Woodside Weekly
Kindness Respect Excellence Collaboration
Friday 2nd February 2024
Our whole school Attendance
this week is..
Our whole school target is 96%
"The Best way to predict your Future is to create it"
– Abraham Lincoln
Dear Parents and Carers
It is the penultimate week of term. We have had another busy week here at Woodside.
On Wednesday, both Year 1 and Year 6 went on trips to the Tower of London and the Imperial War Museum respectively. Speaking to staff, children and parents, the trips were thoroughly enjoyed by all. I heard lots about the kings and monarchy, as well as war weapons and memorabilia.
Last week, the school governors met to discuss reflections from the academic year so far, and looking ahead to the end of year. There was a lot of dialogue offering challenge and support for our journey moving forward.
Children have been busy getting ready for our publishing where we have seen lots of art and DT lessons taking place, perfecting their outcomes. We can’t wait to see the updated displays across school next week.
We are seeing a few children come down with illnesses over the past week. Please can everyone remember to follow good hygiene practices and if your child is ill, please do inform the school.
Wishing you all a great weekend.
Iman Atwal
We expect pupils to maintain a high standard of attendance here at Woodside. We want all our pupils to be able to achieve their very best and in order to do this, they need to be in school as much as possible so they don't miss out on any learning. Everyday is a new learning opportunity!
These are this week's attendance figures and leading class in each phase:
EYFS: Apple 93.4%
KS1: Fir 94.5%
KS2: Juniper 96%
It is essential your child is in school everyday.
We want all children to come to school each day, but we know that there are some days children are just too ill to attend, or will spread illness to others.
The NHS website Is My Child Too Ill For School is a useful place to look for guidance.
Coughs and colds: It's fine to send your child to school with a minor cough or cold but if they have a fever they should stay at home until the fever goes.
High temperature: Please keep your child home from school until the high temperature goes away.
Chickenpox: Please keep them off school until all the spots have crusted over - usually 5 days after they first appeared.
Covid 19: If your child has a positive test (there is no requirement to test) they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days after the day of the test.
Impetigo: Your child will need treatment from the GP and should stay off school until all sores have crusted over and healed or for 48 hours after antibiotic treatment has started.
Measles: It is essential your child stays off school. You should call 111 for advice and you must notify the school. If there are other unvaccinated children who live in the house, they should also isolate in case they are infectious.
Ringworm: Your child should see a pharmacist (or the GP if it is on their scalp) and return to school when they have begun treatment.
Scarlet fever: Your child will need antibiotic treatment from the GP and must stay off school until 24 hours after starting their antibiotics.
If your child has vomiting or diarrhoea they should stay away from school until they have not been sick or had diarrhoea for at least 2 days (48 hours).
Children can attend school with cold sores, conjunctivitis, hand, foot & mouth disease, slapped cheek (fifth) disease, sore throat, threadworms, or ear infections as long as they don't have a temperature as well.
Please encourage your children to wash their hands regularly and use and throw away tissues properly.
Children’s Mental Health Week
Children's Mental Health Week is taking place from Monday 5th to 11th February 2024.
The theme this year is ‘My Voice Matters’ which focuses on empowering children and young people to use their voice to share what is important to them and to encourage those around them to really hear their voice.
Children’s Mental Health Week is organised each year by the charity ‘Place2Be’ - to find out further information and for resources for families, parents and carers so you can take part at home, click on the following link.
The MHST are running another set of Online Parent/Carer Webinars during the Spring term.
Parents and Carers can sign up via Eventbrite here: MHST Parent Webinars
OTR will also be running the following workshops:
Support for Parents & Carers - Sutton
Parents will have their cameras and mics off and there is no expectation for them to speak or interact with each other, however there will be a chat box open. The workshops will be psychoeducational based, with some tips and strategies.
For adult services offering advice and support, please click on the following link; Health and Wellbeing
The Children in the Nest have been very busy, they have all been enjoying our role play 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' and they have been using their imaginative skills. They have been making porridge for the bears, getting into different roles and playing cooperatively with their peers, sharing resources and taking turns to feed the bears. Whilst engaged they were retelling the story in their own words. We have been also practicing our phonics by singing rhymes like “five currant buns in baker's shop” and “five little ducks went swimming one day”. To enhance children's language, we have been playing a game “What's in the bag?”, children have been taking turns to take an item out of a bag, describing the item, talking about what we can do with it or what sound it makes.
This week in Nursery, children have been marking and using their mark making skills to write invitation cards to Goldilocks. They had to listen to the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and then give their opinions on why Goldilocks had done the wrong thing by coming into the Bears’ house. They were inviting Goldilocks to come and apologise to them about eating Baby Bear’s porridge, breaking her chair and sleeping on her bed.
In Maths, children were using their counting skills. They had to use their knowledge of counting with a good one to one correspondence. They even went as far as counting themselves on and off the bus. What a week it has been!
In Literacy: This week, Reception children were introduced to the vocabulary ‘habitat’. They discussed the habitat seen in the story ‘Where’s the Elephant’ and then went on to visit our school pond area to see habitats shared by bugs, insects, and frogs. The children got creative by painting a picture of bugs/insects seen.
Home Learning: Children to explore their local area to find different habitats: insects in soil, fish, and frogs in the pond. Try orally saying a sentence about what habitats you saw.
Phonics: This week, the children learnt the ‘air’, ‘er’ sounds and learnt words with double letters (letter, rubber, carrot, kitten)
They used their knowledge of sounds learnt this week to read words with ‘air’ and ‘er’ sounds: hair, fair, hammer, ladder, boxer.
Home Learning: Practice saying and writing the sounds learnt this week and make a list of words that have the phonemes: ‘air’ and ‘er’. How many words can you say/write with double letters?
In Maths: This week, Reception children have been learning about measurement. They looked at the length and height of different objects. Children had fun comparing each other’s height and used vocabulary (tall, taller, short, shorter, small, big, smaller/bigger) when explaining their understanding of height and length.
Home Learning: Try measuring the length of different objects around your home (table, chairs, fridge, bed and other objects around your home) using different measurement equipment (ruler, tape measure, string).
REMINDERS: If your child comes home with a phonics book, please can adults remember to return these books by Wednesday. Thank you.
Key Stage One
Year 1
In Maths this week, Year 1 have been learning to add numbers within 20. We focused on adding two digit numbers with one digit numbers and used manipulatives to support their learning.
In English, we have been publishing the description writing of a setting. Children were describing a castle and the fireworks using adjectives and conjunctions.
In Science, we have been learning about animal groups and their features.
The highlight of this week was a school trip to the Tower of London. We visited the White Tower and The Crown Jewels where we saw lots of colourful crowns. We are going to learn how to write a recount about this amazing experience.
Year 2
In English this week, Year 2 explored different features of a newspaper report and reflected on ways they could construct their own newspaper article to an investigation that took place within the classroom. Children were examining areas for clues to add to their report.
In Maths, we focused on our 2, 5 and 10 timetables and came up with different strategies to help us with our calculations.
Lower Key Stage Two
Year 3
This week, Year 3 have started to write their balanced argument on deforestation and discussing the impact of the habitats of the animals of the rainforest.
In Maths, we have started to learn measuring in cm and mm with a range of items on their table.
In Art, children are still exploring the bologan pattern and creating repeated patterns using lines and resist.
Year 4
In Year 4, children are immersing themselves in the exploration of figurative language to enhance their narrative writing about the mythical journey of Odysseus. With each lesson, their enthusiasm swells as they uncover the power of metaphors, similes, and symbolism to bring depth and color to their storytelling. Their engagement with the narrative of Odysseus is palpable, as they eagerly decipher the intricacies of his adventures, sparking their curiosity and igniting their creativity. As they craft their own interpretations of the tale, their excitement grows, fueled by the prospect of sharing their unique narratives with their classmates and the wider school community. With each passing day, they eagerly anticipate the completion of their stories, eager to publish and showcase their literary creations, weaving together imagination and learning in a tapestry of storytelling brilliance.
