Woodside Weekly

Kindness  Respect  Excellence  Collaboration

Friday 10th November 2023

Our whole school Attendance

this week is..


Our whole school target is 96%

“You are always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel” – Unknown

Dear Parents and Carers

This week has been a busy one! I hope everyone had a great time celebrating Bonfire Night last weekend. The skies were full of colour and excitement and I heard lots of stories of children enjoying the night.

In KS1 this week, we have been working on expectations with children where they have been focused on engaging with their learning, maintaining focus and trying their best. It has been lovely this week to see children reminding themselves of the Woodside Learner.

Next week, we will commence the festive countdown - we will share our plans with the community. We hope what we have planned makes everyone happy! As per our key dates, Parents Evening will be on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th November. A letter will be coming out soon with details.

We wanted to bring everyone’s attention to our school website ( We have added a section under the Children tab for if children are worried as well as staying safe online. Also, under our ‘Helping your Child’ section in the Parents and Carers tab, we have added a whole new section with advice around nutrition, sleeping, reading, learning maths and more ( Feel free to check it out and explore.

For everyone who is celebrating Diwali or Bandi Chhor Divas, we hope you have a great time. We look forward to seeing everyone next week!

Iman Atwal



We expect pupils to maintain a high standard of attendance here at Woodside. We want all our pupils to be able to achieve their very best and in order to do this, they need to be in school as much as possible so they don't miss out on any learning. Everyday is a new learning opportunity!

These are this week's attendance figures and leading class in each phase:

EYFS: Apple 94.2%

KS1: Fir 96%

KS2: Sycamore 97.9%

It is essential your child is in school everyday.


Zones of Regulation 

This week we have been talking about the zones of regulation at school. We have been thinking about recognising the zones and how we describe our emotions. During class assembly the children watched videos and talked about which zone the characters were in. If you would like to watch the videos with your child to talk about the zones, please follow the links below.   (Key Stage 1 and Early Years)  (Key Stage 2)

PE Updates

Please note that this year, we are asking children to change in school. They should bring in their PE bags and keep them in school for the term and take them home at the end of the term. Thank you for supporting us with this.

All children need elastic fronted plimsolls for indoor/outdoor PE which are best kept in a drawstring bag on their cloak peg. Children will need black/blue shorts and a white t-shirt in their PE bag to wear for PE lessons. 

Please find below information below on Sports Attack. Within Woodside Primary school we offer the following after school clubs: -

Tuesday 3:15 - 4:30 Years 1+2 Football

Wednesdays 3:15 - 4:30 Years 3+4 Football

Thursday 3:15 - 4:30 Years 5+6 Football 

Friday 3:15 - 4:30 Years 1-6 Multi sports

Clubs are run by coach Dre, Nathan and Derek.

Classes can be found via the link below or contacting us on 07462419194



This  week we have been celebrating Diwali. Children made Diva Lamps using clay and decorated them with a variety of colours while learning new vocabulary. We talked about why we are making the Diva Lamps. In the Nest, children were excited to make fireworks pictures, some of the children spoke about the noise and colours of the fireworks they had seen and heard. Continuing to embed our core text “The Family Book”, the children made face features using play dough on the face mats. Children talked about who they were making for example “mum, dad, grandma, uncle, sister and baby”.


This week in Nursery we have been learning about different celebrations in our families. We talked about what we see during celebrations. As some of our families will be celebrating Diwali, we decided to make our own Diva Lamps and Rangoli patterns. It was tricky trying to mould the clay to get the shape we needed. However, we used our perseverance skills and we made lovely Diva Lamps which we decorated with our favourite colours. In our outdoor area, we had a go at creating Rangoli patterns using rice, beans and pasta. We now know that Diwali is the festival of light.


This week, the children have enjoyed exploring a range of activities and got creative with making firework displays using paint and different resources. 

In Literacy: The children recalled their knowledge about the story, ‘Here We Are’ by talking about space. This week, the children explored planet earth and discussed what is found on planet earth and understood that this is where we live.  When discussing planet earth, the children talked about all the things that we see on planet earth: animals, people, buildings, shops and hospitals.

Phonics: We progress through Phase 2 phonics and introduced the children to; ‘v and w, x, y’  When drawing and labelling planet earth, we used our knowledge of sounds to practise making, reading and writing cvc words: man, big, hill, bug, pig, sun and hot. Our tricky words were ‘and, has, his, her’.

Home Learning: practise writing words with the initial sounds : v, w, y (van, wig, won, wag, yak) 

In Maths: We used the Enormous Turnip song to help children with their learning on finding ‘one more’ and ‘one less’ than a given number. The children understood that when adding ‘one more’ the number gets bigger and when having ‘one less’ the number gets smaller. 

Home Learning: Line up to 5 objects (this can be anything: pencils, cars, fruit, spoons and etc)  Ask your child to count the objects. How many are there altogether? Say “one more/less  than___ is ___” as you add or take away one object.

Reminder: Please help your child to practise writing their name using the correct letter formation. 

Well done children for having a good week!

Key Stage One

Year 1

In maths we have been learning to find number bonds within 10. We used cubes and the part-whole model to support us and wrote addition sentences.

Eg. number bonds to 3.    0 + 3 = 3        1 + 2 = 3        2 + 1 = 3

Given 3 numbers in a part-whole model, we have also looked at fact families. 

                         5 + 4 = 9

                         4 + 5 = 9

                         9 = 4 + 5

                         9 = 5 + 4

In English we are continuing with Little Red Riding Hood. We created a story map and sequenced pictures from the story using time adverbials such as next, later, after a while and finally. We also role played parts of the story. 

