Woodside Weekly

Kindness  Respect  Excellence  Collaboration

Friday 17th November 2023

Our whole school Attendance

this week is..


Our whole school target is 96%

“The time is always right to do what is right” Martin Luther King, Jr

Dear Parents and Carers

I wanted to start this newsletter by addressing some news. It has come to our attention that apparently the “Grinch has stolen Christmas” at Woodside. I can reassure parents and carers this is not the case! We have sent out a letter detailing all the fantastic activities and events we have planned for the festive season. We have everything from a musical production, singing performances, festive jumper day, an end of term celebration and more! We encourage parents and carers that if they have concerns, to please speak to the school leadership team in the first instance.

I also wanted to remind all adults of their use of appropriate language on school grounds. Unfortunately, we have had some adults who have sworn or used inappropriate tone to school staff. We will always challenge parents and carers who do not show the Woodside values and we encourage all members of our community to showcase and model our values at all times.

This week, we’ve had bikeability where some Year 5 and Year 6 children practiced and refined their cycling skills. Across the school, children have been engaged in assessments where teachers are using this to find out the successes and any gaps children may have in their learning.

Don’t forget, next Friday (24th November) is INSET day which means school is closed on this day to all pupils. 

Have a great weekend everyone!

Iman Atwal



We expect pupils to maintain a high standard of attendance here at Woodside. We want all our pupils to be able to achieve their very best and in order to do this, they need to be in school as much as possible so they don't miss out on any learning. Everyday is a new learning opportunity!

These are this week's attendance figures and leading class in each phase:

EYFS: Apple Class 94.7%

KS1: Fir 96.1%

KS2: Sycamore 97.7%

It is essential your child is in school everyday.


These are very challenging times for everyone with the increase in the cost of living, but there is a lot of help available.

It's good to see so many of our school community accessing our Surplus Food Store which is also helping in the fight against food waste. However, we are aware that these are very challenging times for everyone with the increase in the cost of living, but there is a lot of help available.

Many food banks in London are part of the nationwide network overseen by the Trussell Trust. These food banks, which you can find in most London boroughs, operate via a referral system. A frontline professional from a local agency such as a children's centre, housing association, or your local Citizen's Advice Bureau will assess your situation and, if you're eligible, issue you with a voucher. You can then exchange this voucher at your nearest distribution centre for an emergency food parcel consisting of a minimum of three days' worth of nutritionally balanced, non-perishable food. Other food banks don't require referrals — anyone in need can simply turn up and receive free food.

Follow the link for further information;  Food

The London Grid for Learning have lots of information about how to keep your child safe online.

Use the link above to access their parent safe page.

Anti-Bullying Week

Staff and pupils at Woodside recognised 'Anti-Bullying Week' by wearing Odd Socks!!

This representation is to remind us that even though we are all different we are all unique and serve the same purpose.

Have a look at some of the variety of socks.

PE Updates

Please note that this year, we are asking children to change in school. They should bring in their PE bags and keep them in school for the term and take them home at the end of the term. Thank you for supporting us with this.

All children need elastic fronted plimsolls for indoor/outdoor PE which are best kept in a drawstring bag on their cloak peg. Children will need black/blue shorts and a white t-shirt in their PE bag to wear for PE lessons. 

Please find below information below on Sports Attack. Within Woodside Primary school we offer the following after school clubs: -

Tuesday 3:15 - 4:30 Years 1+2 Football

Wednesdays 3:15 - 4:30 Years 3+4 Football

Thursday 3:15 - 4:30 Years 5+6 Football 

Friday 3:15 - 4:30 Years 1-6 Multi sports

Clubs are run by coach Dre, Nathan and Derek.

Classes can be found via the link below or contacting us on 07462419194



Children have been very busy this week, they have been continuing to build their fine and gross motor skills. They have been using a variety of construction materials to build, but have been especially enjoying using the Popoids to build family members, counting legs and arms, this enhances the children’s problem-solving and mathematics skills and language, going on to talk about who or what they have built. They have also been enjoying exploring with musical instruments, choosing an instrument independently, shaking, banging or tapping to hear the sounds and singing nursery rhymes along with the sounds. Children have been also making marks in the sand tray and some were talking about what they drew or what patterns they had made.


In Nursery this week, we continued talking about families. We looked at pictures of families in our core text ‘We are Family’ and described their differences. We then used our own family pictures to talk about how many we were, where the pictures were taken and what we celebrate as a family. We also looked at different roles and responsibilities at home. It was interesting to see how many of our friends help with tidying up at home. We also made up our families using counting people. In Maths, we were looking at learning numbers using number blocks and cubes in the outdoor area.


We have had a very exciting week, full of fantastic learning, enjoying a shape walk in our outdoor area, making binoculars with recycled materials to look around and creating a volcano.

In Literacy: We continue to read through the story, ‘Here We Are’. We focused on our planet earth and recognised that, ‘Earth has land and sea’.

Home Learning: Talk about different landscapes and what they look like, for example, the park with lots of leaves and mud and the beach with sand and the sea.

Phonics: This week, children have learnt some new digraphs, ‘qu, ch, zz and the single sound z’. We looked at words which have these phonemes, for example, buzz, zip, queen and chip. We have also been working hard with our spelling and writing. Our tricky words were, ‘go, no, to, into’.

Home Learning: Make a list of words which have the phonemes, ‘qu, ch, zz and the single sound z’.

In Maths: We have enjoyed learning about shapes in lots of different ways; going on shape walks, using shapes to make pictures, print painting and form with playdough. We also had to find Teddy, using clues and positional language.

Home Learning: Play positional games, placing things; on, under, in, behind, between

REMINDERS: Please return any reading books your child has taken home. Our libraries are looking very empty. 

WE NEED YOU!! Can you come in to read with the children or support them on a school trip? Do you have time to come in and talk to the children about your occupation and the job you do? Please let our team know if you are available to support and help us in class.

Well done to all the children who are engaging in their learning and remembering the Woodside rules.

The Reception Team

Key Stage One

Year 1

In maths, we have been learning to work systematically to find all number bonds to 10. We used double-sided counters and saw the pattern formed when we worked systematically to find number bonds. We started with 10 counters all showing the same colour, we turned 1 over to show that 1 + 9 = 10, they turned another over for 2 + 8 = 10 and so on until they found all the number bonds in a systematic way.

In English, we are continuing with 'Little Red Riding Hood'. We wrote our introduction, using adjectives we generated to describe Little Red Riding Hood and the conjunction ‘who’ to add a clause to our sentence. We used our senses to describe the forest setting. We used a forest image to describe what we could see and heard forest sounds and someone walking through the forest to describe what we heard. We used our generated description and added alliteration and repetition to strengthen our sentences.

Year 2

In maths, we have been taking small steps to practise subtracting. At first we explored the various different words used to describe subtraction before looking at subtracting one digit numbers from each other using resources. We progress to look at how we can use our number fact family knowledge to subtract when crossing into the next 10. The children worked well building their reasoning skills independently to solve different style worded problems. 

In English, we began reading a new book called ‘The Dark’. First the children predicted what they thought the story would be about using clues from the front cover and the conjunction ‘because’ to extend their sentences. We then read the story and evaluated if our predictions were correct and why. We are building to write a setting description using our senses to describe the setting. Over the course of this week, Year 2 have read setting descriptions and decided what features they needed to include. We have also begun to use 3 of our 5 senses to describe what we can hear, touch and see based on pictures from the book and sound effects.

Lower Key Stage Two

Year 3

Assessment Week

This week the children have been completing assessments for reading, maths and GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling). The children have shown excellent focus, resilience and determination; challenging themselves to complete all questions. 


In music we continued with our learning to play the xylophone. This week we focused on a piece of blues music. They started off playing in rhythm using two notes and once they had managed to play in time, were each given the opportunity to improvise using both notes.


In Geography this week we have been identifying the key features of the River Nile and the River Thames through photographs. Children were then able to compare the different features each river has and find differences between them.

Year 4

Learning About Judaism Through Food

As part of their learning about the Jewish religion, our Year 4 pupils recently had the opportunity to try apple and honey, a traditional Jewish food. They learnt that apple and honey is often eaten on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, as a symbol of sweetness and prosperity.

Year 4s enjoyed tasting the apple and honey, and they were also interested in learning more about the symbolism behind the food. The activity was a great way for the pupils to learn about Jewish culture and traditions through a hands-on experience.

Learning to Sew in Design and Technology

Year 4s  are currently working on a Design and Technology project to create their own sewn items. They  have been learning about the different types of stitches and also learning about the importance of design and planning and choosing the right fabric for their projects. They are very excited to create their own sewn items, and are working hard to learn the necessary skills. The project is a great way for pupils to develop their creativity, problem-solving skills, and fine motor skills.

We are proud of our Year 4 students for their hard work and dedication to learning. We look forward to seeing the finished products of their sewing projects!

Upper Key Stage Two

Year 5

For this week’s learning, the children have continued their writing journey with the ‘Boy in the Tower’ and have been exploring what is needed to create a third person narrative. We have been using figurative language and show not tell to add more detail to our narratives.

Our maths journey has been focussing on fractions, we have been exploring how to find equivalent fractions using resources such as fraction walls. We have also explored the relationship between times table and fractions which has highlighted how important it is to know your time tables.

In Computing, the children have been identifying the shapes that are used to make vector drawings. They were able to explain that each element of a vector drawing is called an object. The children then created their own vector drawing by moving, resizing, rotating, and changing the colours of a selection of objects.

Year 6

This week, children worked very hard preparing for SATs and school life beyond Woodside. 

They showed resilience and determination while completing a past SATs paper in English, Math, Reading and Spag. 

We will continue to move them forward to ensure that they are ready for the next step in their school career.

Please continue to support them by ensuring that they are reading every day, doing their homework and also getting a full night’s sleep.


We hope to have lots of fun and together explore the world of learning.

Key Dates 

Tuesday 21st November 2023 - Y5 Gurdwara in Croydon Trip

Thursday 23rd November - Guru Nanak Ji Birthday Assembly

Friday 24th November - INSET Day, School Closed to Children

Wed 29th - Thurs 30th November - Parents Evenings from 3:30pm

Wed 29th - Thurs 30th November - Nest only from 1pm - 3pm

Mon 4th Dec and Thurs 7th Dec - Elm Class only from 3:30pm

Friday 1st December - Theatre Show 'The Wind in the Willows'

Thursday 7th December - Hanukkah Assembly

Thursday 14th December - Christmas Assembly

Thursday 21st December - Last Day of Term

Monday 8th January 2024 - INSET DAY, School Closed to Children

Tuesday 9th January  2024 - School Open

Parents Evenings Dates & Times

Please remember to sign up on Arbor or contact the office to book in your chosen time slot.

Wednesday 29th from 3.30pm and Thursday 30th from 3.30pm

Nest only - Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th from 1pm - 3pm

Elm Class only - Monday 4th December and Thursday 7th December from 3.30pm

Primary Admissions

Is your child 4 years old before 31st August 2024?

We warmly invite you to join our school community. Mr Atwal would be delighted to show any prospective parents around the school; please make sure you sign up to join us for a school tour and to meet the team. 

Existing Nursery children will also need to apply for a Reception place.

There are a number of dates on which you can visit - use this form

or call the office to let us know when you will visit.

If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 you are now able to apply for them to join Woodside for a Reception place in September 2024. Applications for Reception next year should be made via the Local Authority. Information about the application process can be found HERE


You can now find any letters sent home by email on our school website.

Recent letters:

Follow this link to the letters page and for more information 

The Festive Season is coming to Woodside......

Order of Events

Theatre Show

Friday 1st December - 'The Wind in the Willows'

Festive Jumper Day & Christmas Lunch

Wednesday 13th December 

Festive Singing Performances

Tuesday 19th December 9:30 - LKS2 (Y3 & Y4)

Tuesday 19th December 2:30 - UKS2 (Y5 & Y6)

Wednesday 20th December 9:30 - EYFS (Reception)

Wednesday 20th December 2:30 - KS1 (Y1 & Y2)

Festive Class Celebrations & Last Day of Term

Thursday 21st December - please bring in some healthy snacks

Please Remember

We are a Nut Free School.

This includes nuts and foods containing nuts such as; boxes/tubs of chocolates, chocolate nut spreads and cereal/snack bars. We have children that have extreme nut allergies we would like to keep safe.

Thank you for your support with this.

Consent for local trips

You will have spotted that you can now give your consent for your child to attend trips in the locality on Arbor. You will always be told if they are attending a trip locally.

If you have not yet given your consent, please do so by logging into Arbor and checking the Notices section. Here you will see an arrow that allows you to consent.

Chartwells are delighted to offer a new Autumn/Winter menu.

Please follow this link to see the menu

and more information 

Belongings and equipment

Please remember that children should not bring pencil cases, toys or other items to school - we cannot be held responsible if these items go missing or are damaged. Pencil cases are a distraction - we provide all necessary equipment for our students to use during lessons.

In line with our school policies, we ask that children do not wear smartwatches during school hours. This ensures a fair and uniform approach to the use of technology within the classroom setting. 

To avoid confusion and loss of personal items, please ensure your child's name is clearly written on all of their clothing. This includes uniforms, PE kit, jackets or coats, and any other items they may bring to school. This simple step greatly aids in the quick and accurate return of lost belongings. Please regularly check that your child is returning home with their own property.

Thank you for your support on these matters.

Birthday Celebrations

Happy Birthday next week to:

Cameron  -  Cedar

Eryk  -  Willow

Naila  -  Pear

Behlool  -  Cedar

Harper  -  Maple

Aiza  -  Willow

Kyra  -  Sycamore

Zoya  -  Willow

Raihan  -  Yew

Aizah  -  Apple

Social Media Links

Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth