wednesday and if you have indicated you will provide a packed lunch, it needs to be healthy! We had lots of requests for parent helpers on the trip and we would like to thank all those parents who offered their support.
Year 4
This week we revisited our classroom expectations. The children learnt about the importance of rules and what the world would be like if there were no rules. They learnt that we needed school rules to keep us safe, to keep us healthy and to keep us happy. These are some of the rules they came up with: listening sensibly when an adult is speaking; always respecting personal and school property; to be kind to everyone; always staying in class and remembering to say please and thank you. The children wrote their names and signed to show their agreement. We are sure this will help us have a safe, happy and successful year.
Upper Key Stage Two
Year 5
In Maths, Year 5 are learning about applying the rounding rules to round five digit numbers to the closest 10, 100 and 1000,
In English, we looked at various examples of playscripts and identified their features. We followed the stage directions to act out the characters' actions and scenes from ‘A Midsummers Nights Dream’. Gradually, we are getting ready to write our playscripts based on the core text ‘The Boy and the Globe’. The children continued to research the Tudor times - the history of The Wars of the Roses and the Tudor dynasty.
Year 6
This week in their science learning, the children dissected a lambs heart to investigate what are the important tissues connected to it.
They went on to identify the right and left ventricles with interest. Children also drew a picture of the heart and labelled the different parts after dissection.
Key Dates
Tuesday 3rd October - Harvest Festival
Wednesday 4th October - Y3 Horniman Museum Trip
Thursday 5th October - Census Day
Thursday 5th October - School Photographer
Wednesday 18th October - SEND coffee morning 8:45am
Friday 20th October - End of Half Term
Monday 23rd - Friday 27th October - Half Term Holiday
Sunday 29th October - Clocks go Back 1 Hour
Monday 30th October - School Open
Monday 13th - 17th November - Y5 & Y6 Bike Ability Training
Friday 24th November - INSET Day
Monday 27th - Friday 1st December - Parents Evening Week
Friday 1st December - Theatre Whole School
Thursday 21st December - Last Day of Term
You can now find any letters sent home by email on our school website.
Recent letters:
Woodside Community Values
RAAC update 2
School Priorities
Gymnastics Club - y3456
Follow this link for more information:
Chartwells will be offering a Census Day Menu
on Thursday the 5th of October.
Put your name down for our Special School Lunch
and be Counted!!
Nasal Flu Vaccination Programme
Your child should have brought home a letter about the NHS annual flu vaccination programme for this winter.
The Immunisation Team’s visit will take place on 11th October.
Flu can be an unpleasant illness and sometimes causes serious complications. This annual vaccination programme is a quick and simple spray up the nose. It is in place to help protect your child against the flu. It also helps protect more vulnerable members of our community by reducing the spread of flu.
The letter was accompanied by a consent form. You should return the form to school as soon as possible whether or not you give your consent to the vaccine.
Please read the letter carefully for more information, or contact the office if you did not receive the letter and form.
It is that time of year when we kindly asked the children to donate to charity as part of our Harvest Festival.
Could all children please bring into school any non-perishable items - (tinned food, rice, pasta, toiletries, etc).
These items will then be collected after our Harvest Assembly on Tuesday 3rd October 2023,
which will be hosted by Fr Sam Dennis.
Birthday Celebrations
Happy Birthday next week to:
Yousaf - Sycamore
Aleem - Fir
Wesley - Beech
Clarissa - Ash
Jerry - Beech
Sumyyah - Pine
Joshua - Sycamore
Social Media Links
Collaboration matters Excellence in everything Community first Equity for everyone Continuous growth