Part-Whole Model

Year 2

This week in English, Year 2 worked collaboratively and explored different adjectives to describe a character. Children understood the definition of an adjective with many examples like: what an adjective is? And how adjectives can enhance a sentence and make it more interesting. Children also discussed the importance of editing their work and re-wrote sentences to improve them.

In Maths, children learned partitioning and applied different strategies to work out their answers. They used a part whole model to find their calculations. They also used number tracks to complete their calculations.

Lower Key Stage Two

Year 3

This week, Year 3’s core text this week is ‘Wendel’s Workshop’. Children have been building on  their understanding of the features of instructional writing and had the opportunity to apply their knowledge of adverbs. They have been writing up their own instructions on designing their personal robot. In Maths, year 3s have been adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers using the formal column method and recognising the place value of each digit.

Year 4

In Year 4, our students have embarked on an inspiring educational journey, researching into the world of climate change activism through the remarkable example of Greta Thunberg. They have passionately explored her cause and her unwavering commitment to protecting our precious planet. Through extensive research and a deep understanding of Greta's message, the children have not only compiled fact files about her but have also developed their own perspectives on the urgent issue of climate change. Their engagement and dedication in amplifying Greta's call for change serve as a testament to their growing awareness of environmental issues and their role in making a difference.

Upper Key Stage Two

Year 5

This week the children have continued to read the core text ‘Boy in the Tower’ and have explored the relationship between the main character Ade and his mum and her battle with mental health issues.

In maths, the children have been continuing their learning by using place value charts to help support them, when dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.

In DT, the children have been learning basic sewing techniques. This is so that they will have the necessary skills to design and make their own Colour Monster which links to our Zones of Regulation.

In PE, the children have started to learn sports leadership skills, these will help in the future to organise PE sessions for lower years.

Year 6

We are delighted to share the exciting experience that our Year 6 pupils had during their recent visit to The Design Museum. As part of our Design Technology theme, "Design Maker," the children were immersed in the fascinating evolution of technology and the underlying reasons behind it. The museum provided a rich environment for our pupils to explore and understand the intricate connections between design and technology. Witnessing the excellent evolution of technology not only captivated their minds but also fueled their budding desires in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The trip was carefully designed to stimulate their curiosity and strengthen their attitudes towards their final outcomes in their Design Technology project. 

Key Dates 

Monday 13th - 17th November - Y5 & Y6 Bike Ability Training

Tuesday 21st November 2023 - Y5 Gurdwara in Croydon Trip

Thursday 23rd November - Guru Nanak Ji Birthday Assembly

Friday 24th November - INSET Day, School Closed to Children

Wednesday 29th - Thursday 30th November - Parents Evenings

Friday 1st December - Theatre Whole School

Thursday 7th December - Hanukkah Assembly

Thursday 14th December - Christmas Assembly

Thursday 21st December - Last Day of Term

Monday 8th January 2024 - INSET DAY, School Closed to Children

Tuesday 9th January  2024 - School Open

Primary Admissions

Is your child 4 years old before 31st August 2024?

We warmly invite you to join our school community. Mr Atwal would be delighted to show any prospective parents around the school; please make sure you sign up to join us for a school tour and to meet the team. 

Existing Nursery children will also need to apply for a Reception place.

There are a number of dates on which you can visit - use this form

or call the office to let us know when you will visit.

If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 you are now able to apply for them to join Woodside for a Reception place in September 2024. Applications for Reception next year should be made via the Local Authority. Information about the application process can be found HERE


You can now find any letters sent home by email on our school website.

Recent letters:

Follow this link to the letters page and for more information 

Please remember we are a Nut Free School.

This includes nuts and foods containing nuts such as; boxes/tubs of chocolates, chocolate nut spreads and cereal/snack bars. We have children that have extreme nut allergies we would like to keep safe.

Thank you for your support with this.

Consent for local trips

You will have spotted that you can now give your consent for your child to attend trips in the locality on Arbor. You will always be told if they are attending a trip locally.

If you have not yet given your consent, please do so by logging into Arbor and checking the Notices section. Here you will see an arrow that allows you to consent.

Chartwells are delighted to offer a new Autumn/Winter menu.

Please follow this link to see the menu

and more information 

Belongings and equipment

Please remember that children should not bring pencil cases, toys or other items to school - we cannot be held responsible if these items go missing or are damaged. Pencil cases are a distraction - we provide all necessary equipment for our students to use during lessons.

In line with our school policies, we ask that children do not wear smartwatches during school hours. This ensures a fair and uniform approach to the use of technology within the classroom setting. 

To avoid confusion and loss of personal items, please ensure your child's name is clearly written on all of their clothing. This includes uniforms, PE kit, jackets or coats, and any other items they may bring to school. This simple step greatly aids in the quick and accurate return of lost belongings. Please regularly check that your child is returning home with their own property.

Thank you for your support on these matters.

Spare Clothes Donations

We are in desperate need of clothing donations. If you have any good condition, spare clean underwear eg; socks, pants, knickers, you would like to donate, they would be gratefully received. Thank you in advance.

Birthday Celebrations

Happy Birthday next week to:

Noah  -  Blue

Olaniyi  -  Rowan

Adeel  -  Yew

Isabella  -  Apple

Cazainieo  -  Owls

Ansh  -  Pine

Muhammad  -  Apple

Manuel  -  Beech

Matilda  -  Apple

Asia  -  Green

Melek  -  Yellow

Social Media Links

Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth