Woodside Weekly

Kindness  Respect  Excellence  Collaboration

Friday 30th June 2023

Our whole school Attendance

this week is..


Our whole school target is 95%

A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself”Ms Georgiades

Dear parents and carers

We hope you have had a good week and we wish our families celebrating Eid ‘Eid Mubarak’. We hope that they have enjoyed spending time with families and friends. 

We are very sad to be saying goodbye to Mrs Pearcy at the end of this term. Mrs Pearcy is retiring after working at Woodside for an amazing 34 years. Over the time she has worked with children from nest and nursery to year 6. She has worked as a class teaching assistant and specialised in supporting children with special needs and children who are new to the country and do not speak much English. We are all very sad that Mrs Pearcy is leaving us, but wish her a well deserved rest. 

Please note that the dates for some of our sports days have changed due to possible disruption caused by the NEU strike action. A letter was sent yesterday with new dates for years 3, 5 and 6. Year 3 will now be on Tuesday 11th July at 1.45pm. Year 5 will be held on Tuesday 18th July at 1.45pm and Year 6 will be held on Tuesday 18th July at 9.30am.

We wish you all a very restful weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Best wishes from the Woodside team.


These are this week's attendance figures and leading class in each phase:

EYFS: Pear 91.7%

KS1: 2 Oak 95.1%

KS2: 4 Ash 94.6%

It is essential your child is in school everyday.


The Youth Engagement team are providing an opportunity for all young people transitioning from Year 6 to Year 7 to take part in a Transition Workshop. This workshop will run from 22nd August – 25th August. Young people will be engaging in activities and sessions that will equip them with tools and skills that will help them with making their transition from Yr6 to Yr7. Young people will be provided with hot meals (Breakfast and Lunch) and also take part in physical activities.

Parents can use the link below to sign up their child/ren to the workshop

This workshop also comes under the HAF scheme and can be accessed with the parents code that was recently emailed out to all parents/carers whose children are in receipt of Free School Meals. These vouchers were sent on the 26th June via email - please check your spam if you cannot see communication from Additionally the below guide shows you what parents can expect when they are assigned these vouchers:

The HENRY service supports families with children aged 0-7yrs to provide the best and healthiest

start in life for their children.

HENRY is an innovative and flourishing national charity that is making a real difference to the lives of young children and their families. HENRY is working in partnership with Croydon Council to run group and 1-to-1 programmes and workshops for parents and carers of young children.

Everyone wants the best for their children, but it can be hard to know what to do as a parent in the early years. HENRY Healthy Families: Brighter Future is a free to join 8-week programme for families who live in Croydon and have a child aged 0-7. HENRY programmes are held across the Borough and online.

You can register your interest here:

Please see below for other Summer holiday workshops being run by Henry. 

Please note that spaces need to be booked in advance using the links.

Eating Well for Less (online)

Wed 2nd Aug 2-3.15pm

Mon 14th Aug 7-8.15pm

Starting Solids (for families with babies under 6 months)

Mon 7th Aug 1-3pm Kensington Avenue Children's Centre

Tues 8th Aug 1-3pm Selhurst Children's Centre

We understand that the current cost of living crisis is impacting heavily on many of our families at Woodside. If you are currently struggling, please speak to Mrs Georgiades who may be able to offer support/signposting to further organisations that can help.

PE Updates

Due to proposed industrial action next week, some dates have been amended.

Sports Day

Dates and Times 

Year 1 - Monday 3rd July - AM 9:30-11:00 

Year 2 - Monday 3rd July - PM 1:45-3:00 

Nursery (AM Session) Tuesday 4th July - 10:00-11:15

Nursery (PM Session) Tuesday 4th July - 1:45-3:00

Reception - Thursday 6th July - AM 9:30-11:00 

Year 4 - Thursday 6th July - PM 1:45-3:00 

Nest (AM Session) - Monday 10th July 9:30-10:30

Nest (PM Session) - Monday 10th July 1:45-3:00

Year 3 - Tuesday 11th July - PM 1:45-3:00

Year 5 - Tuesday 18th July - PM 1:45-3:00

Year 6 - Tuesday 18th July - AM 9:30-11:00

Please ensure that children attend the event with the following:

Please find below information below on Sports Attack. Within Woodside Primary school we offer the following after school clubs: -

Tuesdays 3:30-4:30 Years 1 + 2 Football 

Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 Years 3 + 4 Football

Thursday 3:30-4:30 Years 5 + 6 Football 

Friday 3:30-4:30 Years 1 to 6 Multi sports

Clubs are run by coach Dre, Nathan and Derek.

Classes can be found via the link below or contacting us on 07462419194



This term our core text is 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. The children in the Nest have been listening to the story going on to retell it in their own words. We have set up a role play area based on 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' where the children have been enjoying pretending to make porridge, feed it to the bears, sharing the resources and waiting for their turn. They also enjoyed exploring the oats, feeling and talking about the texture while filling and emptying containers using spoons. To further support children's fine motor skills, children also have been lacing Bear and Goldilocks shapes with string. They also made Bear and Goldilocks shapes with sponge painting using different materials. During the activity they talked about the paint colours and features of the bears, for example; “eyes, ears, nose and mouth”. We have also incorporated mathematical language in our core text, by carrying out different activities to teach the children about different sizes, for example; big bear, small bear, big chair and small chair.


In Nursery this week, we started on a new story on Community Heroes. We talked about who they are and what they do. The focus was on our understanding of what is happening out in the world and with our immediate families. We spoke about what the word 'community' meant and that not all heroes wear capes. We dressed up to show the community heroes we know about. We had doctors, nurses, vets, police officers, firefighters and shopkeepers. We know there are more community heroes but our focus was on the police officers as we will need them to solve a crime. Our toys are going missing every time and we hope they will help us!

In Maths, we were learning to recognise numbers and we decided to use our outdoor area. We chose to trace over the numbers using paint brushes with water. Why don't you ask us about these numbers!!


This week in Reception, the children have continued to base their learning on the story ‘The Squirrels Who Squabbled.’ The children have extended their learning beyond carpet sessions by engaging in a range of activities. They used picture prompts to recall prior learning to describe a setting and create amazing artwork of characters from the story.

In maths, the children have been measuring the length of objects using non-standard units. They recalled the rules of measuring length and used cubes to count out how long an object is and then went on to compare the length of different objects. They particularly enjoyed measuring the height of a beanstalk! 

Key Stage One

Year 1

In year 1 this week, we have explored money, totalling amounts and exploring both notes and coins. We have also explored our new story 'Tidy' and how to write an effective setting description. We have defined what deciduous and evergreen trees are while spotting different trees based on their leaves. We also explored Sikhism and had fun making our delicious fruit salads.

Year 2

In year 2 this week for maths, we explored money. This included totalling amounts, making amounts using different coins and notes then applied our knowledge to solve word problems.

In English we are beginning to write our own adventure stories based on ‘Gnomeo and Juliet’ ensuring that we use ‘The Year 2 Tool Kit’!

For science, we have had great fun carrying out an investigation deciding what a plant needs to grow and ensuring that our test was fair. We used seeds, a zip plastic bag, water and tissue paper. We are checking the progress daily.

Lower Key Stage Two

Year 3

This week we have started a new topic in math: MONEY. The children started the new topic by exploring and identifying the coins, then moved onto counting in pounds and pence then adding coins together. They will continue this learning next week. Here are some pictures of the children showing different ways to make 50p using different coins:

In English this week, the children have been writing up their yearly reflections ready for their end of year report. Here are a few pictures:

Year 4

Maths has been an immersive experience. Year 4 have been using mirrors to find the lines of symmetry, this has given them a great learning experience. They have also been focusing on different types of regular and irregular quadrilaterals with angles that are equal and not equal.

Upper Key Stage Two

Year 5

This week Year 5 made pizzas as part of their D&T learning. The children followed recipes which showed them the skills to knead and stretch the dough ready for their personalised toppings which they had previously chosen. The children then tasted their pizzas and gave an honest evaluation based on appearance, texture and taste. 

In maths, we have been learning about time. We have been converting between analogue and digital and also converting between seconds, minutes and hours.

Year 6

Year 6 enjoyed the well deserved trip to Chessington World of Adventures. We also took part in DT fortnight, researched French cuisine and made a delicious French dish - Ratatouille!

Weekly Mental Maths Contest 

Our weekly competition winners are:

KS1 - 2 Ash

KS2 - 5 Ash

Well done for practising your mental maths skills! 

We wonder who the winners will be next week?

Key Dates 

Monday 3rd July - Friday 7th July - Sports Day Week

(see amended dates above in yellow for your year group)

Wednesday 5th July - Partial Opening, Industrial Action

Friday 7th July - School Closed, Industrial Action

Monday 10th July - Mr Atwal Visiting

Thursday 13th July - Year 6 End of Year Production

Friday 14th July - Reports to Parents/Carers

Friday 14th July - Year 6 Trip to Oxygen

Monday 17th of July - Mr Atwal Visiting

Monday 17th July - Woodside's Got Talent Final!

Tuesday 18th - 19th July - Year 4 Frylands Residential Visit

Friday 21st July - Last Day of Term

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Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth