Woodside Weekly
Kindness Respect Excellence Collaboration
Friday 28th June 2024
Our Whole School Attendance
this week is...
Our whole school target is 96%
"We rise by lifting others" – Robert Ingersoll
Dear Parents and Carers
We are eagerly anticipating our Sports Days, which is just around the corner next week! This is always a highlight for our children, staff, and families, and we look forward to seeing everyone there. Even though this is my first Sports Day, it promises to be a day filled with fun, excitement, and a wonderful display of our children’s athletic abilities and team spirit.
This week, we had the privilege of hosting a Trustee visit to our school this week. We were joined by our CEO of the Trust (Rob Carpenter) as well as 2 Trustees (including our Chair) and the Inspire Partnership Education Lead for Teaching and Learning. We are extremely proud to share that the visit was very positive with clear commentary and evidence of the improvements and progress being made across the school. They were able to witness the work being undertaken to support better teaching and learning across the school with better outcomes, improved behaviour as well as a better provision for SEND. Of course, there is always feedback which we will continue to work on as we move into the new academic year in September. Whilst we know there is more we still need to do, this has motivated us to continue striving for excellence in all that we do.
We only have a few weeks left of term and we continue to develop our end of year activities. Meeting with some members of the PTA this week, I look forward to the future fundraising efforts as well as plans for future events.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Iman Atwal
We expect pupils to maintain a high standard of attendance here at Woodside. We want all our pupils to be able to achieve their very best and in order to do this, they need to be in school as much as possible so they don't miss out on any learning. Everyday is a new learning opportunity!
These are this week's attendance figures and leading class in each phase:
EYFS: Apple 93.1%
KS1: Cedar 95.8%
KS2: Sycamore 96.8%
It is essential your child is in school everyday.
We want all children to come to school each day, but we know that there are some days children are just too ill to attend, or will spread illness to others.
The NHS website Is My Child Too Ill For School is a useful place to look for guidance.
If your child has vomiting or diarrhoea they should stay away from school until they have not been sick or had diarrhoea for at least 2 days (48 hours).
Children can attend school with cold sores, conjunctivitis, hand, foot & mouth disease, slapped cheek (fifth) disease, sore throat, thread-worms or ear infections as long as they don't have a temperature as well.
Please encourage your children to wash their hands regularly and use and throw away tissues properly.
The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme returns for the Summer 2024 school holidays. Holiday Activities vouchers (or HAF vouchers as they are referred to) entitles eligible pupils, (normally Free school meal eligible families) to take their children to a holiday activity club and receive a free meal during the Summer holidays.
You will have received an email or text message from ( with a link to view your voucher - please check your spam if you cannot see communication from You will receive your unique code once you have claimed the voucher.
Click on the link to take you to further information on what parents can expect when they are assigned these vouchers: Summer 2024 Holiday Activities and Food | Croydon Council
Use the following link to see where holiday clubs are being offered in Croydon this Summer and the activities they have to offer; Croydon's Holiday Activity and Food Programme
All holiday clubs cater for children with low-medium levels of SEN and/or disability and children will be considered by each club on a case-by-case basis.
If your child is in receipt of benefits-related free school meals but you haven’t received a voucher code, pop into the office and double check your child’s details with Mrs Hewitt, such as whether you are on the benefits-related free school meal list and/or whether your email address on the school system is correct.
Household Support Fund (HSF)
A reminder that the Household Support Fund has reopened for new applications.
The Household Support Fund can help if you are facing hardship or an emergency, including struggling to pay bills or afford food.
Wherever possible, the scheme provides support such as vouchers rather than cash grants and does not have to be paid back.
It can help your household to meet living costs through:
top-ups for prepaid energy and water meters
assistance with energy and water bills debts
food vouchers
essential items relating energy or water, for example, clothing, bedding, heater, and appliances
essential items relating to food, for example, slow cooker, microwave, cooker, fridge
items related to essential transport, for example, travel ticket, bicycle and helmet
other essential household items, for example, furniture, minor adaptations, draft excluders
housing support (in exceptional circumstances, excluding mortgage payment)
You can only use the fund for one household appliance per application.
To be eligible for this fund, you must;
be over the age of 18
live in Croydon
You will be required to provide evidence to support your application. You can apply even if you have applied before. However, priority will be given to first-time applicants who are not eligible for other types of support.
How to apply
Residents can apply via the website Household Support Fund (HSF) | Croydon Council or they can call 0208 760 5719 and applications can be taken over the phone.
Application turnaround time is typically 1-2 weeks. However, in urgent cases it will be done within 1-3 working days.
If you are in urgent need of food, please email for an emergency food bank referral.
The Mental Health Support Team (MHST) are running another set of Online Parent/Carer Webinars during the Summer term.
Parents and Carers can sign up via Eventbrite here: MHST Parent Webinars
We had a fantastic week in the Nest. As we continue to embed the story 'The Tiny Seed', children made hand prints to represent flowers, they explored with the paint and were able to describe the texture how it feels, such as cold and tickly. Continuing to develop children's confidence, speech and language, children have been taking turns to retell the story in their own words. As we prepare the children on the next journey into Nursery, children have been practicing writing over the letters on their name card. Children continue to flourish in their mathematical skills, they are identifying numbers 1-10 and matching numerals to quantities.
This week in Nursery, children have been learning about retelling stories using the story, 'Handa's Surprise'. They were excited to role-play and act it out. Almost everyone wanted to be Handa. A few children wanted to be the animals to steal the fruit. They have also been singing songs about animals and reflecting on their learning throughout this year.
In Maths, children have been learning about one more or one less. They created a bus using their classroom chairs. So as passengers got on, they identified the number that is one more than the number of people who were on the bus. As people were coming out of the bus, children would count one less and identify the number as well. Children have also been practising for Sports Day and are really excited to show their adults what they can do.
This week in Literacy, children continue to use their core-text, ‘The Squirrels Who Squabbled’, focusing on the squirrels. Children used adjectives to label and describe a squirrel using words such as bushy tail, wide mouth, sharp paws, furry body, long claws and big round eyes. Children also worked in small groups to label own squirrels and used their writer’s tool kit (capital letters, finger-space, full stop and sounds) to write a simple sentence, eg; He has ……
The squirrel has …
Home Learning: Children can draw, label and write sentences to describe their favorite animal, eg; ‘I like … because …
In Phonics, children who are on Phase 4 continue to use their phonics knowledge to read longer words that have digraphs and trigraphs. They are now able to chunk longer words to be able to read words such as: swimming, looking, cooking, sailing, roasting. They have also been learning some tricky words to use in their writing. The tricky words were; has, the, little and some.
Home work: Please continue to support your child with blending. Support your children to learn how to blend (put sounds together to read a word) through games. Please continue to login on the Little Wandle Phonics using the QR code. You can also find blending games on YouTube. These games are important to support your children to be able to read independently.
In Maths this week, the children have learnt to use positional language to describe the position of something in relation to something else. For example; ‘The dinosaur is between the house and the plant. Children were also able to come up with their own activities using positional language such as: behind, infront, opposite, next to, under
Home Learning: Children draw their own pictures to show positional language to describe the position of things around their home.
REMINDERS: Thank you to those children who are promptly returning all Phonics reading books back to school. Please can you ensure that your child continues to return books borrowed from school. As the weather is becoming hot, please ensure you apply sunscreen on your child/children and provide a hat if you can.
Key Stage One
Year 1
In English, Year 1 were introduced to the book 'Tidy' this week. It is about a badger who takes tidying up too far! The children have enjoyed ordering the pictures and retelling the story. We have also thought about what makes a good setting description. We went onto the field and used our senses to collect words which we were then able to use to write our own setting description.
In Maths, we have been learning about time. We have used language such as before, after, yesterday and tomorrow when talking about and ordering the days of the week and the months of the year. We also learnt about calendars and that not all the months have the same number of days.
Year 2
This week in English, year 2 children recapped the features of a narrative. They used a diagram of story mountain which allowed them to visualise the structure of a narrative and better discover how stories are pieced together. For example; a story usually begins with a problem or dilemma in the beginning or middle, which is fixed with a resolution towards the end.
In Maths this week, children added two 2 digit numbers. They partitioned 2 digit numbers and investigated ways to represent a 2 digit number. They explored fact families of addition and subtraction bonds within 20 and beyond.
Lower Key Stage Two
Year 3
Year 3 have been practicing for Woodsides up and coming sports day next week and making posters about it, they are all very excited!
They have been discussing sportsmanship and how to encourage each other positively.
Please remember, Thursday 4th July is our sports day at 9:15am. Please bring the following: water bottle, sun cream/hat and long bottoms if you have any allergies.
Hope to see you all there!
Year 4
In English this week, we have been learning about the different features of a newspaper. Over the next two weeks we will be writing a newspaper article based on the book ‘The Goldfish Boy’. The children also speculated the culprit of a crime within the classroom and learnt the vocabulary associated with solving a crime.
Upper Key Stage Two
Year 5
This week in Maths, lessons were dedicated to drawing graphs and interpreting statistical data.
In English, the children were planning and writing a setting description based on our core text ‘Floodland’. They were practising use of the figurative language, expanded noun phrases and relative clauses.
In Art, Year 5 created mood boards based on the work of a South African artist - Esther Mahlangu. We were also experimenting with various printing techniques.
Year 6
Last week, our year 6 children had so much fun during our visit to Condover Hall. It was an incredible event filled with outdoor activities, teamwork, and personal growth.
A special thank you to parents for your support and trust in allowing your children to participate in this enriching experience. This trip has undoubtedly left a lasting impact on your children, equipping them with new skills, stronger friendships, and cherished memories.
We look forward to seeing you all during our year 6 production.
Key Dates
Monday 1st - 19th July - POWS The Change Race Event
Monday 1st July - Y2 Sports Day 9:15-10:15 - Y6 Sports Day 1:45-2:45
Tuesday 2nd July - Reception Sports Day 9:15-10:15 - Y1 Sports Day 1:45-2:45
Wednesday 3rd July - Y4 Sports Day 9:15-10:15 - Y5 Sports Day 1:45-2:45
Thursday 4th July - Y3 Sports Day 9:15-10:15 - Nursery/Nest Sports Day 1:45-2:45
Friday 5th July - Nursery/Nest Sports Day 9:15-10:15
Tuesday 9th July - Nursery Welcome Induction Meeting 9:30am
Thursday 11th July - Class of 24' Leavers Menu
Friday 12th July - SEND Parent-Led Coffee Morning
Monday 15th July - Nursery New Parents Meeting 4:30pm
Wednesday 24th July - Last Day of Summer Term
Thursday 25th July - School Closed for Summer
Monday 2nd - Wed 4th September - INSET Days, School Closed
Thursday 5th September - School Open
Sports Days Reminder to Parents and Guardians
During the week beginning 1st July 2024, our annual Sports Days will take place. This is the opportunity for the whole school to be active and embrace a physical challenge. Parents are encouraged to attend and support your child on the day, but please be reminded that photographs are only permitted to be taken of your child and must not be posted on social media. Children will be split into four teams for Sports Day. Each team will be allocated a colour of either red, blue, green or yellow. Teachers will inform children of which teams they will be in. Children can wear an item of clothing that represents their team colour. If they choose not to, a full school PE kit will be required.
Please ensure that children attend the event with the following:
● Full PE kit/ team colour t-shirt
● A named bottle of water
● Trainers/plimsolls (no flip-flops or crocs)
● Please apply sun cream in the morning
● Sun hat
● If your child is allergic to grass, please wear full tracksuit bottoms
The events will be held on the school field. Access to the events will be via the pedestrian gate at the front of the school on Morland Road. Please wait by the gate before the start time and we will unlock the gate when the children are ready to start. You will need to drop your children off and then go back out the gate to wait. When activities have finished, parents are asked kindly to wait while the children go back to class then exit the school gate. Due to health and safety, please can all parents and guardians stay in the designated areas and not approach children while activities are taking place.
PE & Clubs
Please note that this year, we are asking children to change in school. They should bring in their PE bags and keep them in school for the term and take them home at the end of the term.
Thank you for supporting us with this.
All children need elastic fronted plimsolls for indoor/outdoor PE which are best kept in a drawstring bag on their cloak peg. Children will need black/blue shorts and a white t-shirt in their PE bag to wear for PE lessons. Please bring a water bottle, which must be named.
Summer 2 Sports Clubs this term at Woodside Primary School
We are delighted to offer some after-school, lunchtime and breakfast sports clubs this half term as follows;
Places are limited for school-run clubs and parents can sign children up for school clubs by signing into Arbor online or using the Arbor App.
Sign up for school-run clubs will open on Thursday 6th June at 6pm. If you need support with using
Arbor, or need help to sign your child up, please contact the office who can do this for you. Children who attend clubs will need to bring a change of clothes suitable for their club (school PE kit is suitable) and a water bottle. Long hair should be tied back.
Children at breakfast club only will be expected to come to school in PE kit and change after the session.
Children should be dropped off and picked up promptly from the main school office - please ensure you note the end time for the club your child is attending.
If you would like your year 5 or 6 child to walk home alone after the session this must be in writing to the office before the session, when you have confirmation of your place.
