Woodside Weekly

Kindness  Respect  Excellence  Collaboration

Friday 16th June 2023

Our whole school Attendance

this week is..


Our whole school target is 95%

“There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven't yet met.”– William Butler Yeats

Dear parents and carers

We hope you have all had a great week. 

Year 1 and some year 2 children have been completing their phonic checks this week. Well done to all the children and staff who have worked so hard. We would also like to say thank you to those parents who have been supporting the KS1 reading squad in school. If you would be interested in volunteering at school to hear children read please contact Ms Mapp. 

We have had our year group rounds for Woodside’s Got Talent today. We have seen a range of talents including singing, gymnastics, rapping, musical instrument playing, football and basketball skills to name but a few. The competition has been amazing with lots of talent on show. The judges have had a very difficult job choosing the children to go through to the Grand Final on Friday 7th July. 

We welcomed Mr Atwal, our new head teacher, to school today. He met with parents this morning in the community room. We will arrange another coffee morning before the end of term so if you were unable to meet with him today you will have another opportunity. 

In order to raise money for the year 6 end of year celebrations, they will be starting a tuck shop in the playground after school daily, please look out for the signs!

The weather is getting hotter so remember to send the children in with sun hats and water. Sunscreen should be applied first thing in the morning. The children are using the field at lunchtime so please make sure staff are aware if your child suffers from hayfever or any allergies to grass.

Woodside promotes healthy eating. We encourage children to make healthy choices in the food that they consume. Please support us in this by sending your child to school with a healthy packed lunch. Children should not bring sweets, chocolate or crisps to school. Please see the link below for ideas about what to put in a healthy packed lunch.

Have a lovely weekend

The Woodside Team


These are this week's attendance figures and leading class in each phase:

EYFS: Cherry Class 91.6%

KS1: 1 Ash 95.1%

KS2: 4 Ash and 4 Willow 94.5%


Copy of Inclusion 16/06

PE Updates

Sports Day

Dates and Times 

Year 1 - Monday 3rd July - AM 9:30-11:00 

Year 2 - Monday 3rd July - PM 1:45-3:00 

Nursery - (AM Session) Tuesday 4th July - AM (10:00-11:15)

Nursery - (PM Session) Tuesday 4th July - PM (1:45-3:00)

Year 5 - Wednesday 5th July - AM 9:30-11:00 

Year 6 - Wednesday 5th July - PM 1:45-3:00

Reception - Thursday 6th July - AM 9:30-11:00 

Year 4 - Thursday 6th July - PM 1:45-3:00 

Year 3 - Friday 7th July - AM 9:30-11:00

Please ensure that children attend the event with the following:

Please find below information below on Sports Attack. Within Woodside Primary school we offer the following after school clubs: -

Tuesdays 3:30-4:30 Years 1 + 2 Football 

Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 Years 3 + 4 Football

Thursday 3:30-4:30 Years 5 + 6 Football 

Friday 3:30-4:30 Years 1 to 6 Multi sports

Clubs are run by coach Dre, Nathan and Derek.

Classes can be found via the link below or contacting us on 07462419194



This week in Nursery, we have been learning about healthy eating and how to keep our teeth clean. We looked at the foods that cause tooth decay and the importance of brushing our teeth at least twice a day. We also looked at people who help us with looking after our teeth. We have been cleaning dirty marked teeth with toothbrushes and singing songs of how we do it. In Maths, we have been learning about  creating patterns using pattern cards and timing ourselves to see who completed a pattern first and correctly. Nursery children have also spent some time playing with water in the outdoor area as the weather has changed and they have splashed the water on themselves to keep cool.

Key Stage One

Year 1

This week in Year 1 the children have had their phonics check. They have all done well and should all be proud of themselves! Some children in Year 2 also took part.  In maths we have been looking at numbers to 100 and comparing them using the greater than, less than and same as symbols < > =. In English this week the children have reflected on their learning journey since starting Year 1. We have discussed their strengths, what they found challenging and what they are looking forward to improving when they go into Year 2.

Year 2

This week, Year 2 have continued reading the book ‘Gnomeo and Juliet’. They used descriptive words to describe the setting and the characters in the story. The children came up with lots of different vocabulary and explored new descriptive words, such as resilience. 

In Year 1 and 2 we have been looking at the religion ‘Sikhism’. The children have discussed important values of the religion. They have also discussed the importance of being truthful and how to be a good Samaritan. 

Lower Key Stage Two

Year 3

This week the children have been writing their very own play script based on the story 'Oliver Twist' by Charles Dickens. The children used drama along with a modern twist to bring the story to life.

In Maths, we have been focusing on fractions this week, finding fractions of objects and numbers. 

In Geography, this term the children have been learning about the features of a river. The children researched a number of rivers around the world and then presented their findings to each other. 

Year 4

Acute, Obtuse and Right angles have  been Year 4s focus in maths this week. The children have been actively engaging with what these shapes look like and what they measure. They have also learned how to compare and order them using mathematical vocabulary. Well done year 4!

Upper Key Stage Two

Year 5

This week, Year 5 have reflected on their learning journey, what they’ve learnt, what they’re proud of, their challenges and their next steps. They also identified language and sentence types within a setting description in Malawi, from the village where our text is set and thought about the effect that has on us, the reader.

In maths, we have been learning about metric conversions. The children used their multiplication and division knowledge to make the conversions and problem solve.

In history, the children made a historical timeline and used their prior learning to add time periods chronologically that we have learnt this year. They also created an Anglo-Saxon invader profile where they included their name, job, tribe and where they settled.

Year 6

This week, Year 6s debated on whether stealing was right or wrong. Half of the class took the stance that it’s right to steal, while the other half debated that it was wrong to steal.

These are some of their reasons:

Leon said, “I disagree with stealing because it could make local businesses lose hard earned money.”

Awab said, “Unlike Leon, I believe stealing can be right if you are a homeless person and you are desperate for medicine because you are ill; you could steal the medication, get better, get a job, get rich and pay back the pharmacist.”

Haifa said, “Stealing is wrong because it is unfair on those for their goods.”

Sonny, “I think stealing is right because you can make money and buy whatever you desire from stealing valuable and rare goods.”

This was indeed a heated debate with some very strong and controversial opinions.

Weekly Mental Maths Contest 

Our weekly competition winners are:

KS1 - 1 Ash

KS2 - 4 Ash

Well done for practising your mental maths skills

We wonder who the winners will be next week?

Key Dates 

Monday 19th June - 22nd June - DT Food Festival Week 

Monday 19th June - Mr Atwal visiting 

Friday 23rd June - INSET day school closed to children

Tuesday 27th June - Mr Atwal visiting 

Wednesday 28th June - Year 6 trip Chessington

Monday 3rd July - Friday 7th July - Sports Day Week

Friday 7th July - Woodside's Got Talent!

Friday 7th July - Reports to parents/carers

Monday 10th July - Mr Atwal visiting 

Friday 14th July - Year 6 trip Oxygen

Monday 17th of July - Mr Atwal visiting

Friday 21st July - Last day of term

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Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth