Woodside Weekly

Kindness  Respect  Excellence  Collaboration

Friday 23rd June 2023

Our whole school Attendance

this week is..


Our whole school target is 95%

A true friend accepts you just the way you are.”Ms Denman

Dear parents and carers

We hope you have had a great week. Woodside has been as busy as always. 

The children have been developing their Design and Technology skills during our festival of food week. Children have been tasting pizzas, making kebabs, fruit salads and scones. Chartwells, our school meals provider have also run healthy eating workshops which have focussed on ways to stop food waste. More information about what individual year groups have been learning is included below, with photos of some tasty meals.

We have been lucky to have teachers from Shirley High School at school this week. The teachers have taught demonstration lessons for year 5 so that they can get a feel for what secondary school lessons are like. The children have had PE, Music and Art lessons taught by specialist teachers. They will be teaching lessons to year 5 over the next few weeks.

Next week we are welcoming our new reception parents to Woodside. We have a meeting for these parents on Tuesday 27th June at 5pm

In the coming weeks children will be learning about relationships, sex and health education. There will be workshops for parents on Monday 26th June at 2.45pm for KS1 and Tuesday 27th June at 2.45pm for KS2. This will be an opportunity for parents to understand what their child/children will be learning about, view the resources and ask any questions. If you are unable to attend these sessions please contact the office and we can arrange for you to view the resources.

The staff had a very productive training day today. They worked with teachers from across the Inspire Partnership Croydon hub during the morning and took part in school based training and team building in the afternoon. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you all bright and early on Monday.

The Woodside Team


These are this week's attendance figures and leading class in each phase:

EYFS: Cherry 91.7%

KS1: 1 Ash and 2 Oak 95%

KS2: 4 Ash and 4 Willow 94.6%

It is essential your child is in school everyday.


We are absolutely delighted to share the fantastic news that we have successfully retained our IQM Centre of Excellence status! This achievement is a testament to the collective efforts and unwavering support of both our dedicated staff and our wonderful parents. Your commitment to providing an inclusive and exceptional learning environment for our students has been instrumental in this accomplishment. We extend our deepest appreciation and gratitude for your invaluable contributions, whether it be your tireless dedication in the classrooms or your continuous support at home. Together, we have demonstrated our commitment to excellence and creating a nurturing environment for all our students. Thank you for being an integral part of this great achievement.

Please read the article for more information: 

PE Updates

Sports Day

Dates and Times 

Year 1 - Monday 3rd July - AM 9:30-11:00 

Year 2 - Monday 3rd July - PM 1:45-3:00 

Nursery - (AM Session) Tuesday 4th July - AM (10:00-11:15)

Nursery - (PM Session) Tuesday 4th July - PM (1:45-3:00)

Year 5 - Wednesday 5th July - AM 9:30-11:00 

Year 6 - Wednesday 5th July - PM 1:45-3:00

Reception - Thursday 6th July - AM 9:30-11:00 

Year 4 - Thursday 6th July - PM 1:45-3:00 

Year 3 - Friday 7th July - AM 9:30-11:00

Please ensure that children attend the event with the following:

Please find below information below on Sports Attack. Within Woodside Primary school we offer the following after school clubs: -

Tuesdays 3:30-4:30 Years 1 + 2 Football 

Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 Years 3 + 4 Football

Thursday 3:30-4:30 Years 5 + 6 Football 

Friday 3:30-4:30 Years 1 to 6 Multi sports

Clubs are run by coach Dre, Nathan and Derek.

Classes can be found via the link below or contacting us on 07462419194



This week in Nursery we have been learning about fruits as we were going to make fruit salad. Nursery children listened to the story ‘Handa's Surprise’ and talked about the fruits in the story. Most of the fruits are known to the children. The fruit salad was going to be of fruits children do not usually eat all the time. We then chose the fruits we wanted in our fruit salad which were kiwis, pineapple and mango. Children took part in the preparation and enjoyed having the fruit salad. “It tastes delicious, yummy and sweet”, they said. In Maths, we continued learning about numbers. We were matching objects to numerals using tweezers. It was a good challenge to use the tweezer and we were tempted to use our hands.


In literacy, we have been reflecting about our year in Reception. Children have been talking and writing about what they have learnt, what they have enjoyed and what they are looking forward to as they transition to Year 1. At home, encourage your child to write sentences independently about their learning, using their phonetic knowledge. For example- ‘ I have learnt how to read books’.

In maths, children have been learning about repeating patterns. They have enjoyed identifying the rules for different patterns as well as creating their own patterns. At home, see if your child can identify repeating patterns in the environment or create their own with actions, different objects, or by drawing or painting.

In phonics, children have been reviewing and reading longer words ending in s/es. The tricky words we have been focusing on are- put, pull, full, push, here, little, says, like, my, by, some, come, love and do. Encourage your child to practice identifying and writing these words at home.

The children enjoyed a taster session with Chartwells, who are the catering company for the school. They talked to the children about healthy eating and read the story, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. They tasted a variety of fruit and vegetables and were able to make caterpillars and butterflies from the story , using fruits and vegetables.

Key Stage One

Year 1

In English year 1, focussed on writing a fact file on sea pollution. children discussed what recycling is? And what are the different ways to protect the ocean from getting litter.

In Maths, children were introduced to money. They discussed different coins, what they look like – shape, colour and size. Then, they investigated the value of each coin.

Year 2

In English this week, year 2 explored the features of an adventure narrative. They were introduced to the main characters and setting, then they used descriptive vocabulary to set the scene and describe the main character. They also explored how to create an atmosphere – funny, scary, exciting for their setting. 

In Maths Children Identified the value of the notes. They were asked certain questions like: How many pennies are in £1? How many pennies are in £5/£10? Which is bigger… £2 or £12?. Children counted the value of coins to make totals.

Lower Key Stage Two

Year 3

3 Willow have been participating in archery lessons this term. On Tuesday they got to move their skills indoors. The sessions are proving popular and the children have learnt how to shoot effectively and safely.

Year 4

Year 4 has delved deep into the History of Greece- as part of our curriculum topic. They have learned about how the Greeks contributed to their present way of life such as democracy, Olympics and of course food.

They have used skills acquired to write ingredients and instructions for their Greek kebabs. Once these were cooked, they enjoyed them, then wrote a reflection on the process. This was an amazing learning journey with an excellent and tasty final outcome. You did it year 4, well done!

Upper Key Stage Two

Year 5

This week, Year 5 took part in a healthy eating workshop where they learnt about wasting food and the impact it has on the environment, money and people. They discussed different food types that were most commonly wasted and ways to prevent wasting. Lastly, they created a healthy stir fry while discussing the ingredients and method, which they even got to taste!

During D&T this week, we’ve spent lots of time researching pizza. We found out interesting facts about pizza and how it is made. Looking at videos and a range of example recipes, they have written instructions on how to make pizzas including the ingredients and equipment. Year 5 also took part in pizza tasting and discussed and shared their preferences.

Year 6

Year 6 have been busy preparing for their end of year production -’The Greatest Show’. They have all worked really hard preparing their props and practising their lines and were very excited to be practising on the stage. We can't wait to share it with the whole school and our year 6 families.

This week, we have also continued to focus on Tennis during their PE sessions. They have really enjoyed using the new tennis equipment and practising returning the ball to their partners.

Weekly Mental Maths Contest 

Our weekly competition winners are:

KS1 - 2 Ash

KS2 - 4 Willow

Well done for practising your mental maths skills! 

We wonder who the winners will be next week?

Key Dates 

Monday 19th June - 26th June - DT Food Festival Week

Tuesday 27th June - Mr Atwal Visiting

Tuesday 27th June - New to Reception Parents Meeting 5pm

Wednesday 28th June - Year 6 Trip to Chessington

Monday 3rd July - Friday 7th July - Sports Day Week

Friday 7th July - Woodside's Got Talent!

Friday 7th July - Reports to Parents/Carers

Monday 10th July - Mr Atwal Visiting 

Friday 14th July - Year 6 Trip to Oxygen

Monday 17th of July - Mr Atwal Visiting

Tuesday 18th - 19th July - Year 4 Frylands Residential Visit

Friday 21st July - Last Day of Term

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