After school Clubs 3:15 - 4:30
Tuesdays - Football Years 1 and 2
Wednesdays - Football Years 3 and 4
Thursdays - Football Years 5 and 6
Fridays - Multi sports
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Tel: 07462419194
You can now find any Whole School letters sent home
by email on our school website
Recent letters:
POWS Change Race Fundraiser
Disruption to Tram Services
Change of School Timings
Theme Menu
Sports Day
Summer 2 Clubs
Rainbow Raffle
School Sports Clubs
Please note, we have received this information from TfL regarding upcoming disruption to tram services;
I’m writing to let you know that Unite the Union members who maintain our trams and tram infrastructure are currently planning to strike from Sunday 30 June until Monday 8 July and Thursday 11 July until Monday 15 July, impacting London Trams services. Additionally, Planned engineering work on Saturday 6 July and Sunday 7 July will mean no London Trams services will operate east of East Croydon on those days.
Please check your email for further infomation
Polite Reminder
At the start and end of the day, please do not use any of the climbing equipment in the playground.
This equipment needs to be supervised by a member of staff due to our health and safety policy.
Thank you for you cooperation
Please note. When entering school property, you must dismount and walk with all wheeled modes of transport. This is to keep everyone on school property safe.
Thank you for your cooperation
Sunny Weather Advice
Please ensure your child has a named water bottle, a sunhat and sun cream applied in the morning as needed.
Children must not wear sunglasses due to health and safety unless the eye-wear is prescribed by an Optician/Doctor for medical reasons.
Many thanks for supporting with this
Belongings and Equipment
Please remember that children should not bring pencil cases, toys or other items to school - we cannot be held responsible if these items go missing or are damaged. Pencil cases are a distraction - we provide all necessary equipment for our students to use during lessons.
In line with our school policies, we ask that children do not wear smartwatches during school hours. This ensures a fair and uniform approach to the use of technology within the classroom setting.
To avoid confusion and loss of personal items, please ensure your child's name is clearly written on all of their clothing. This includes uniforms, PE kit, jackets or coats, and any other items they may bring to school. This simple step greatly aids in the quick and accurate return of lost belongings. Please regularly check that your child is returning home with their own property.
Thank you for your support with these requests.
Nursery Places
If your child will be 3 years old by 31st August, they can apply to join our Nursery in September. If you have already made an application, you should have received an email about your place in the past week - if you have not received this email, please talk to the office.
Will your child be 2 before
31st August 2024?
Are you a family entitled to some forms of Government support or who can claim the new
working families' 15 hour free childcare?
Make an application now for your child to join our Nest provision.
Will your child be 3 before 1st September 2024?
Please come to the school office to ask for an application form for a place in our warm and nurturing Nursery.
We are starting to use in-app messages to communicate with parents through the app - please could parents ensure they are able to log-in and Arbor is set up to accept these messages - they should be visible in the Communications section of the portal.
Parents who have the app should enable Push Notifications - this will alert you through the app that a message has arrived.
Over 90% of our parents have logged into Arbor - if you are having difficulty,
please talk to the office who can help.
Check your Child's Data
Please log in to Arbor and check your child's/children's details are correct - and let us know if not. You can also request changes directly through the app which will take place once we have seen them - if we have questions, we will get in touch. Or you can let the office know directly.
It is important we have the correct data for all our families.
Please remember to check Arbor - either the Parent Portal (at or the parent app (available from the App Store or Google Play).
Parents who log in can:
* see their child's attendance
* log consent for local trips and those further afield
* pay for trips and book and pay for clubs
* receive In-App messages - and message the school
* book parent consultations
* see their child's details and request changes to ensure they are completely up to date
If you have more than one child at the school, they should be visible via a drop-down so you only need to login once.
To set up your account, you need the email you use for school communications and the date of birth of one of your children. Follow the Forgotten Password link on either the app or the website.
If you need support with logging in, please talk to the office team who will be glad to help.
Birthday Celebrations
Happy Birthday!
Next week to:
Nova - Elm
Ace - Ash
Daniel - Apple
Liam - Pear
Chartwells are please to announce they will be offering a special
Class of 24' Leavers Menu
on Thursday 11th July.
Please Remember
We are a Nut Free School.
This includes nuts and foods containing nuts such as; boxes/tubs of chocolates, chocolate nut spreads and cereal/snack bars. We have children that have extreme nut allergies we would like to keep safe.
Thank you for your support with this.
Social Media Links
Collaboration matters Excellence in everything Community first Equity for everyone Continuous growth