Upper Key Stage Two
Year 5
In Maths, the children have continued their learning journey with division. They have been learning how to divide up to four digit numbers by a one digit number including remainders.
In English, the children are finishing their narrative based on the core text ‘The Windrush child'. The children then took time to publish their narratives, taking time to consider their presentation and handwriting.
In Art, the children have been creating a sculpture based on the work of Basil Watson. They have used tin foil and tape to construct their form and then used acrylic paint and pastels to recreate the bronze material used by Basil Watson.
Year 6
From the moment they stepped foot into the museum, our students were captivated by the exhibits. They marvelled at the actual planes, tanks, and other military vehicles used during the war, gaining a profound appreciation for the technological advancements of the time. They also explored personal items and documents, allowing them to connect on a human level with the individuals who lived through this tumultuous period of history.
The knowledge and insights gained from this visit will serve as a solid foundation as our students continue to explore and learn about World War II. In the coming days, they will be using their experiences to inform and inspire their writing as they craft WWII information leaflets, showcasing their understanding and creativity.
Key Dates
Monday 5th-6th February - Year 1 Hearing Screening
Monday 5th-11th February - Children's Mental Health Week
Friday 9th February - Last Day of Half Term
Monday 12th - Friday 16th February - Half Term Holiday
Monday 19th February - School Open
Wednesday 21st February - Year 3 Addington Hills Trip
Friday 23rd February - Parent-Led SEND Coffee Morning
Wednesday 28th February - Year 4 British Museum Trip
Friday 8th March - Parent-Led SEND Coffee Morning
WB 18th March - Parents Evening Week (details to follow)
Friday 22nd March - Parent-Led SEND Coffee Morning
Thursday 28th March - Last Day of Term
Friday 29th March - Bank Holiday Good Friday
Sunday 31st March - Easter Sunday
Monday 1st April - Bank Holiday Easter Monday
Tuesday 2nd - Friday 12th April - Easter Holiday
Monday 15th April - School Open Summer Term
Tues 16th to Fri 19th April - School Book Fair
Monday 6th May - School Closed Bank Holiday
Friday 24th May - Last Day of Half Term
Monday 27th May - Bank Holiday
Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May - Half Term Holiday
Monday 3rd June - School Open
Friday 14th June - School Closed INSET Day
Wednesday 24th July - School Close for Summer
You can now find any whole school letters sent home
by email on our school website
Recent letters:
Partnership With Parents Newsletter
Tom & Jerry School Fish
Hearing Tests - Year 1
Height and weight checks for children in Reception and Year 6
Nut Free School Reminder
Personnel Items Reminder
A number of policies have been updated on the school website
Please follow this link for more information: Woodside Primary School Policies Page
Updated policies:
Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) Policy
Privacy Notice for Pupils
Privacy Notice for Staff
Staff Pupil AUPs
Check your Child's Data
Please log in to Arbor and check your child's/children's details are correct - and let us know if not. You can also request changes directly through the app which will take place once we have seen them - if we have questions, we will get in touch. Or you can let the office know directly.
It is important we have the correct data for all our families.
Please remember to check Arbor - either the Parent Portal (at or the parent app (available from the App Store or Google Play).
Parents who log in can:
* see their child's attendance
* log consent for local trips and those further afield
* pay for trips and book and pay for clubs
* receive In-App messages - and message the school
* book parent consultations
* see their child's details and request changes to ensure they are completely up to date
If you have more than one child at the school, they should be visible via a drop-down so you only need to login once.
To set up your account, you need the email you use for school communications and the date of birth of one of your children. Follow the Forgotten Password link on either the app or the website.
If you need support with logging in, please talk to the office team who will be glad to help.
Parents of children in years 1 and 2 should, this week, have received an email containing the login and password to access Big Cat online books.
To access your child’s Big Cat eBooks, go to:
The books in your child's library have been chosen by their teacher to ensure they match with their phonics learning.
If you did not receive the email, please ask the office for details.
If you would like to discuss the books available, please talk to your child's class teacher.
Consent for local trips
You will have spotted that you can now give your consent for your child to attend trips in the locality on Arbor. You will always be told if they are attending a trip locally.
If you have not yet given your consent, please do so by logging into Arbor and checking the Notices section. Here you will see an arrow that allows you to consent.
Belongings and equipment
Please remember that children should not bring pencil cases, toys or other items to school - we cannot be held responsible if these items go missing or are damaged. Pencil cases are a distraction - we provide all necessary equipment for our students to use during lessons.
In line with our school policies, we ask that children do not wear smartwatches during school hours. This ensures a fair and uniform approach to the use of technology within the classroom setting.
To avoid confusion and loss of personal items, please ensure your child's name is clearly written on all of their clothing. This includes uniforms, PE kit, jackets or coats, and any other items they may bring to school. This simple step greatly aids in the quick and accurate return of lost belongings. Please regularly check that your child is returning home with their own property.
Thank you for your support with these requests.
Tom & Jerry have moved house!
They have settled into their new bigger tank
and are very happy.
They would like to say a Huge Thank You to those that showed such kind generosity.
To the member of SLT that donated the new tank. To Daniel in Pear, who kindly donated some accessories, including a light and thank you to Archie in Pine, Oscar in Juniper and Zara in Elm, who also made donations.
Tom & Jerry
PE & Clubs Updates
Please note that this year, we are asking children to change in school. They should bring in their PE bags and keep them in school for the term and take them home at the end of the term. Thank you for supporting us with this.
All children need elastic fronted plimsolls for indoor/outdoor PE which are best kept in a drawstring bag on their cloak peg. Children will need black/blue shorts and a white t-shirt in their PE bag to wear for PE lessons.
We are delighted to offer some after-school, lunchtime and a trial breakfast club this half term as follows:
Other sessions may be organised in the following term.
Places are limited for school-run clubs and parents can sign children up for school clubs by signing into Arbor online or using the Arbor App. This help page will show you how this is done: Arbor support to sign-up for clubs
Chelsea Soccer School
Will be coming to Woodside to run lunchtime clubs on the following days, Please sign up, Limited Spaces!
Mondays for years 1-3 (course code: LC-WSPS-L-3)
Wednesdays for years 4-6 (course code: LC-WSPS-L-4)
These can be booked via their website now quoting our unique code; WOODSIDELTC124
After School Clubs from Tuesday 9th January - Friday 9th February 2024
Please find below information below on Sports Attack. Within Woodside Primary school we offer the following after school clubs: -
Tuesday 3:15 - 4:30 Years 1+2 Football
Wednesdays 3:15 - 4:30 Years 3+4 Football
Thursday 3:15 - 4:30 Years 5+6 Football
Friday 3:15 - 4:30 Years 1-6 Multi sports
Clubs are run by coach Dre, Nathan and Derek.
Classes can be found via the link below or contacting us on 07462419194
Follow this link for more information and to sign up for clubs:
Birthday Celebrations
Happy Birthday next week to:
Akshdeep - Oak
Emir - Yew
Zain - Green
Ramatulaye - Ash
Myla - Blue
Matthew - Cedar
Jurmaine - Yew
Kadian - Juniper
Angel - Rowan
Please Remember
We are a Nut Free School.
This includes nuts and foods containing nuts such as; boxes/tubs of chocolates, chocolate nut spreads and cereal/snack bars. We have children that have extreme nut allergies we would like to keep safe.
Thank you for your support with this.
Social Media Links
Collaboration matters Excellence in everything Community first Equity for everyone Continuous growth